Home > Click (White House Men #3)(46)

Click (White House Men #3)(46)
Author: Nora Phoenix

"So, now that we know this, what's the next step?"

"Investigating the organizations she has been linked to, Mr. President. That's our first priority now. We'll coordinate our approach with the broader intelligence community on Monday, but we've already set several plans into motion to dig deep into these groups. We’ve requested permission for wiretaps, and we’ll be actively recruiting sources, but in all likelihood, more undercover operations will be needed as well. Those organizations are hard to gain access to and notoriously suspicious of strangers, so we expect this to take a while. Unfortunately, we do not have active assets like CIs in these organizations right now."

"I understand that, and I fully respect the precautions you have to take to guarantee the safety of your agents as well. But on the other hand, I am worried they might have more plans."

"So are we, Mr. President. We're monitoring all the known players carefully and are on high alert for any chatter that would indicate a next attack, both domestic and international."

The meeting ended shortly after, and when Coulson had left, Calix stayed behind with Del and Milan. A deep frown marred Del's forehead. "I don't like the sound of this at all. How is it possible that a white nationalist organization is linked to a foreign terrorist group?"

"And worse, how on earth did the former first lady get involved with that?" Milan asked.

They looked at each other, none of them able to offer any answers. "Anyway, I'll let you go. Apparently, you have somewhere to be." Del shot a pointed look at Calix.

An image flashed through his mind. Rhett asleep in his bed, wearing just a pair of boxer shorts, his smooth, lean body on display. "I do," he said, unable to keep the smile from his face.

"What the hell?" Milan narrowed his brown eyes as he studied Calix. "I know that smile. That's the look of someone who's getting laid."

He hadn't told him about Rhett, but Milan had read it off his face anyway. Even if he had wanted to, he couldn't keep much a secret from these two. They simply knew him too well. "So what if I am?"

Milan burst out in thunderous laughter. "Good for you. Anyone who puts a smile like that on your face is a keeper."

A keeper? Calix's smile faded. Rhett wasn't a keeper. Calix wasn't ready for a relationship, and he suspected he never would be. He'd had his grand love, his other half, and he'd never find that again. Rhett deserved better than to always be second choice. No, their relationship wasn't permanent, but he sure as fuck would enjoy it as long as it lasted.






Rhett woke up sweating. Why on earth was he so hot? And what was that smell? Something musky, with traces of vanilla underneath. Where the hell was he? Not home. Not his bed.

He froze. He was at Calix's. Which meant the furnace behind him was…Calix, wrapped all around him. He was spooning Rhett from the back, his arm slung over his chest and his leg squished between Rhett's.

He vaguely remembered waking up when Calix had texted he was on his way back, but he'd been too sleepy to reply. And when Calix had crawled into bed, he was pretty sure he'd mumbled a greeting, but he'd gone right back to sleep. How the hell had he slept through with Calix hugging him like he was a stuffed animal?

He wasn't used to having someone in his bed—though he and Levar had shared a bed for months after the bombing because it had been the only way for either of them to get any sleep—so how had he not woken up when Calix had snuggled him? The man snored softly, which shouldn't be endearing and adorable but totally was.

He was in bed with another man. With Calix. Rhett's stomach fluttered. He'd never thought he'd find himself in this position, not this soon anyway. And god, yesterday had been amazing. Calix had been so sweet and sexy, and holy shit, the way he'd jerked them off together…

Rhett's cheeks heated at the memory. He had so picked the right guy for this. Or rather, the right guy had offered, and he'd said yes. Thank god for that. He couldn't imagine any other man would have been as patient and understanding as Calix.

Ever since Calix had told him about the differences between private Calix and professional Calix, Rhett had paid attention to it, and he'd seen what the man meant. Professional Calix was laser-focused, sharp, still friendly but goal-oriented. He wanted to get the job done, no matter what, and he had little patience for distractions.

Private Calix was so much softer and…sweeter wasn't the right word, but Rhett couldn't think of another way to describe him. He had taken such good care of him, had been so patient. And when Calix called him sweetheart? He got all squishy and mushy as if all Calix's kindness, compassion, and sexiness oozed into his soul. Private Calix was funnier too, with a dry wit that had Rhett in stitches at times.

He liked them both, they were the same man, but deep down, he felt special he knew the private side of Calix so much better than most people. Except for the president, of course. Had Calix really told him about the agreement he'd made with Rhett? Did the president know they were spending the weekend together?

It shouldn't matter, but it did. Rhett felt nervous about what the president thought of him. Too young for Calix, probably. Too innocent and naïve. Maybe too damaged, too messed up. The president had known Matthew, and while Rhett tried very hard not to compare himself to him, others would, and Rhett would be found wanting.

It wasn't a fair comparison. After all, he wasn't Calix's boyfriend. Not really, anyway, though he still wasn't entirely clear on the details of their arrangement. Calix had said he would introduce Rhett as his boyfriend, that they would be open about it, so maybe they were? But boyfriends with an expiration date, with the explicit understanding this wasn't permanent. Rhett could practice on him, learn to ride the bike, flap his wings, but that was it.

Calix stirred behind him. "What time is it?"

He sounded sleep drunk, and Rhett smiled. "Almost eight thirty."

"Mmm. Too early."

"Too early? Usually, you're already an hour into your workday, if not longer."

"Iz Sunday. Sleep-in day."

Ah, that made sense. "No early morning run for you, then?"

"Run, yes. Not early. Afternoon. Now, sshh…"

Calix pulled him close again, and Rhett laughed. "I'm wide awake, sorry. I can make us coffee?"

Calix groaned. "You're one of those annoying morning people, aren't you? The kind who is instantly awake as soon as the alarm goes off."

"Erm, sorry?"

"Just…gimme a few minutes, okay? I really like waking up like this, and…it's been a long time since I could hold someone in the morning."

Rhett wouldn't have protested anyway, but that last quiet remark sealed the deal. "I'll wait as long as you want me to."

Calix nuzzled his neck. "Mmm. Thank you. I may have to reward you later."

"R-reward?" It had sounded suggestive, or had Rhett misinterpreted that?

"You know what else I really like?"


Calix's hand smoothed over Rhett's bare stomach, dipping lower and lower until he cupped his half-hard cock. "Morning sex."

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