Home > Bloody Union (Made #1)(33)

Bloody Union (Made #1)(33)
Author: Brooke Summers

“Whoa, what the fuck?” Danny grouses.

“Danny boy, stay out of this. This doesn’t concern you,” Henry says with a bite to his tone.

“The hell it doesn’t, that’s my fucking sister.” Danny’s glaring at Romero. “She’s not being given to that arsehole.”

Henry sighs, “You had no problem when it was Makenna that was forced into a marriage. Besides, I, unlike you, have spoken to Holly and she’s agreed to the union. You don’t have a say in what’s happening. You have your own marriage to worry about.”

Danny’s eyes flash with anger, “My…”

“Leave it alone, Dan,” Makenna tells him, not even looking at him, her gaze on her laptop. “I’ve spoken to Holly, she’s fine.”

The fight leaves him and he nods. “Okay, fine, what are we going to do about that Italian arsehole?”

My teeth clench at his words. “Watch it.”

He smirks, “Dante, I no longer class you as Italian, you’re family.”

“Enough,” Henry growls. “Seamus, do you have a fucking problem having your son and his family here?”

Seamus sighs as he glances at his sons.

“No he doesn’t. This is bullshit.” Kenna’s pissed off tone cuts through the tension in the room. “I am not going to divide my time between my family. I have done it enough and it has to stop. Next week it’s a meeting of the family. Every Boss, Underboss, and made man will be in attendance. That means we’re all going to be there. The last thing we need is for our men to think there’s a fraction in the family.” She lifts her head and glares at her brothers then toward her father. “You have a problem with Denis or any of his kids, get the fuck over it. You are not the injured party here. If you treat my nieces and nephews with anything but respect, we’re going to have a problem.”

Danny grins, “Aww, I feel the love.”

“Shut it,” Makenna clips but there’s a smile on her face. “Okay, Granda, call Denis and tell him to come over. Holly can work in the other dining room and we’ll figure out a plan to get rid of Matteo Bianchi once and for all.”

My pride for my wife rises; she’s fucking magnificent. She always has a level head and manages to not let emotions sway her. Anyone else, they’d have tried to kill my father long before now. But not Kenna. No, she’s biding her time, making sure that when she does strike, he’s going down and not coming back up.









“Why is it that both of his children are fucking Bosses and we’re not even Underbosses?” Patrick growls looking pissed off. He crosses his arms over his chest as he glares at Granda.

“Seriously?” I sigh, I’m sick of the childish bullshit.

Patrick shrugs, “Yeah, seriously, Kenna. This is what we’ve worked hard for, every fucking day of our lives and we’re still just grunts, yet you and them are Bosses!”

“Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, it has to do with your father not me?” Granda tells him and I see the anger flash through his eyes.

“You?” He accuses, “Why?”

Da glares at him. “Are you fucking questioning me? None of you have shown anything that proves that you should be moved up the ranks.”

I sigh, nothing good comes from conversations like this. This is something that I want nothing to do with. I believe that all of my brother’s should have been made Underbosses already, maybe even Bosses but they haven’t been close enough to know how things work. They don’t have the confidence of our men.

“Don’t you see? When the men find out that Makenna is a fucking Boss they’re going to think we’re chumps,” Cian sighs. I clench my teeth. I didn’t think Cian would have a problem with who or what I am.

“The men already know. The only people that didn’t were your father and you,” Granda tells them with a smile. I notice the pissed off looks on all my brothers faces.

Great, just what I need, them to be even more pissed off.

Cian grunts. “Great, just fucking great. Good ol’ princess. Gets whatever the fuck she wants.”

My heart pounds against my chest at his words. Hurt, unlike anything I’ve felt before hits me.

“Cian…” Da growls in warning.

“No, Da, fuck that. He’s right. Whatever she wants she gets,” Patrick replies glaring at me.

I get to my feet, anger and hurt running through my veins. “I get whatever I want?” My voice is thick with anger. “I was the one that was left here while our mother fucked Matteo. I was the one that was beaten by him and then had no energy in my body left to fight as she slit my throat. No one was here to help me.”

Everyone in the room has gone deathly quiet, Da and Finn’s faces are slack and pale. Patrick and Cian are looking at me as though they’ve never seen me before. I don’t care, I have loved my family, would do anything for them and this is how I’m treated.

“Then I was sent away.” I let out a bitter laugh. “You got to live here and live your life to the fullest, never having to worry about when that fucking bitch would strike again.” My mouth feels dry as I say the words, I’ve never admitted to anyone just how scared I was that my mom would try to do it again.

“Kenna…” Da says, his voice tortured.

I ignore him and carry on. “No one was ever here for me. I have always been alone. Always. When I was six and broke my arm when I fell off my bike, not one of you arseholes tried to help me. Instead you laughed and ran off. No one was there when I broke my hand while Killian trained me. No one was there when Granda told me that I was going to be Boss and the men went crazy. No one has ever given a shit. So tell me, arseholes, why should I give a fuck about what you want? Hmm? After all, I get whatever the hell I want. The only fucking thing I ever wanted when I was younger was a family that gave a fuck. Yet, here I am.”

I turn to Granda and he’s looking at me with a smile on his face and pride in his eyes. “I need a drink. When Denis gets here, I’ll be fine.”

“Kenna, don’t go just yet. I want to talk to you,” Da says and I glance at him, he’s got tears in his eyes. “I’m so fucking sorry, I failed you.”

I don’t reply, I’ve no idea what to even say. Yes, he failed me. Da loves me, that I’m sure of, but I also know that my brothers have always come first.

“I never realized you felt that way, you should have told me.”

I scoff, “When, Da? When did I have time? When I came out of the hospital? Oh, yeah, you had me sent off to Killian. By the time I came home I was able to stand on my own two feet and didn’t need your help.” I’m being bitchy right now and I can’t help it. Everything I’ve felt and bottled up is spilling out of me.

I need Dante.

If someone had told me weeks ago that I’d need someone in my life I’d have laughed in their face, but right now, I need my husband.

“Makenna, fuck,” Finn growls. “I don’t give a shit if you’re the Boss. Hell, I’d fucking stand beside you and happily do so. I’d protect you until my dying breath. I hated that you were sent away. I fucking demanded you to be here with us where we could protect you. I held you in my arms, held your throat as you bled out.” He slams his hand down on Da’s desk. “Don’t fucking tell me that I don’t care. I fucking do and I always have.” His face is bright red and his chest is heaving. I’ve never seen him look so devastated before. “I’d do anything in my power to protect you, Kenna. Everything you’ve just spewed is bullshit.”

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