Home > Clay (Lighthouse Security Investigations #7)(16)

Clay (Lighthouse Security Investigations #7)(16)
Author: Maryann Jordan

She reached down and wrapped her hand around his erection, sliding her fingers up and down, feeling him shudder. She was ready to drop to her knees when she was suddenly lifted and tossed backward on the bed. Bouncing on his mattress, her laughter caught in her throat as he crawled over her, kissing his way from her stomach up over her breasts to her mouth.

He shifted to the side and rolled on the condom before settling between her thighs. With his weight resting on his forearms and his fingers threaded through her hair, he plunged into her waiting sex. She wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his ass. As he groaned, she kissed him.

They thrust and parried, tasted and tangled, kissed and licked, and rolled back and forth, each vying for dominance as the crescendo threatened to drown out everything. She finally cried out again, her core clinging to him. She watched as he gritted his teeth and threw his head back, and the long growl he emitted sent shivers throughout her.

He crashed on top of her then quickly rolled to the side, pulling her with him so that she was now resting on top with his cock still buried deep inside. Her body rose and fell as he dragged air into his lungs, his chest heaving. Slowly, his spent cock slipped from her body, but she remained wrapped in his arms.

He finally opened his eyes, and his gaze roved over her. She knew her dark hair was wild, and she had no doubt her makeup was smeared over her face.

“You are so beautiful,” he said, his voice soft, almost reverent.

“I’m a mess. I think I was a lot more put together last time.”

A chuckle rumbled from his chest, and her whole body moved again.

“Whether you’re Christina or Tiny, you’re beautiful.”

She held his gaze and saw nothing but honesty in his eyes. “Thank you. I’ve never had… well, thank you.”

He rolled her to the side gently and mumbled, “I’ll be right back.”

She watched his taut ass as he walked to the bathroom to deal with the condom and propped her head on her hand as she lay on her side, smiling as he walked back to the bed. He crawled in and leaned against the pillows piled next to the headboard. She scooted upward, his arm wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her in tight. Her arm lay across his tight abs and she rested her head on his chest.

“Today was wonderful, Clay, and I have to confess that I love being here.”

His hand gently moved up and down her arm, his fingers trailing along her skin, tingles spreading from his touch. “You’re not the only one with a confession. You being here means everything to me as well. You mean a lot to me, babe. I feel things for you that I’ve never felt before.”

Smiling, she lifted her hand and cupped his stubbled jaw. “It’s the same for me.”

They continued to kiss as he slid down into bed. Rolling to one side, he turned off the lamp on the nightstand. Tucked into his embrace, they worshipped each other’s bodies again, only this time it felt more like making love.



Clay’s phone vibrated on the nightstand, and his eyes jerked open. Glancing down, he could see that Christina was still asleep. Shifting slightly, he grabbed his phone. “Yeah?”

“We’re needed.”

Recognizing Tate’s voice, he whisper-growled, “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.”

“Shit, man. I can tell just from your tone you’ve got her with you. Sorry, but this shouldn’t take too long.”


“Yeah. Thirty minutes.”

Disconnecting, he sighed heavily, scrubbing his hand over his face. Sliding from the bed, he headed to the bathroom, then quickly dressed in dark pants, a tight, long-sleeve dark shirt, and pulled on his socks. By now, Christina was sitting up in bed, looking adorable. Her hair was a tangled mess around her face, and she blinked in the faint light coming from the bathroom.

Holding the sheet around her, she asked, “Are you okay?”

Bending, he kissed her. “I’ve just been called out, but I want you to stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Is it your work? You get called out in the middle of the night?”

“Sometimes, babe, but we’ll talk about it later. Stay here, sleep, have breakfast, and I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

Swiping her hair back from her face, she said, “Clay, I’ve got orchestra practice tomorrow afternoon…” Looking at the clock, she amended, “Actually, later on this afternoon since it’s already tomorrow.”

“I’ll be back and can drive you into Portland.”

She nodded and yawned widely. “Okay, be safe doing… whatever it is you’re doing.” Cocking her head to the side, she asked, “It is safe, right? I mean, we’ve never really talked about your job in detail, but—”

“Sweetheart, I’ve got to go. I promise I’ll be safe and see you later. I’ll get you back to Portland in time for your practice.”

He kissed her soundly, watched her slide back underneath the covers, and then left quickly. Driving straight to the LSI headquarters, he pulled up next to Tate’s truck, seeing Cobb and Levi already there. Climbing down from his SUV, he asked, “What’s up?”

“Josh has been working on the historical data from Jerry’s computer. Both his work and personal laptops were clean, but he just intercepted a message from an unidentified source that said the shipment was in trouble. The only other things were coordinates that are north of here, just over the border. Mace said our FBI liaison wants to meet us at the border but then needs us to take it from there.”

Nodding, he hated that he wouldn’t be crawling back into bed with Christina, but the chance to have the morning with her at his house before driving her back to Portland would make it all worthwhile.

Over an hour later, they met with the FBI liaison, Mack. He immediately filled them in.

“Got a snafu with us and the International Drug Task Force in this area. The coordinates from the message are at a small outpost where we assume a drop-off was to occur. A small boat was found just over there, wrecked on rocks.” Mack pointed a short distance away and they could see the wreckage. “Our guess is the drugs came in and the Minotaurs were supposed to pick up the shipment. Wrecking the boat, they didn’t get the handoff completed. The Task Force stopped some gang members near the area, but they had nothing on them.”

“How did the drug shipment get this far?” Clay asked.

Mack grimaced and shook his head. “No idea. There are a fuck ton of boats in the area but no sighting of a drop-off. Although air surveillance indicates something out in the water, it’s in the area between the two countries and jurisdiction problems are cropping up. We called you in to see what you can find.”

It did not take them long to scramble over the rocks between Maine and Canada, and in the early light of dawn, they made it to the boat that had run aground, discovering it was empty.

“It looks like the whole boat was wiped down,” Levi grumbled, radioing back to Mack.

Having used color strips to test for drug residue, they could tell that the boat had held heroin. But with it cleaned out, there were few clues to go on.

“Is there anything to tie this definitively to Jerry?” Clay asked and Levi relayed his question to the agent.

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