Home > Love Letters Lost (Suspenseful Seduction World)(15)

Love Letters Lost (Suspenseful Seduction World)(15)
Author: Miranda Lynn

I followed her back into the house, needing more caffeine to face what the day might bring next. She already had both mugs out and began to fill them. She added sugar to both and a splash of creamer to mine and a larger dose to hers. I smiled, realizing she had paid attention to how I took my coffee.

I sat at the table, noticing the manila envelope haphazardly tossed in the center. She joined me, setting my mug in front of me before sitting and cradling her own in her hands. She watched me as I blew on the hot liquid and took a sip.

“Perfection. Thank you, pet.” I grinned at her. She relaxed into her chair, her body reacting to my compliment before her brain registered my words.

“I’m not your pet.”

I ignored the bristling tone, watching her body language instead, satisfied that deep down, she enjoyed the endearment. I nodded my head to the envelope. “Did you read through everything last night?”

She dragged it toward her. “Just the letter Gran wrote to me. I couldn’t bring myself to read the rest.”

I raised an eyebrow in question, encouraging her to go on.

“They are some type of love letters. Lost, or so she thought. I don’t know who to or from, but they must mean something for her to leave them to me.” She opened the outer envelope, pulled out a folded letter and another smaller envelope stuffed full.

“May I?” I asked permission first instead of simply reaching for the letter. It was meant for her eyes, but I was curious as to why her gran would leave her a pile of old letters. She pushed it toward me, and I quickly read through her gran’s scrawling cursive. It was obvious that she loved Genevieve, and I think the letters she left were meant to show her that love is out there for everyone, but not all grasped it in time. Her gran didn’t want her to make the same mistakes she had made. “When do you plan to read them?” I asked as I refolded the letter and handed it back.

My phone rang then, and Brody’s name popped up, but I ignored it. I could call him later; currently, my focus needed to be on Genevieve.

“You can answer it if you want.”

“Nah, it’s just my brother, so he can wait. You didn’t answer my question.” My voice shifted to Dom mode.

“Maybe. I really don’t know what old love letters are supposed to do for me.” She stroked the envelope. I watched the emotions flow across her face; she was curious about what they said but scared to discover something about her gran she might not want to know.

“Your gran was a woman, too, remember that. She left these on the off chance she left this world before she could talk to you about it or share with you her experiences. She loved you and wanted the best for you in life and in love. What will it hurt to see what she thinks she lost?”

“What if I know who they’re from? I don’t know if I want to know who she had an affair with or who she really loved besides my gramps. He died when I was young, but I remember him, and they loved each other.”

“It’s possible to have more than one love in a lifetime. There is more than one type of love, as well. You won’t know until you read them.” I placed my hand over hers, rubbing my thumb across the back of her hand. “I’ll stay while you read them if you want.”

A loud banging on the front door interrupted her reply.

“What the hell?” She stood, her eyebrows drawn together in annoyance. “Sounds like they are trying to break the door in.”

My heartbeat ratcheted up a notch, and I quickly passed her on the way to open it. “Let me.” I yanked her behind me.

“Brian, I can open my own front door,” she huffed.

I ignored her, engaged the chain, though it was little protection against a pissed off Dom, and cracked open the door. A red-faced Jason peered back at me.

“Open the fucking door, Evans.”









“It’s Jason. Let him in.” I tried to move around Brian, but he wrapped his arm around my waist, lifting me effortlessly.

“No, Genevieve. He’s not in his right mind at the moment. Lettin’ him in is the last thing we should do.” Brian held the door, his muscles rippling beneath his T-shirt. “Jason, you need to go and cool off. Come back when you’ve calmed your ass down, and then we can talk about this.”

“Fuck you, Evans. I am not going to leave and give you anymore alone time with her. You can’t just waltz up in here like you own the town and take her from me.” Jason’s voice was edged with venom as he spoke. “She’s mine, and you know it. I am the only one who can bring her to heel, teach her her place, and collar her the way she needs to be.”

“Jason, this is not the time or place to discuss this.” Brian’s worried eyes met mine over his shoulder.

“What the hell is he spouting about?” I crossed my arms across my chest. “Putting me in my place, huh? Is that what you think you’re doing?” The longer this went on, the more pissed I became. “You can both leave as far as I’m concerned. No one is putting me ‘in my place.’” I air quoted.

Brian ignored me and continued holding the door as he spoke, “Jason, please. You know deep down that this isn’t the way. Go calm down. I am doin’ nothing except protecting’ her, and you know it. Ultimately, it’s her decision, not ours, and right now, you are freaking her the hell out. She doesn’t understand, and if you don’t fucking calm your ass down, she never will. Go and take a walk, then meet us for lunch at the diner so we can discuss things.”

I had no clue what the hell they were talking about. All I knew was they were talking about me as if I was a thing and not a person, and I was done. “You both need to go take a walk and leave me alone.” I raised my voice so that Jason heard me, too. “I am done being pushed around by two overly macho men who think they know what’s best for me.” I pushed Brian out of the way, knowing deep down the only reason I was able to move his massive body of muscle was because he let me. I unlocked the door, removed the chain, and opened it. “Now, both of you get the fuck out of my house and off my property.” I stood tall, anger and frustration making my skin vibrate as I waited.

“I’ll go on one condition.” Brian’s eyes were wary and concerned. “Meet us for lunch at the diner. Allow us to explain, and then you can decide whether you want us in your life or not.”

“If that’s what it takes to get you out, then fine, I’ll meet you, but it better be a hell of an explanation because you are both acting like spoiled children fighting over a toy.” I glared at each of them with a pointed finger. “Calm down and think about how you have treated me. I’ll meet you at noon.”

“If you need us, you have our numbers.” Brian grabbed his jacket, put on his boots, and walked out. “Come on, Jason.” He grabbed Jason’s arm.

“Don’t fucking touch me. This isn’t over, Evans.” Jason jerked out of Brian’s grasp and stomped down the steps.

“Lock all the doors and don’t let him in if he returns. Call me, or hell, call his deputies, but don’t let him in.” Brian’s voice was low as he spoke, his eyes on Jason as he stormed off. After Jason had gotten into his cruiser, Brian turned back to me. “Got it?”

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