Home > Mr Right Across the Street(35)

Mr Right Across the Street(35)
Author: Kathryn Freeman

But God, it looked like he wanted to. ‘I don’t know.’

His finger trailed down her cheek and he smiled right into her eyes. ‘It qualifies you for a drink after the bar has closed.’

‘A lock-in?’

‘If you like. A private lock-in.’ Another smile, his eyes darkening. ‘Just you and me.’

‘Oh.’ She could barely get the word out, so dry was her mouth, so loud the heartbeat pounding in her ears. This was why you brought reinforcements. ‘What about Stan?’

Luke raised his right eyebrow. ‘Do you want him to stay?’

Okay, he’d very firmly knocked the ball back into her court. Now was the time to stop the flirty stuff – there was no doubt that was what they were doing – and say yes, she’d invited Stan so of course he should stay.


‘I guess it might be too late for him.’

A slow smile spread across Luke’s face and once again his eyes drifted to her lips, before finally meeting hers again. ‘Then I’ll see you later.’



Luke was struggling, his mind not on the job, but on what was waiting for him when the job was over. When he’d got rid of the staff and the customers. All except for Mia.

Who had nearly invited her sixty-odd-year-old neighbour to the lock-in. She’s not as keen to be locked in with you, as you are with her.

‘Boss, pull your head out of your arse.’ Mateo’s voice drifted over to him. ‘I said I needed three margaritas. Not three mojitos.’

‘Bollocks.’ Luke stared down at the drinks he’d just poured. ‘Who were they for?’

Mateo nodded towards the three girls sitting to the left of the bar. ‘You can try your charm on them.’ He gave Luke a sly grin. ‘Or maybe you’re not allowed, now you’re dating Mia?’

‘Who’s Mia?’ Bill, who’d actually come for a drink with his wife and a few friends, was nursing a beer at the bar, claiming he needed a breather from the incessant chat about holidays.

‘Mia is a customer who’s kindly helping make our website. And I’m not dating her.’ Though the statement was accurate, it rested on him like an ill-fitting suit. They went out together and held hands. He’d almost kissed her right here, in the bar, a couple of hours ago. It felt like dating.

‘You’re doing something with her.’ Mateo’s dark brows lifted and he smirked. ‘Enough to totally put you off your game.’

Bill chuckled. ‘That’s fighting talk, lad.’ He slid Luke a glance. ‘But I reckon your new boss is too wise to rise to that bait.’

‘Too wise? Or too scared of failure?’

Mateo was needling him, but Bill was right. He was a businessman now. Too mature, too sensible to let the younger man get under his skin. ‘You think I’m off my game?’

Mateo grinned. ‘So far off it, I no longer think we can say you have a game.’

Luke snatched at the tray holding the glasses. ‘Watch and learn, upstart. Watch and bloody learn.’

It seemed he’d lied about the mature and sensible part. This was what he did though, what he was good at; charming the punters, harmless flirting. Without it, he didn’t know what he could offer the bar. He couldn’t do the numbers like Phil, or the social media tech like Sandy. He didn’t have Mateo’s youth or swarthy good looks. Nor Bill’s second-hand car buyer’s skill at negotiating with wholesalers.

He only had his smile, and his gift of the gab.

‘Ladies.’ With a flourish, he set the mojitos on the table. ‘Have you tried one of these? White rum and soda with a dash of lime juice, a sprinkle of sugar and a hint of mint. It’s basically summer in a glass.’

‘Sounds amazing.’ One of them reached for a glass, but her friend stopped her.

‘Wait, we ordered margaritas.’

‘No problem, I can take these away and make some for you.’ He paused, giving them all a wide smile. ‘Or you can try it and tell me what you think.’

They all took a sip, and he knew from their expressions he’d won them over. ‘Still want the margaritas?’

‘No way.’ One of them eyed him over the top of her glass. ‘You seem to have sussed what we like. How about you keep the surprises coming?’

He bowed and when he turned back to the bar, he bumped straight into Mia.

‘Whoa, sorry.’ He put his hands on her arms to steady her, steady them both. The feel of her skin beneath his palm sent a bolt of arousal through him, which only intensified when he stared down into her surprised blue eyes. ‘Scratch that,’ he corrected, lowering his voice. ‘Bumping into you feels too good to apologise for it.’

She shook her head, but her eyes smiled. ‘That’s such a line.’

‘Oh, he’s good at those.’ Bill shifted on his stool to give Mia a quiet appraisal. ‘You must be the famous Mia.’


Luke’s heart shot into his mouth. He knew how wary she still was of his reputation as some sort of Mancunian Don Juan. The way she’d backed away from him after seeing Vicky’s text still weighed heavily on him, their tour of Old Trafford lacking the ease, the teasing banter of earlier in the day. He didn’t need Bill poking the wound, making things worse. Luke was well aware he was cocking up enough on his own.

‘Aye love, I hear you’re the one making a website for the bar.’

Okay. Luke’s heart settled again. ‘I am.’ She studied Bill and smiled. ‘You must be the famous Bill. One-time bar owner, now semi-retired.’

Bill gave her the same goofy, smitten smile he’d seen other men give Mia when she showed them attention. ‘That’s me. Pleased to meet the lady that has our Luke muddling up his cocktails.’

Mia gave Luke a puzzled look and he sighed. ‘I got my margaritas and mojitos mixed up. But I sorted it,’ he added firmly, with a silent one-fingered gesture towards Mateo. ‘In fact the ladies now want me to choose a cocktail for their next round.’

Bill started to laugh. ‘I see the Doyle blarney is still alive and kicking.’ He turned to Mia. ‘Watch him, love, or before you know it he’ll be talking you into stuff you had no intention of ever doing.’

‘Will he now?’ Luke tried to keep his expression neutral as Mia gave him a long, contemplative look. ‘Thanks for the warning, but I’m pretty strong willed.’

Yeah, he could attest to that.

Yet when she slipped onto a spare stool to the right of Bill, he realised she’d clearly said goodbye to Stan, and was now waiting at the bar. For him.

Maybe he hadn’t lost all his powers of persuasion.



Chapter Nineteen



Luke closed the door behind Mateo, who was the last to leave, and the bar instantly became quiet. Just her and the man she was becoming increasingly aware of.

Mia had always known Luke was good looking yet tonight, as she’d watched him charm his way through the evening, her appreciation of his looks had become even more acute. It wasn’t just his face. He had a body that featured in most women’s fantasies, or it would if they’d been lucky enough to see it. She had, but only the top half through her window, from a distance.

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