Home > Wrong Side of Wright(23)

Wrong Side of Wright(23)
Author: Sade Rena

I snatch the burner phone Justin gave us from my back pocket and dial her number, only to have the call go unanswered. I dial it again, with no luck before stabbing the end button and ringing Justin.

“Yo,” JP says when he answers.

“I need you to turn around. Constance is—” The line beeps, and I look at it, my heartbeat relaxing when Lotus’ number shows on the screen.

“Hold up, this is her.” I click over. “Where’d you go?”

“У нас есть девушка.”

After six years in this cover, I’ve learned to speak Russian fluently. “We have the girl.” The voice on the other end of the phone isn’t one I’m familiar with, but I know Maxium is behind this. My chin lowers to my chest, and my left hand goes limp, and suddenly the pain that subsided returns as anger and adrenaline course through me.

“If you hurt her,” I growl and swallow hard, my Adam’s Apple bobbing under my skin.

“Ждать.” Wait, he barks.

Loud ruffling pours through the receiver, and a moment later, there’s a faint whisper in the distance. I’m about to call out to him, try to convince him to return her to me, but I don’t get the chance.

“Hey, baby,” Serena’s voice echoes in my ear.

I stumble backwards until my spine presses into the wall. My eyes widen, and a heavy weight expands to my core. I try to speak, but nothing comes out.

“Dylan. Oh no, wait, it’s Liam. Right?” Her tone is laced with sarcasm.

“What are you doing with Constance’s phone?” I struggle to get out.

She chuckles. “I took it from her.”

I swallow, hearing the vibration in my ear. “Where is she?”

“We should talk. The three of us. Think it’ll be good to catch up.”

In all the years I’ve been with Serena, I’ve never witnessed her this calm and relaxed. When she found out about Constance, she damn near burst my eardrums screaming at me. And when I told her it was over between us, she fought with me to stay. Tonight, it’s as if we’re having a normal conversation over dinner, and it scares me. Not because I think she’ll hurt Lotus, but because I don’t know what she’s capable of. I’ve seen the wild party animal side of her, the predictable angry side of her, but never this.

“Whatever Maxium asked you to do, you don’t need to. It’s between me and him. Let her go.”

There’s a long pause, and it taunts me to not know what she’s thinking. I take a deep, pained breath before walking toward the door without any idea of where to go. As I approach the car, I hit the speaker button so to not miss anything she’ll say next. Once in my seat, I slam the door shut and carefully pull up my text messages, hoping like hell Serena doesn’t hear the keys.

Maxium has Constance. Serena is calling me from her phone now. See if you can trace it and get me a location… Please, JP! I can’t let anything happen to her.

“I’d love to let her go, honey. But considering that you couldn’t, I figured I’d see for myself just the type of hold she has over you.”

Serena mutters something in Russian, and the next sound is the muffled cries of a female voice. There’s a tightening in my chest, and I loathe myself for not being here to protect her. She’s in this shit because of me, she’s endured so much because of me. I had one thing to do, and that was to keep her as far away from this as I could. Fuck, I scream internally and slam my palm onto the steering wheel.

“STOP,” I plead. “You don’t have to do this. I’m who you want, I’ll meet you somewhere, do whatever you need me to do. Just don’t hurt her,” I say, trying to keep the line open long enough for Justin to run a trace.

“I’ll send you an address.”

Click. The call ends just as a message comes through from my friend.

Sorry, L. She hung up just as I was connecting the trace.

“Fuck.” I toss the phone into the passenger seat and grip the wheel, shaking it furiously.


My burner buzzes with an incoming text. I take a deep breath and rub my palm over my face before picking it up. Constance’s number dances across the screen, mocking and shaming me all at once. I open the message and carefully read the details listed. Serena didn’t send me an address, but directions to a place one town over in Crimson Ridge.

I yank open the glove compartment, hoping Lotus left behind the map I got from the realtor. With no luck, I slam it closed and fumble through every nook and cranny that could possibly be used for storage. I pull down the sun visor, a colorful folded pamphlet falls into my lap. I sigh in relief and throw my head back, glad I found what I was looking for. I unfold the paper and hit the overhead light. The sun is going down now, and a lot of the roads here don’t have street lamps. I can’t afford to get lost, not when my woman’s life is in danger.

Starting the engine, I peel down the road, hanging a quick left on Lake Way Road and a right onto the street leading into Crimson Ridge. I pass the road we took to turn into Escape Estates and continue on for several miles. I arrive in what looks to be Crimson Townsquare. Similarly to Escape, there’s a few shops scattered about the main road, but as I drive on, I approach a housing development on the left. I’m beginning to think I misread the directions as a sign reading South Crossing Cemetery comes into view.

Stopping at the gated entrance, I pick up my phone to reread the directions, but instead it rings. I slowly lift it to my ear.

“Baby… You know how much I hate waiting. What’s taking you so long?” Serena teases before I can say hello.

“I followed your directions, but I think I missed something. I’m at a graveyard.”

“Perfect. Drive to the back, pass the last section of crypts. There’s a run-down cottage behind the cemetery. You’ll need to park your car and walk the rest of the way. Adrik and Larry will meet you and escort you back.






“сидеть.” Sit. The spiky-haired guy with the thick accent points to the chair positioned at the center of the room.

He grips the butt of his pistol, silently threatening me to not try anything. I’ve run from him, kicked him, swung on him, all in an attempt to break free, but to no avail. Here I am in an old dusty house behind a cemetery, waiting for Maxium to show up and… I don’t know what I’ll get when he does, and I really don’t want to find out.

“Adrik!” the thick blond guy calls out, and Spiky turns to face him.

At least now I know his name, and what to give to the authorities should I make it out of this alive. Adrik walks over to his partner and leans in for the man to whisper in his ear. A second later, the two exit the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. They’re speaking with someone, though I can’t see whom that is. After a brief minute, both men disappear behind a wall, and a moment later, the closing of a door echoes through the empty house.

I look around, hoping to find anything to arm myself with or a way out. But there is none. The windows are boarded up, and the only tangible thing here is this chair. They will be back, and I don’t know what I’ll face when they do. I’ve heard the mention of Liam’s name twice since they dragged me into this musty, piece-of-shit room. I can only hope he figures out I’ve been taken and finds me before they find him.

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