Home > Blackout(57)

Author: Janine Infante Bosco

He also expressed his concern for Danny and asked that Lacey and I have papers drawn up, appointing us as his legal guardians if something should happen to him. It was a lot of shit to take in and I think it’s safe to say we were all relieved when the doctors came in and interrupted him.

The doctors informed us that Reina had made it through surgery, but her injuries were extensive, and she had coded on the table. He went on to tell us that she was in a coma and the next forty-eight hours were critical. Jack insisted on seeing her and they took him to the intensive care unit. None of us were allowed in there with him and yet, nobody could bring themselves to leave.

But when Bianci called, I had no choice but to excuse myself.

“You want the good news or the bad news?”

These days it was all the same, so I didn’t even bother answering him. His good news was that he had gotten a hold of Schwartz and they were on their way to meet me at the hospital. The bad news was that they spotted Ritzer at the courthouse, filing an emergency motion and requesting a warrant for my arrest.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, they had Grace Pastore with them. I didn’t ask why she was there. I simply figured it had to do with whatever she and Reina were concocting. I asked her to go check on Lacey and maybe try to get her to eat something and led the two men to the hospital chapel.

I explained to Bianci there was a change in plans and revealed Jack’s suspicions on the Cartel playing a part in Reina’s accident. Everything we had discussed was no longer an option. Jack wasn’t going to prison and there was no way to offer the cartel to the D.A.

Confused, Bianci pointed a finger at Schwartz.

“So, what the fuck is he doing here?”

“I have an hourly rate,” Schwartz added, tapping his index finger against his Rolex. “Time is money.”

Ignoring him, I looked back at Bianci. It felt odd confiding to a man I never bothered much with over the years. Still, the more I told him, the more I realized he was the best person for the job. He likes to pretend like he’s a changed man, a reformed criminal, but that shit lives and breathes inside of him. If anyone could understand being torn between the woman you love and a lifestyle you can’t escape, it was him.

The guy had been in my shoes, he left the woman he loved and went to jail for his father-in-law. Sure, there were differences. He took the rap for something he didn’t do, and Adrianna wasn’t pregnant when he had left, but in the end, they made it. He got out, reclaimed his woman and they’ve got a beautiful family.

If he could do it, so could I.

That’s where Schwartz came in.

“They’re looking to try me on two counts of murder,” I informed him. “They’ve got an unregistered gun with my prints on it and two dead bodies. They also got a witness—one of the members of the Cartel who named me as the killer.”

Cocking his head to the side, he smoothed a hand over his tie and glanced at Bianci.

“Surely, we can do something about that, no? Isn’t that your expertise?”

Bianci’s expression remained neutral as he crossed his arms against his chest. I knew he’d make that motherfucker disappear—no questions asked, but he’d have to do it on his own accord. I wasn’t dragging him to hell with me.

He sliced his gaze back to me.

“What are you trying to make happen here, Blackie? You’re not retaining a lawyer to bury a witness. Give me the plan.”

“You said you saw Ritzer filing for a warrant,” I started. “That leaves Jack free to take care of Reina and Danny and able to find out who the fuck is responsible for running them off the road. But it also leaves my wife without me and our kid without a father and that ain’t fair,” I said, diverting my eyes to Schwartz. “I got less than eight months until my kid is born. Knowing everything I just told you, can you get me off?”

He slid a hand into the pocket of his perfectly tailored pants and squared his shoulders back before he flashed me a cocky grin.

“I don’t come cheap,” he said. Keeping my eyes locked with his, I reached behind me and pulled out a key ring. I worked the small silver key off the ring and chucked it at him.

“That’s the key to a safe deposit box in Richmond County Savings Bank. There’s fifty grand in cash in that box. Get me home to my wife and every cent is yours.”

Seemingly impressed, he arched an eyebrow and slipped the key into his pocket. In a chapel with dozens of lit candles and God bearing witness, my cocky lawyer turned to Bianci and ordered him to get rid of the witness.

There was a plan in motion and still, I didn’t feel an ounce of relief. Probably because I knew my wife wouldn’t understand. Part of me wanted to tell her what was going on, but I feared for her health.

Now, here I am standing in front of her, holding a pink teddy bear as I watch her sleep in a plastic chair in the waiting room. She looks so fucking peaceful…so goddamn perfect. It kills me to know I’ll miss even a second of her body changing as she goes through the pregnancy. That I’ll lose out on watching her become even more beautiful than she already is. I hope she takes a lot of pictures and I pray she keeps all those black and white grainy sonogram photos safe. When I get home, those photos are going to keep me busy.

Crouching down on one knee, I run my fingers gently down the side of her face. She stirs at the touch, but those big brown eyes don’t open.

Glancing down at the teddy bear in my hand, I smile slightly as I touch the ear. As soon as the gift shop opened, I went downstairs to grab Lacey some magazines. I got her whatever they had and as I stood on line to pay, I spotted the display of stuffed animals. It took me five minutes to decide which one, knowing it was the first thing I’d ever purchase for my kid.

Pink or blue…

Girl or boy…

I don’t know when I became partial to girls, but suddenly I found myself purchasing the pink bear.

Lifting the bear, I press it to my lips and tuck it against Lacey’s side. I stand, pass another hand over her head and touch my lips to her forehead.

“Forgive me,” I whisper hoarsely before I leave her alone in the waiting room.

Please, forgive me.



Chapter Thirty-Four






My phone vibrated as I approached the ICU, causing me to stop mid-stride. Retrieving it from my kutte, I glance at the single word message from Bianci.


Noting Ritzer has perfect timing, I pocket the phone and push the bell for the unit. The buzzer sounds and the double doors unlock, granting me access. With a quick stop at the nurse’s station, I find out which room is Reina’s and make my way towards it.

I stop in front of the glass window and watch as Jack leans over his wife’s bedside. I’ve seen Jack at his lowest. I’ve seen him hurt. Hell, I’ve seen him cry. But I’ve never seen him look so lost…. so, fucking desperate.

Knocking on the window, I make my presence known. It takes him a minute before he reluctantly steps away from his wife and joins me. Keeping my gaze steady on Reina through the glass, I take in all the machines she’s hooked up to and the bandages covering her head.

“Any change?” I ask.

“No,” he replies, rubbing a hand over his tired face. “How’s Danny?”

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