Home > Bloody Union (Made #1)(41)

Bloody Union (Made #1)(41)
Author: Brooke Summers

I narrow my eyes, “You have a fucking rat in the Famiglia?”

She doesn’t deny it, “Dante, when the hell were you going to tell me? Hmm? When your father made his first attempt? Dante, that man has tried to kill me twice already. The next time he may get lucky.”

“He’s not going to fucking kill you, nor is he going to kill me. We’re going to make sure that he dies before he even gets a chance.”

She doesn’t answer me, instead, she reaches for her laptop and sits on the sofa. She types away on the fucking thing and I’m about ready to pull my damn hair out. How the hell can she make me so fucking mad without saying a word?

“Romero, when you and Holly get married would you prefer your own house or would you like to stay in the new house with us?” she asks him, not once looking up from her laptop.

He glances at me and I shrug, it’s up to him to make the decision. It’s a two and a half hour drive from New York to Connecticut so he could stay with us and commute whenever he needs to go there. A lot of Underbosses live in New York, but rule over a different state.

“Have you spoken to Holly?” he asks her and finally she raises her head and the look she gives him would make a lesser man cry. “What?” he asks irritably.

“Why don’t you ask her? She’s going to be your wife,” she snaps and seems as though we’re all going to be dealing with my pissed off wife today.

“I don’t have her number,” Romero confesses quietly.

Makenna reaches for her phone and after a few seconds, Romero’s cell beeps. “There, now you have it. Ask her where she’d prefer to live. Alone with you, or with your arsehole brothers?”

“Babe?” I sigh when she glares at me. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?”

She scrunches her nose up as though I’m amusing her. “Are you really that thick?” Her Irish accent is getting thicker with each word. “You didn’t tell me because you didn’t want me to worry.”

I can’t deny it, she’s right.

“If I were a man would you have told me?” She gives me a pointed look. She’s right, if she were a man I would have told her, but she’s not and as she told me herself, my father has tried to kill her twice already.

“So while I was out with Kinsley looking at fucking houses for us, you were being irrational and showed your father that I’m more than a wife in name and effectively pissed him off. That maniac wants me dead and you’ve given him even more ammunition to do so.”


She cuts me off with a glare. “Did it ever occur to you to let me know so that I’d be more vigilant? That maybe, just maybe, your sadistic father would get to you by hurting me because you love me?”

Her words hit me just as she intended them to.

“I see you’re finally fucking thinking. Dante, the next time you keep something from me, I’ll cut your balls off and feed them to you,” she warns me then turns her attention back to Romero. “What did Holly say?”

He grins and it seems like my brother is a little lighter about the whole situation. “She’s got a fucking temper.”

Makenna rolls her eyes. “She’s a redhead and she’s fucking Irish. What did you expect?”

His grin grows wider, “She would prefer to live with you for a while. Just until she gets to know me.”

Makenna nods, “What she means is that if you hurt her in any way, I’ll be close by to kill you.” She types away on her laptop, “I’ve put a bid in on a house. I’m hoping it’ll be ready by the time you and Holly are married.”

“Already?” I question, wondering how the hell she manages to do so much in less than a day.

She blinks, “Yes, already. I hate fucking sitting around twiddling my thumbs. So while you were off killing the arsehole that called me a whore, I was looking for a home for us. Now do you have any other questions?”

“Yeah,” I say and she raises an eyebrow. God, she’s so fucking hot when she’s pissed. “Did you get the Potassium?”

She puts her laptop onto the table in front of her and I watch as she takes a couple of breaths. “Of course.” She sounds insulted that I’d even ask her that. “Everything is set in motion, Dante, all you have to do is inject the bastard.”

I walk over to her and lift her off the sofa and into my arms. She holds onto my shoulders to steady herself. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” I whisper as I walk us out of the sitting room and the fight leaves her body. “I’m going to fuck up, my instincts tell me to protect you at all costs and sometimes I’m going to act before I can think.”

“Do it again, Dante, and I’ll kill you in your sleep.”

I grin as I enter our room. “I’ll try not to.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

I grin, “Oh, baby, makeup sex with you is going to be fucking hot.”

She huffs, “Of course it is.”

I throw her onto the bed and she giggles. “Let’s see just how hot.”

Her eyes fill with lust as she watches me strip out of my pants. “Oh, Dante, we should have fucked while we were arguing. I’d say that would be off the charts.”

I fucking love this woman.

“Next time, baby,” I promise her and I’m rewarded by her soft smile.

God, what did I do in a past life to deserve her?









We’re having a breakfast meeting with Seamus; he wanted to talk to Makenna and I and see what plans we had. At first Makenna was sceptical, but he wants them to work closely together seeing as they both only want what’s best for the Clann. She agrees with him and so do I. As much as her father would like to think that she’d go to him with any problems or ideas that we have, he’s not the one she’s gonna go to. She told me that she never did before and she won’t now. It’s what I’m here for, we’re a team and we work everything out together.

So far everything he’s said has made sense, and I can tell that Makenna is very impressed. He has deals in the works to open new businesses, plus the deals with the Triad on weapons. From what I’ve gathered the Gallagher’s and the Triad go way back, their relationships have been kept quiet and it serves them both well. But when push comes to shove, I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them and neither does Makenna or her father.

“The shipment will be in on Monday,” he tells us and I know that he’s talking about the drugs. Last week, Makenna told him her concerns about the drugs going missing and we’ve set up a fucking sting to see if it’ll go missing again.

She nods and my jaw tightens, the thought of there being traitors among the men pisses me off. “Good, I want to make sure that the Underbosses know when and where.”

Seamus grins, “They will. Don’t worry, everything is in place.”

“Boss…” Finn says quietly, pulling our attention away from Seamus. I turn to Finn and see his stony expression. He’s got a good poker face, that’s for sure but when he glances at Romero I realize that they’re both pissed off.

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