Home > Dysfunctional Hearts (Heart Series #2)(5)

Dysfunctional Hearts (Heart Series #2)(5)
Author: L.S. Pullen

I could stand here all night and tell you about some of the shenanigans he got us into over the years. But I won’t. Instead, I want to say that I’m proud to be part of their big day. Besides, I do need some blackmail material for when they have kids… So please, will you all join me and raise your glasses, a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Davenport! May your future be full of love, health and happiness…but most of all, laughter.”

Everyone breaks out into cheers, and I can’t help but scan the length of the table, my eyes meeting Sophie’s. Her lips spread into a megawatt smile, which she tries to hide behind her champagne glass. I send a wink her way, and even from here, I see her cheeks begin to glow. And just like that, any worries I had about our kiss evaporate.



Chapter 3




I watched Charlie today when everyone else was busy gushing over the bride and groom. I’d find myself migrating my focus towards him, stealing glances here and there. The kiss still lingers on my lips, even now. I’ve never shared a kiss like that. In that moment, everything around us faded to dust. Maybe it was the extra glasses of bubbly I snuck, trying to take the edge off. My nerves were on tenterhooks.

The alcohol left me with a buzz, but I made a promise to myself to be on my best behaviour. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I drink, and before I know it, it gets the best of me. I made a conscious effort to sneak more than my fair share on canapés to line my stomach to soak it up before we finally sat down to eat. But Charlie kissing me had me forgetting myself, and then it dawned on me—how much he affects me—and no matter how much I try to ignore it, everything is changing.

I’m standing to the side of the dance floor, right next to an actual photo booth just like the one Flick and me used to visit in Woolworths. We’d always have our photos taken before heading to the Saturday morning cinema. Maddie giggles between a pause in the music and I notice she’s standing on her dad’s feet as he glides around the dance floor. My chest aches. Flick had that growing up, and now Maddie does, too. I never did. My parents weren’t all bad—they adopted me, after all—but I don’t think they’re fit to be parents. I guess they thought it was what they should do, not necessarily what they wanted to do. But it also makes me feel guilty, thinking like this; I was luckier than most. Maybe they weren’t tactile, but I had a roof over my head, three meals a day. My life could have been very different.

“Come on, photo?”

And just like that, Charlie grabs hold of my hand and pulls me inside. It’s so cramped, I stumble into his lap. Not my most graceful of moments. I reach around me to pull the curtain closed.

“I think we’ve had enough photos for one day, don’t you?” My cheeks begin to heat, being so close to him again and the thought of his lips on mine.

“Oh, don’t be such a spoil spoilt.” He gives me a ridiculous pout—how am I supposed to refuse that messed up face?

“Fine, hurry up then.” I try to move, so I’m not putting my weight all over him, but he shakes his head and pulls me down into his lap and moves my leg, so it’s a little less uncomfortable. Then he presses the button.

“Smile,” he says, his fingers teasing my side, causing me to laugh.

He moves, his warm breath touches my ear, causing my skin to tingle. “We’re okay then… After earlier, I mean?”

I stare into his eyes, sparkling something I can’t decipher—worry, regret or confusion. I have no idea. I nod. “Yes, of course.” And I want my words to be valid.

“Good.” He places his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into him. I’m very aware of how my body moulds to his. Our eyes meet; a silent smile passes between us. His fingers trail up my arm, eliciting a fire trail.

Voices from behind the curtain gain my attention. “I think people are waiting to get in here,” I say, my voice hoarse. Pulling open the curtain, I reluctantly leave the confined space.

“How long until they print?” I ask as we wait.

“Couple more seconds.” He points to the digital display as the clock counts down.

“Well, duty calls and all that jazz.” I need to make sure Flick doesn’t need me to do anything. I watch him grab the strip and tear it in half, passing it to me as he keeps hold of the other. “Thanks.”

“See you in a bit, then?”

I nod, and he winks at me as I walk away. I study the photos in my hand. I am momentarily stunned. He is staring back at me with eyes filled with what appears to be awe and admiration. And I am gazing back at him with a soft shyness. I don’t even notice Flick until she leans over my shoulder.

“What you got there?”

I cover my chest with my hand and give them a quick wave in her face.


She snatches them from me. “Nothing, my arse.” She giggles.

I take them back and slip them in my purse. She’s never looked so radiant, it’s as if the dress picked her. It fits her like a glove.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” I ask her. The smile hasn’t left her face all day.

“I am, but I do need to pee, come with.” She grabs hold of my arm, and we make our way to the toilets. She stops a few times on the route—all coos and congratulations—and she barely makes it in time, sighing when she finally gets to the toilet.

I eye the basket on the counter, filled with all sorts: hairspray, plasters, deodorant, perfume…you name it, it’s there. Reminds me of the club we went to that night. I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to fight the wave of nausea as it engulfs me.

“I want this for you, too, one day,” she calls out, distracting me from my thoughts, my heart beating heavy in my ears. I try to concentrate on the soft hum of music in the distance instead of her pee. She wasn’t joking when she said she had to go.

I shake my head. “Not likely to happen.”


“Don’t be like that… And stop shaking your head.”

I glance back at the door, searching for any hidden peepholes.

“You’re just a secret romantic and blinded by love,” I tell her, and pick and dig in my clutch for my lip gloss, then apply a fresh coat.

“Oh, shush, you. And by the way, that was some kiss earlier.”

I pause, my hand suspended over my top lip, and sigh. “We were just winding you guys up.”

I jam the lid back on the gloss and run my finger under my eye. Eyeliner and I are old adversaries; it never stays put.

“If you say so. What about all the stolen looks here and there? You do know it’s okay to like Charlie, Soph. You’re both free agents. And I think you’d be good for each other.”

I don’t understand her. At first, it was all like, don’t go there, he’s Nate’s best friend, blah, blah, blah. And now? “We’re friends.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

I turn and lean my butt on the counter, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m not interested in any more flings. You know this.” We’ve talked about it before. I can’t keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

“I think for the right girl, it wouldn’t be an issue.”

I scoff at that. “Oh, come off it. Besides, haven’t you got a wedding reception to get back to?” She needs to let this go, the more she talks about it, the sicker I feel.

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