Home > Wrong Side of Wright(20)

Wrong Side of Wright(20)
Author: Sade Rena

We each head into our respective areas of the store, browsing through the racks and stacks of shirts, pants, and even undergarments. On the way into Escape, I didn’t see any mention of a Walmart or other department store within range. It’s for that reason and that reason only, I am even looking at the overly stimulating fabric they call panties.

“What are you getting?” Liam asks, sneaking up on me from behind.

I jump, dropping the underwear to the floor. “Huh. Nothing. Still browsing,” I add as calmly as possible.

“Okay, well, get whatever you need.” He returns to his section of the store, and I toss my head back in embarrassment.

I pick the item up and carefully select a few from the collection that are as unrevealing as possible. Moving on, I choose a few long-sleeved tops and pants in different colors. A bra, some socks, two sets of pajamas, the warmest boots I can find, a coat, and a pair of earrings complete my little haul. Liam meets me at the register with noticeably less stuff. Typical man, two pairs of jeans in the same color and six shirts.

“Did you find everything okay?” the cashier asks.

Liam glances to me, and I nod. “Yes, I think we did. It’s all together.” He pulls his wallet from his back pocket.

The clerk rings up his things first, bagging our purchases separately. I watch the total, silently contemplating if I want to remove anything to lower the cost.

“Nice panties,” Liam blurts and gazes down at me.

I choke on my breath and clutch my chest as if that will somehow open my airways. My cheeks heat up as I avoid looking at him and the clerk who’s smiling in my direction.

“I’ll meet you in the car.” I turn on my heels before he can add anything else to this embarrassing conversation.

“Your girlfriend?” the lady asks.


“Oh.” Her voice raises a notch. “Well, okay. Your total is on the screen.”

I let the door swing shut behind me and book it to the car, instantly regretting my hasty choice when I remember that Liam has the keys. I look up, to see he’s making his way to the exit. A second later, the lock releases, and I throw myself into my seat. He tosses the bags in the back and flops down beside me.

“Why’d you rush out?” He’s leaning over to my side of the car, smiling from ear to ear.

I roll my eyes. “Just drive.”

He chuckles and backs out of the parking space. The drive back to Escape seems much longer than it did on the way here, and I know it’s due to the whole sexy-panties fiasco. We turn on South Main Street, passing the small shopping center on the left.

“Can you go in there? There’s a General Store. We can get groceries and toiletries.”

At the next corner, Liam pulls into the square, finding a spot a few spaces away from the entrance. I rush inside with him close behind me. It doesn’t take me long to load a cart with soap, lotion, toothbrushes, and paste, and even some hair products for myself before moving on to food items. When we check out, the total is well over a hundred dollars, but he doesn’t seem to mind much. We load the trunk and head back to our cabin.



I lie in bed staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. For the last hour, I’ve tossed and turned, took a steamy shower, and even tried drinking warm milk, but nothing helped at settling my mind. It also doesn’t help that tonight the temperature has dropped below twenty degrees, and the only form of heat is in the living room. I let out a deep breath and pull the thick quilt up to my chin while turning my back to the door. I close my eyes only to open them a few minutes later. I flip on to my back, yank my arms from the covers and slam them on top.

I rub my feet together and awkwardly twist my shoulders, trying not to let my thoughts get the best of me. Glancing at the door, I squint at it while rapidly breathing. This cold is playing tricks on me, it has to be. I squirm at the memory of Liam kneading my feet with his large, warm hands. It’s been a long time since we’ve been so relaxed around each other. The witty jokes over his cooking and the conversation seemed to calm the tension between us, and we fell back into a comfortable routine. I reminisce over the days we’d get lost in a recount of activities that almost always led to me getting a foot massage.

It felt good to have him touch me like that again. Too good! My body heats at the rumination, and I curse myself for wanting to experience it again. Closing my eyes, I will myself to sleep, to push everything to the farthest parts of my mind. When that doesn’t work, I find myself peeling the covers back and stepping my feet into the slippers we purchased today. I sit on the edge of the bed, hoping I’ll quickly change my mind.

“What the hell.” I stand and inch my way to the door. I grip the knob, pull in a reassuring breath, then step out into the hall. The flames from the fireplace flickers, casting a luminous light on the floorboards. I reach the edge and press my shoulder blade into the wall, watching to see if Liam’s awake.

“Are you up?” I whisper, hoping he isn’t and I can go back to my room to pretend I’m not thinking about him touching me again.

He turns in my direction, though I can’t see his face, only the reflection of his silhouette.

“I am.” His voice is low and inviting.

“Can’t sleep?” I ask from my place against the wall.

“No. I guess you can’t either.”

“You have all the heat out here.” This is partly true; this is the warmest place in the cabin.

“Come take the couch. I’ll get some extra blankets and make a pad on the floor.” He swings his feet off the sofa, standing before I can protest.

I move forward, walking to stand just a few inches in front of him. “Thanks.” I sit with one leg under me and pull the blanket over my thighs.

Liam walks toward the back, returning a few minutes later with a pillow and extra blankets for his makeshift mattress on the rug in front of me. From this spot, I can finally make out his features, the flickering embers dancing along his bare, taut chest and thick arms. He’s always had an amazing body, but I don’t remember him looking this damn good. Maybe it’s a reaction to being on the run with him, or maybe I’m just horny as hell. Whatever it is…he looks delicious. Hell, even the bandage on his shoulder and seeing him all bruised and battered and wrapped in that sling is sexy to me right now. My cheeks heat, and I involuntarily clutch the collar of my nightshirt.

Liam finishes making his bed with his free hand and lies on his back. He covers his bottom half, leaving his torso exposed to the night air. I watch his chest rise and fall and admire the stretch of his muscles when he puts his right arm behind his head with the other harnessed against his rib cage.

He shifts his neck until he finds a comfortable placement. “Still can’t sleep,” he mutters with his eyes closed. When I don’t respond, he turns to me. “What’s wrong?”

I grip my pillow and slide to the floor, climbing over to position myself to the right of him. Without instruction, he scoots over to make room for me, holding the blanket out for me to crawl underneath it. I nuzzle close and inhale deeply, allowing the familiar scent of him to fill my lungs. I place my palm on his stomach, wanting so badly to scrape my nails across his flesh as I have so many times. Either he wants it, too, or he senses my desire because he stretches his fingers out to mine, and when he reaches them, he guides my hand up and down his ripped torso. He kisses my forehead once, then again a second later. On cue, I tilt my head upward, and he pecks the bridge of my nose, then the tip of it, and finally my mouth. I press my lips into his, softly at first, then more aggressively the next time around.

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