Home > Flame (Web of Desire #2)(24)

Flame (Web of Desire #2)(24)
Author: Aleatha Romig


Present day



“Too late?” I repeated as I stood and reached for the clothes we’d discarded to the floor. “What do you mean? Why didn’t you tell me?”

With my mind now on Ruby, the lost opportunity for sex was quickly forgotten.

Could it be possible that by not having sex, I somehow felt closer to Patrick than if he had done as he threatened?

I truly wasn’t certain. This was uncharted territory for me, the idea of someone wanting me for more than pussy.

Patrick too reached for his trousers and secured them in place. He straightened his shirt and one by one placed his long arms into the sleeves. Instead of replacing the cufflinks, after leaving the top button undone, he rolled each sleeve to just below his elbows, and tucked the length of the tails into his trousers before latching the belt.

From my little bit of recent exposure to this man, it seemed dress trousers, no tie, and rolled-up sleeves was about the extent of his casual wear.

Why were men’s forearms incredibly sexy?

When our eyes met, my cheeks warmed. Still standing in my panties and bra, I’d been enjoying the show too much to continue dressing. “Um, I probably should dress.”

“I’m not complaining, but you’re not leaving this dressing room unless you’re covered.” He took a step toward me and pulled me close. “I don’t want even a chance that anyone else sees what belongs to me.”

I lowered my forehead to his broad shoulder, wishing that what he said could be true.

He pulled me out to arm’s length. “I meant it about those clouds.”

“Patrick, when I do tell you won’t—”



“Maddie, we have choices to make in our life. My choice is between spending the rest of mine upset that we missed out on seventeen years, or I can spend the rest of my life moving forward with my wife and daughter. You aren’t the only one who has done things that don’t make for a good story time. I’d rather look forward. What about you?”

I nodded. “You make it sound easy.”

“No, it’s fucking hard. For this to work we’re going to go against some insurmountable odds.” His cheeks rose as a grin came to his lips. “But I figure having one of the best gamblers on my side is a good thing for beating the odds. Are you on my side?”

“I want to be.”

“Good, because we’ll be better as a team. We always were.”

“Right now my biggest concern is my...our daughter.”

He cupped my behind and squeezed. “Then cover this sexy ass so I can concentrate.”

With a stupid, giddy grin trying to curl my lips, I pulled the sweater over my head. After stepping into the slacks, I sat on the edge of the settee to don the socks and boots. Once I was done, I looked up to Patrick’s adoring blue gaze. “I want you to trust me, Patrick. Of all the things I’m not proud of, sacrificing for Ruby isn’t one of them. Losing you is.”

He offered his hand. “I want to trust you and vice versa.”

It was such an effortless move—Patrick offering me his hand to stand—and yet as I placed my palm in his, it felt like more. There was something invigorating at the dichotomy in size, how his fingers easily wrapped around my entire hand. His actions didn’t feel threatening, as if he would overpower me. Electrifying was a better description. When we connected it was as if bursts of energy sparked, igniting a flame, not only in my core, but in my heart.

Except for Ruby, I’d closed off that organ for so long. Patrick’s presence was like an AED to a dying heart. With the simplest of moves, he generated resuscitating shocks, bringing it back to life.

Inhaling, with my hand in his, I stood and said, “Tell me everything you know. What happened back in Ann Arbor?”

“I told you. Ivanov’s men were ready to take us out. They would have riddled the plane with bullets. I’m not sure you could have negotiated surrender.”

My head shook as the reality sank in. “He’s really done with me.” I sighed. “I suppose I knew there’d come a day. I always hoped it would be after I had Ruby away. I imagined university abroad.”

“She isn’t in Ann Arbor, not at Westbrook.”

“Of course she is. Her next break isn’t until—”

Patrick stood taller, stopping my words. “I’m telling you, not debating. She isn’t there.”

“You’re wrong,” I said as my deepest fear threatened to come true.

“When did you last talk to her?”

“Thursday, before going to Chicago.”

“Are you sure?”

I tried to think back. I planned to call her before I left and then... “No, it was Wednesday. I remember it was Wednesday afternoon. Her classes were done for the day. Andros told me to call her then, saying I’d be too busy on Thursday.”

There was a knock on the door. I looked to Patrick.

“I left strict orders not to be disturbed,” he said as he walked to the door and opened it inward.

Millie was on the other side.

“I said we were not to be disturbed.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Kelly, Ms. Miller. I apologize for the intrusion; however, Marianne just called and requested that you both be seat-belted.”

Patrick inhaled, looking back at me.

“We’re approaching our destination,” Millie went on, “and Marianne said to expect turbulence. If you’ll both reenter the main cabin, I’ll be happy to bring you anything you need—a drink or something to eat?”

I saw the way Patrick’s back straightened and neck grew taut with each of her offers. Patrick may be able to see me in a way others couldn’t. I saw him too. Walking to the door, I stopped beside him. “Thank you, Millie. If we need to be seat-belted, you do too.”

A smile came to her lips. “Thank you, Ms. Miller. I don’t mind. It’s my job.”

I turned to Patrick with a tilt of my head. “We can continue this out there. It’s better to be safe.”

“Thank you, Millie,” Patrick said. “Listen to Ms. Miller. She’s right; we should all be secure if there’s turbulence.”

When Millie walked away, Patrick turned and reached for my hands. “You know, I’m usually the voice of reason.”

“Apparently, now you’re in shambles.”

“I’m preoccupied, that’s for sure.”

I shrugged. “I’m partially responsible. Besides, I have a soft spot for people, especially women who do their job or try to help and are rebuked for it.” Too many instances with Andros came to mind. I wouldn’t have dared do with Andros what I just did. Instead, I did my best to support his staff when he wasn’t around.

“I wasn’t rebuking her,” Patrick replied.

This wasn’t the time for that discussion. “I want to know about Ruby. You’re scaring me with the information that she’s not at school. Let’s sit out there.”

Together we walked back to the main cabin. While we’d been in the dressing room, the day had begun to dawn and the sky to lighten. Taking the seat by the window facing the closed partition, I leaned against the leather and fastened the seat belt. To my surprise, instead of sitting across from me, Patrick took the seat to my side and squeezed my hand. “I don’t blame you for being scared. I was too.

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