Home > Three Things I Know Are True(31)

Three Things I Know Are True(31)
Author: Betty Culley

He puts down the glass and spoon,

sticks a candle in a chocolate cupcake,

and lights it.

I look around for Jonah.

He’s in his chair.

For the first time,

Snorkel Man is keeping him company

when he’s awake,

instead of just at night.

Johnny sees me notice this,

comes up next to me

with the cupcake,

and whispers,

He was struggling a bit

this morning.

I can take it off

if you want.

He’s doing better now.

I shake my head no.

I don’t mind having

Snorkel Man

at the party.

It’s Jonah’s party, too.

He can invite

whoever he wants.

Machines aren’t going to

spoil my birthday.

Jonah’s friends

are my friends.

I hold my breath,

make my wish,

and blow out the candle.

Everyone yells yay and claps,

like they’re sure

my wish will come true.




Piper is in the kitchen

holding an empty plate.

She points to the platter

of deviled eggs.

Do you know how long

those have been sitting out?

It’s two hours max

at room temperature

for cooked eggs.

Piper doesn’t say what happens

after the two hours,

and I don’t ask.

Under the kitchen light

the yellow in the eggs

looks like dried-up Play-Doh.

Too long, is my guess,

I say,

and take the deviled egg off my plate

and put it back on the platter.

Those look good,

I suggest,

pointing to the big bowl

of blue chips.

They do,

Piper agrees,

then comes closer

and whispers

in my ear,

but have you seen

how many people

reached into the bowl?

I hang my arm over Piper’s shoulders

and try to walk in her shoes

for a moment,

to feel what it’s like

to see germs everywhere.

Let’s go listen

to the music,

I say.

Hunter sits in a chair

next to Jonah

playing his fiddle.

Dr. Kate listens to the concert

and eats a cupcake.

The glass doors are open

between the kitchen

and the living room.

We haven’t had

this many people

or this much food here

since Dad died.

Look what I found!

Little Lima Bean shouts,

as she crawls out

from under Jonah’s bed.

She holds up a gold ring

with three small birthstones,

one for each daughter.

Phoebe pulls Little Lima Bean

and the ring

into her arms,

kissing Little Lima Bean

and the ring,

one after the other.




I relight the candle

in my cupcake

on the stove burner

and bring it over

to Jonah.

I give Snorkel Man

a little time-out.

As I start the song

for my brother,

everyone joins in.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Jo-nah

Happy birthday to you

I bring the lit cupcake

close to Jonah’s face

and mine,

so no one can tell

whether it’s my breath

or his

that blows it out.

Is it time for presents now?

Don’t you want to open

your presents?

Pretty Parsley asks.

Pretty Parsley and Little Lima Bean jump around

next to two piles of wrapped boxes

and gift bags

stacked on the counter.

Someone has separated them

into a pile for Jonah

and a pile for me.

Sweet Sunflower reaches up

to touch the bows and ribbons.

Her purple bandanna

hangs around her neck

and she makes a whistling sound

when she breathes.

Eeeeech Eeeeech Eeeeech

like the wind

blowing through our old windows

during a blizzard.

My gift for Jonah first,

I say,

and take the Thriftee Thrift Shop


out of my pocket.

Sorry I didn’t get to

wrap it, Jonah,

but it’s the thought

that counts,

I joke.

I thought you might want

to make your own music.

I hold the harmonica

to Jonah’s lips.

Breathe, Jonah,

breathe a big breath out.

Hum Hum

Jonah makes music,

and when he smiles

there’s no mistaking

his happiness.

Encore, Jonah,

I hold it to his mouth again.

Humm Humm

Hunter’s sisters applaud

and everyone claps with them.

When Johnny brings over

the first wrapped

present for Jonah,

he is asleep.

I slip the harmonica

into the front pocket

of Jonah’s shirt.

Good job, Music Man,

I tell him.



My Presents

This is from me and Sara.

She helped me pick it out,

Rainie says.

Rainie gives me a card

and a small package

the size of my hand,

covered in purple cloth

and tied with what looks like

bailing twine

but I’m guessing must be


or dried vines.

Underneath the cloth

is a white box,

the kind jewelry comes in.

Inside the box

is a stone

on a chain.

It is deep purple,

gray, and blue green,

depending on how I

turn it.

There are also flashes

of red and silver.

It reminds me of the river

at night

when the moon

shines on it.

It’s an iolite sunstone,

Rainie says.

Here, read the card.

I had forgotten

to open the card first,

the way Mom made

Jonah and me do

at our birthday parties

when we were little.

The card says:

“Dear Liv,

The iolite sunstone is a

‘stone of the heart,’ associated with courage,

great compassion, and bigheartedness.

I think this describes you perfectly.

Sara says it’s also thought of as a compass,

meant to guide you on spiritual journeys.

Always your best friend,


Mom was right

about opening the cards first.

I put the necklace on,

and when we hug,

Rainie’s stone of courage

and my stone of the heart


Mom’s present to me

is a new sheet set

for my bed.

The receipt is taped to it,

Mom points out,

in case you want to return it.

Why would I want to return it?

I say.

It’s perfect.

Piper and Justine

got me a gift certificate

to a hair salon in town,

and a bag of hair clips

and headbands.

Since you’re into

changing up your hair

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