Home > Lyrics on the Wind (Lost Kings MC, #17)(99)

Lyrics on the Wind (Lost Kings MC, #17)(99)
Author: Autumn Jones Lake

She hesitates and there’s a soft sob on the other end.

“Fuck, Lynn.” I swallow hard, trying to control my fury. “He’s certifiably nuts.”

“Let me finish.” She blows out a breath. “‘Please speak with your daughter as soon as possible, so that these false charges against me can be dropped and that I may be reunited with my little rabbit as soon as possible. Sincerely, Martin Suggs.’”

“Can you send me a photo of the letter and the envelope? And I know you’ve already opened it—”

“Once I realized who it was from, I tried to be careful and not touch it too much.”

“Good. Put it in a plastic bag. Jackson will probably want it. He’ll probably want to talk to you too.”

“That’s fine. This guy…he’s twisted. Just tell me my baby girl is okay.”

“She’s fine, Lynn. I’m literally standing outside the RV. No one’s getting near her.”

“Please, don’t tell her about this. She has a show tonight. And the awards coming up. She doesn’t need this.”

“I can’t make any promises, Lynn.” I don’t want to stress Shelby out either, but I also don’t want to lie to her.

“Have her call me, please? I need to hear her voice.”

“Sure. I’ll have her call as soon as she wakes up.”

We talk for a few more minutes. When we disconnect our call, I move closer to the RV, listening for any sounds Shelby’s awake.


Moving slowly, I creep inside and go straight to the hidden panel over the dinette. I pull out one of the burner phones inside. It seems to have enough juice for a short phone call.

Enough is enough. It’s time to end this. Do what I should’ve done when I found that piece of shit. He’s not going to continue terrorizing Shelby and her mom for years to come.

For this phone call, I enclose myself in the cab of the truck.

Ice answers on the third ring.



Chapter Fifty-Six






Still mildly embarrassed about last night, I can’t quite meet Jigsaw’s eyes as I hand him a cup of coffee.

He unleashes one hell of an exaggerated yawn before taking a sip. “Thank you, songbird.” His eyes glitter with amusement as he peers at me over the rim of his mug. “I’m exhausted. I had such a hard time sleeping last night.”

Another big yawn, this time he adds a long, slow stretch, his fingers touching the ceiling and shirt lifting.

“Har, har.” I boost myself up on the counter and sip my own coffee.

His playful smile falters. “I’m sorry you were a bystander in the teasing. Really, I just like fuckin’ with Rooster.” He pats his chest. “It’s like breathing. I’m not really aware I’m doing it.”

I blink and meet his semi-serious stare. I haven’t gotten the impression Jigsaw apologizes often. So I’m touched to a certain extent. But do we really need to discuss this? “I’ve noticed.”

“If it makes you feel better, I didn’t hear anything until—”

I hold up one hand, cutting him off. “Please. Don’t. Can we pretend nothing happened?”

His lips twist in and out of a smirk. “Sure.”

After a few quiet sips, he sets his mug on the counter with a thunk. “You make him happy, you know?” He waves his hand between us. “Besides the obvious, I mean.”

Heat creeps over my cheeks. I’m never going to live last night down am I? Then my embarrassment clears, and his words sink in. “You two are close.”

“I’ve always got my brother’s back.” He tilts his head. “That means I’ve got yours too.”

What he confessed about Suggs comes back to me. In many ways, their loyalty to each other seems to rise above their ties to the club. “How long have you two known each other?”

He scrunches his face and lifts his gaze to the ceiling, as if it’s hard to dig so far back into his memory. “Shit, forever? Feels that way.”

“Did you know his parents?” I’ve never asked Rooster for more information about his family and I’m suddenly feelin’ all kinds of guilty about that.

“For a while,” he answers carefully.

I’m not sure how to take that answer. “Rooster said they passed away? How old was he?”

Jigsaw backs up a step. “That’s really not a thread you should be tugging at behind Rooster’s back.”

Behind Rooster’s back? He makes it sound so underhanded. “I was just wondering.”

“If and when he wants to tell you the story, he will.”

“Okay. Sorry.” My cheeks heat with shame. It was stupid to ask Jigsaw instead of Rooster. I sure am a selfish girlfriend. Always spilling my troubles to Rooster but never asking him about his past pain. Take, take, take, and never giving.

“Don’t apologize.” His fists clench at his sides. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“No, you’re right.”

A few more tense seconds of silence pass between us.

“He really loves you, Shelby. I’ve never seen him like this over anyone.” He waves his hand around, indicating the RV.

My cheeks warm even more and I look away. “I love him too.” Shoot, does Jiggy think I’m taking advantage of Rooster? “I didn’t ask him to do this, you know. I want to pay him back. If I ever can.”

“He ain’t taking money from you. Anyway, I’m not talking about money.” He waves that concern away. “I mean everything. Just…no matter what happens, don’t forget that.”

No matter what happens? What does that even mean? “Wait, do you think I’m going to get famous and drop him for someone else?”

The puzzled expression he gives me kinda stings. Maybe that sounded haughty of me.

“I don’t think you’re that type of girl, Shelby.”

The door swings open and Rooster steps inside, ending our conversation. His gaze slides over Jigsaw, then me. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Jigsaw takes his mug and retreats to the dinette table.

“Morning.” Rooster runs his hand up my thigh and leans in to kiss my forehead. “He behaving?” he whispers in my ear.


“I’ve been a perfect gentleman,” Jigsaw says.

Rooster growls at him over his shoulder.

“Gentleman is probably stretching the truth.” I wink at Jigsaw. “But we’re good. Where’ve you been?”

“Taking care of some issues.” He picks up my coffee and sips it slowly. His face screws into a scowl. “You don’t use sugar, do you?”

“I’m sweet enough.” I take my cup out of his hands.

“That’s true.”

I slide off the counter and pour coffee into the big rooster mug I found for him on our last shopping trip and hand it over.

“Aww, you two are domestic bliss.” Jigsaw lets out a dramatic sigh. “You warm my dark and blackened soul.”

“Don’t start with me today,” Rooster warns.

“Why you still pissed? You got to bust a nut, didn’t ya?”

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