Home > Mr Right Across the Street(32)

Mr Right Across the Street(32)
Author: Kathryn Freeman

No 3 is not to view


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my etchings


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Laughter burst out of her and before she realised what she was doing, she’d scrawled:




Of course the moment she’d stuck the sheet up, she regretted it. They didn’t do flirting – wait, no, she didn’t do it, because she couldn’t flirt with a guy at the same time as saying she didn’t want to date him. It gave out mixed messages.

He must have shifted closer to the window, because now he wasn’t a shadow. Now she could clearly see him as he posted his reply. And then looked straight into her window.

For U


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I will learn 2


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Prickles raced across her skin as her gaze connected with his. Oh God, what was she doing, playing with fire like this? It was dangerous and yet … her heart began to race, her stomach to swoop. When had she last felt such excitement?

Mia drew in a deep breath, made herself remember why Luke was so wrong for her. Not just that he was a charmer, a man who couldn’t help but flirt with every woman he saw. Or a player who seemingly couldn’t help but sleep with most of them. He was also the cool guy, the dishy, ripped man all the women wanted. History had taught her cool guys didn’t go for nerds. Yet the coolest guy you’ve ever met has said he fancies you.

Once again she felt the dip of her stomach.

Picking up the pen she carefully wrote:

Weds 3 p.m.


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No etchings needed



Releasing the breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding, she stepped back, away from the window. And caught his final message just as she sat down at her desk.




Sandy was a breath of fresh air. Like Naomi – who had given her a fair amount of stick since she’d found out Luke was the hot guy leaving her messages – Sandy was funny and totally grounded. Unlike Chloe and the girls, who Mia enjoyed but didn’t feel a kinship with, she suspected if she’d met Sandy at school, she’d still be best mates with her now.

‘You really don’t mind helping with this?’ Sandy glanced down at the sketches she’d made, outlining how she wanted the website to look. ‘My artistic talent is almost as good as my tech skills, which basically means a lot of this rests on you. Seems a teeny bit unfair considering you’re not actually being paid for it.’

Mia laughed. ‘Don’t worry, I’m getting my pound of flesh out of Luke. Apparently I have another ninety-seven non-dates to look forward to.’

She gave Mia a sly smile. ‘Non-dates, huh?’

‘Yep, non-dates.’ Mia willed herself not to blush. ‘You know we’re just friends,’ she added, which was probably a mistake because Sandy started to giggle. ‘We are.’

‘Oh, I know you’re both saying that, but I’ve never seen Luke like this over a woman.’ Leaning across the table, she whispered, ‘The other day, Mateo joked that he might ask you out, and Luke threw his toys out of the pram.’

A warm, satisfying pleasure pulsed through her, and Mia had to work hard to stop from smiling. Knowing someone in her ‘new life’ cared enough to worry about her, was a pretty bloody special feeling. ‘He was being protective.’ Mia eyed Sandy, and decided there was no reason not to be open. ‘He knows my previous track record of relationships, and how I’m focusing on being single right now. He was just trying to warn Mateo.’

‘You think?’ Sandy pursed her lips, her fingers fiddling with the teaspoon on her saucer. ‘When did you discuss your ex-boyfriends with him?’


‘Because Luke threw his toys at Mateo last week, when he was waiting to take you out on your second date. Sorry non-date. So your theory of him being protective would only work if you’d told him about your exes before then.’

Mia felt the flush creep up her neck and knew she didn’t need to give Sandy a reply. Especially when Sandy burst into delighted laughter.

‘You’re the picture of a Union Jack right now, Mia. What with your streaked blonde and blue hair and your red face.’


Sandy reached across the table and patted her hand. ‘You know I’m only ribbing you because that’s what I do, right? Ask Luke. It’s my way. The only people I don’t take the mick out of are those I don’t like.’

The words, the warm smile … it was impossible to be upset with Sandy. ‘I think I can see why you and Luke are such good friends. You both, in your own ways, know how to charm.’

Sandy grinned. ‘We’ve got stuff in common, sure, and we’ve certainly got a lot of history. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know Luke Doyle. Still, it’s not the reason he’s my best friend, after Jim obviously.’

‘Obviously,’ Mia added dryly, aware Sandy was merely laying the bait but far too curious not to take it. ‘I’ll bite, what is the reason?’

Sandy’s face sobered. ‘You see him as this player, which is fair enough on current evidence, but it isn’t the man I know. Not deep down. The Luke Doyle I grew up with had the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met.’ Her eyes searched Mia’s. ‘He still has, but over the years he’s tried so hard to protect it, he’s forgotten how to use it.’

So she wasn’t the only one with a bad relationship history. Luke had told her he was thirty-four, she guessed it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he’d had a serious relationship at some point. Yet from what she’d seen, what she’d heard – rumour has it he’s been through all the single women in this block – it was clear he wasn’t ready for another one. That makes two of us, she reminded herself. ‘He seems to be trying with Tanya.’

Sandy’s eyes crinkled with amusement. ‘Why do you say that?’

Yes, Mia, why did you? ‘Just that I know she was seeing him last Sunday.’ God, that hole she was digging herself was in danger of swallowing her.

‘I guess you haven’t seen her since, so you don’t know that he arranged to see her so he could end things.’ As Mia tried to digest that bombshell of a statement, Sandy added, ‘Not that they were ever together, not in the true sense of the word. But he’s stopped their arrangement.’

‘Oh.’ Yep, that was about as eloquent as she could manage right now.

It didn’t stop Sandy laughing delightedly. ‘Oh indeed. But it’s fine, I’ll go along with the friends-only story you guys keep telling yourselves. Just know that I will smile smugly when you both come to your senses.’



Chapter Seventeen



Luke pulled into the car park and nodded towards the impressive stainless steel and glass Lowry building. ‘Welcome to non-date number three. Known as not quite Salford’s Guggenheim.’

Mia scrambled out of the TVR – elegant was one word he couldn’t use to describe her. He climbed out more sedately and when she turned to him, she looked decidedly suspicious. ‘I didn’t put you down as an art fan.’

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