Home > Click (White House Men #3)(42)

Click (White House Men #3)(42)
Author: Nora Phoenix

It had been so long, but the words flowed out of him, the same words that had fired Matthew on. Dirty talk had always been Calix's thing, and apparently, nothing had changed. And oh, the way Rhett responded to those words, his cheeks reddening even more, his teeth digging into his bottom lip, his eyes so dark and so full of heat and trust.

Calix held back his own release, no matter how much his body was fighting him, and kept talking. All he had to do was look at Rhett, and the images played through his brain. "I could eat you alive… In fact, maybe I will later on. I bet you taste amazing. I want to touch you everywhere, sweetheart, explore every inch of your gorgeous body, kiss you, lick you, bite you… And fuck you. God, I want to fuck you. Bury myself inside you and show you heaven."

Rhett froze, his mouth dropping open in a little O, and then his cock jerked in Calix's hand, spraying its load all over him. His moan, a low, deep sound of pure pleasure, came from the back of his throat, and it was all Calix needed to send himself over the edge. He held their cocks together as he came, his balls emptying with such force he gasped and shuddered.

When he'd stopped shaking, their spent cocks were still half-hard, which boded well for the rest of the evening. "How was that?" he whispered against Rhett's lips. The man still looked dazed and out of it.

"That was… What scale do I use?"

Calix chuckled. "Any scale you want, though sucky to really good might be appropriate."


He was ridiculously pleased. "Yeah?"

"I'm… Yeah. That was… Yeah."

"No words, huh?"

"None that make sense right now. My brain is… I'm having a little trouble thinking."

"I say we're off to a great start, then."

Rhett nodded eagerly, and it was the sweetest thing.

Calix let go of their cocks and took a careful step back, then raised his hand and looked at the rapidly drying cum on it. "How about a shower?"


"Too fast?"

"N-no… I don't think so." Rhett squared his shoulders as if he filled himself with mental fortitude. "No, not too fast. A shower sounds good."

"Sweetheart, no pressure, remember? We can take this as slow as you want or need."

"I know. But I want this. I'm scared, but I really want this."

Calix leaned in for a quick kiss on Rhett's warm and swollen lips. "Okay."






A shower. It had sounded doable a minute ago, but as Rhett followed Calix into his bedroom, the nerves returned in full force. A shower meant getting naked. In front of Calix.

It was one of those things he'd known in theory—sex kind of implied being naked—but that wasn't so easy to navigate in reality. How did one undress in someone else's company? Did he do it quickly? Slowly? Should he say something about Calix's body?

The man had complimented him in such a perfect, dirty way his ears had burned, and his body had responded to every word. He could never pull that off. If he even tried to say something sexy, he'd trip over his own words, if not his own feet, and the whole thing would end in a painful disaster, literally and figuratively. Nope, not a good idea.

But he could try to keep it simple? Just one line about something he liked about Calix. His mouth, for example, which had kissed him until he'd barely remembered his own name. His tongue, so slick and hot and seductive. He had no point of reference, but if Calix invading his mouth with his tongue already felt that good, how much better would it be when he invaded him with something else?

Because that bit of unclarity had been solved as well and in the sexiest way when Calix had told him what he wanted to do to him. Eat him. Lick him. Kiss him. Bite him. Fuck him. And after what had just happened, he was so down with all that. But first that shower.

He looked up from the floor and found Calix waiting for him patiently, already buck naked. His chest was sprinkled with dark hairs interspersed with gray ones, which tapered down to his… Rhett licked his lips. His cock, which hung heavy and tantalizing.

"I'm sorry," Rhett said. "I got lost in thoughts."

"Take your time. I can understand you need to process."

"Yeah, but…" He gestured vaguely. Why were words zo hard? "My timing could have been better."

"We have all the time in the world… Though if you need a few more minutes, I'm gonna wash my hands, clean up, and crawl into bed because I'm getting cold."

"No, I'm ready." He pushed down all thoughts and whipped his shirt over his head, then dropped his pants and underwear and pulled off his socks before he could worry any longer. "There, done."

Calix looked amused. "Were you looking to break the world record undressing?"

Rhett looked sheepishly. "Was I supposed to do it slowly?"

"Sweetheart, you're not supposed to do anything. No rules, no expectations. Just talk to me. That's all I'm asking. Tell me where your head is at, what you need."

Rhett shivered, goose bumps popping up on his bare skin from the draft. "Right now, that hot shower sounds really good 'cause I'm freezing."

"Come on, then. You'll love my shower. It's hot in five seconds and has the most amazing rain showerhead."

Rhett followed him into the bathroom, taking the opportunity to study Calix's body. He had a classic runner's build, his frame lean and tight, though his arms and chest were more developed than Rhett had expected. Maybe because of those obstacle races he ran?

But god, his ass was…hot. Rhett had little to compare it to apart from porn, but it looked tantalizing, inviting him to lick. Kiss. Bite, maybe? Which sounded similar to what Calix had said he wanted to do to Rhett, so that was a common reaction. Even though Rhett didn't think his own ass quite that spectacular.

"If you're done ogling my ass, feel free to join me."

Rhett wanted to facepalm himself for getting caught, but he forced himself to stay cool. "It's a very nice ass. Definitely worth ogling."

Calix laughed. "Look at you, flirting like a pro. Great comeback."

He held out his hand, and Rhett took it, his stomach fluttering with the intimacy of that gesture. He stepped into the half-enclosed space divided by pristine-looking glass panels. Calix maneuvered him under the shower, and Rhett moaned loudly as the water hit him. "God, that's amazing."

"Told you. It's a high-pressure showerhead. The previous owner installed it, and it's the best thing ever."

Rhett closed his eyes and let the water warm his chilled body. A hand touched his shoulder, and he froze for a moment, his eyes flying open.

"Sshh, it's just me." Calix's voice was warm.


"Just relax, sweetheart."

Right. Relax. When he was in the shower with a naked man, the first guy he'd ever seen without clothes other than Levar, who didn't count. "Not sure I can manage that."

"Maybe I'll just have to find a way to distract you, then."

Calix wiggled his eyebrows, and Rhett laughed. Private Calix was so much fun, so sweet and sexy and just…perfect. "Maybe you should."

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