Home > Clay (Lighthouse Security Investigations #7)(36)

Clay (Lighthouse Security Investigations #7)(36)
Author: Maryann Jordan

“I don’t even know what to say to all of that.”

“Julie was in the jungles of Mexico chaperoning some teenagers on a trip, including a senator’s daughter. When an earthquake hit and they couldn’t get back, Walker went down to rescue them to make sure they were safe from drug runners. The girls got out easily, but he and Julie had to spend some time down there.” Wiggling her eyebrows, Sara said, “That seems to be a theme with us. Although, with Tate and Nora, they’d been in a relationship many years ago. They broke up and were separated for almost a decade. When she was kidnapped by some meth-heads, Tate was right there to rescue her as well. And the last of the couples is Levi and Claire. She was being chased by embezzlers, and he managed to save her.”

Christina remained quiet, and Sara pulled her into a hug. “Christina, if you feel like you don’t fit in, you do. Believe me, you don’t have to be in dire straits, kidnapped, or a witness to a crime to be in a relationship with a Keeper. Personally, I think you and Clay are perfect.”

Leaning back, Christina held her gaze and saw nothing but honesty in the other woman’s eyes. Her lips curved, and she said, “Well, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m thrilled that Clay and I met over nothing more than a love of music.”

Smiling, Sara grabbed a platter, handed it to Christina while she carried another, and the two women walked back outside.

As soon as Clay’s gaze landed on her, he left the group he’d been conversing with and made his way directly to her. Setting the platter on the table, he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her in close, and kissed the top of her head. “You okay, sweetheart? If you’re tired or if this is too much, we can leave.”

She leaned back and smiled. “As much as I want to spend more time alone with you, I’m not ready to leave.” She lifted on her toes and kissed his jaw. “I really like your friends.” A little sigh slipped from her lips. “Actually, it’s really nice to see such a large group of people who work together and their significant others get along so well.”

He lifted a finger and rubbed it along her jawline, the touch comforting. “It sounds like there’s more behind that statement than what you’re saying.”

She blinked and gave her head a little shake. “Let’s enjoy your friends for now.” Settling on her heels, she led him over to the group he’d been talking with, noting how the others shifted to the side, easily welcoming them into their conversation. She had a camaraderie with the band but not like this. Often, the band was more like herding cats.

And as much as she respected her fellow orchestra members, other than Amy, she couldn’t say they were true friends. That thought was depressing, but she pushed it down. Today was for enjoyment, and she was determined to make the most of it.

Still full from lunch, that evening she drank a glass of milk while Clay fixed a sandwich for himself. He worried that she would be hungry, but she assured him that she couldn’t eat another bite. As they sat on the sofa, her thoughts drifted.

“Did you have a good time today?”

Glancing at his plate, she realized her mind had wandered while Clay finished his huge sandwich. Looking up at him, she saw worry in his eyes. Rushing to assure, she nodded emphatically. “I had a wonderful time today.”

“You just seem a little down.”

She shifted on the cushions so that her leg was tucked under her and she was facing him. He had placed his plate on the coffee table and settled into a position so that he was facing her as well. “Maybe a little melancholy seeing how wonderful all your friends are together, but that’s all.”

Their fingers linked, and he gently rubbed her knuckles. “Melancholy?”

“My life is so busy, so full. I enjoy being around people, and yet I don’t have a lot of people in my life that I could call true friends. Watching all of you today made me realize that I’m envious. Glad for you, but a little envious.”

“What about in the orchestra?”

She blew out a breath, puffing her cheeks as she thought of her response. “The musicians are wonderful, and I enjoy the hard work we put in to create a beautiful musical experience for others. It’s competitive, so while you have to work together, there’s also the feeling of making sure your musical skills are on par or better than the person next to you. Honestly? Other than Amy, I can’t say that I have any really good friends in the orchestra. Lots of friendly coworkers, but not true friends.”

They were quiet for a moment before he asked, “And the band?”

An indelicate snort slipped out, making her giggle. “I love the music that the five of us create. Jamie and Mike on the bagpipes are fabulous. Those are not easy instruments to play, and they’re phenomenal. But other than the band practices and gigs, we don’t hang out. Other than our music, I don’t think we have a lot in common. Dunk? He’s a big goof, but I’m afraid his personal problems would always get in the way of us being friends. Bandmates? Yes. A sometimes babysitter? Yes. Friends? Not so much.”

“And Steven?”

She sucked in her lips and thought for a moment. “That’s a little harder. I like Steven. He’s got a great voice, and he’s a good organizer. If it wasn’t for him, the group would completely fall apart. And he handles our money, so I have a lot of trust in him.” She felt Clay jerk ever so slightly, and her gaze shot from their intertwined hands to his face. Something flashed through his eyes, but she had no idea how to interpret it. And almost as soon as it came, it left. Maybe it was jealousy. Wanting to allay any concerns, she rushed, “I have no feelings for Steven other than just professional admiration. Like the others, I can’t even say that we’re true friends. While my experience with the band is a lot more fun than the orchestra, it still has its own share of headaches.”

“That sounds a little lonely,” he said, his hands still holding hers tightly.

His voice held concern, and the quip on her lips faded away. She nodded very slowly and admitted, “I’m surrounded by people, but unlike your group of friends today, I don’t have that kind of camaraderie.”

“And if the band goes national? International? Will you stay with them?”

His question seemed simple, and yet there was a heavy undercurrent flowing between them, an uncertainty if Clay was simply asking out of curiosity or if his reason had to do with them as a couple. Licking her lips, she decided she could only answer him from the heart, not worry about his reasons or reactions. “I know the idea of making it big has a certain appeal to someone in this business. To break away and have a name that’s recognizable. To have record deals and travel all around filling concert halls. But somewhere along that road, there’s a great risk of losing yourself.”

He cocked his head slightly to the side, and her lips curved at the corners. “My parents love being at the top of their field, but they also want to work in the environment of an orchestra, not a solo career. I derive great pleasure from creating beauty with my instrument. I don’t crave fame or recognition or a huge bank account. While I don’t mind some travel to perform, I don’t want to spend months on end simply going from one city to another. I know Steven is talking to an agent, but I have no idea if my goals will fit in with the others.” She hefted her shoulders in a little shrug and added, “If not, then I’ll leave the band.”

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