Home > Bullseye (The Monsters Within Duet #1)(27)

Bullseye (The Monsters Within Duet #1)(27)
Author: Monica James

“I don’t think tonight was a random attack,” Bull says, snapping me from my gawking. “He would have stolen something. Or tried to rape you.”

I gulp at his candidness because he’s right. At no time during the assault did I think he wanted to steal my bag or virtue. He was out for blood.

I’m still on my knees and lost in thought when, with a hesitant touch, Bull reaches down and cups my throat gently. With his fingertips, he caresses my neck slowly where I have bruises forming from the hands that tried to squeeze the life from me. “He was trying to kill you,” he states, dangerously low.

I remain perfectly still, not daring to breathe as I am utterly intoxicated by this moment, by him.

Bull can feel the steady beat of my pulse, which begins to pound faster and faster as he examines me more closely. “Is there someone who wants you dead?”

“I don’t think so,” I reply, my reddening cheeks betraying my response to him.

“Thinking so isn’t going to cut it. It’s the difference between life and death.” His grip on me tightens, emphasizing his warning.

The line between pleasure and pain begins to blur, but I don’t move. The way he touches me is hypnotic, and I forget everything but this sensation, which makes no sense. “I have no idea. But lately, I’ve felt like someone has been watching me,” I explain on a rushed breath.

“For how long?”

“Not long,” I reply, hating how flippant I sound, but it’s the truth. I don’t know how long because ever since Christopher left, I’ve always been looking over my shoulder.

“Any clients or ex-boyfriends you pissed off who would want to settle a score?”

He strokes his thumb over my pulse, his gaze never wavering from mine as he awaits my reply. But being this way with him has me forgetting my own name. I haven’t felt this in so very long, and I don’t know what to think or how to react to the way my body, my entire being responds to him.

It doesn’t make a lick of sense because I barely know him. But I’ve felt this undeniable pull from the first moment I saw him in the club. He guards secrets—deep, dark ones—yet that only lures me in deeper.

“No. I don’t have issues with anyone that would warrant my attack,” I finally reply. I decide to omit the fact his eyes looked familiar because I can’t even remember what they looked like.

Bull nods sharply before removing his hand. I instantly miss his touch. “You need to be careful. I’ll keep an eye out at the club. You should tell Lotus.”

Reality kicks in, and I realize I’m still kneeling between Bull’s legs. Unable to help myself, my gaze drifts to the front of his black jeans. Memories of his arousal pressed against me have me rising quickly because, unlike Bull, I can’t hide my emotions.

“Thank you for coming to my rescue yet again. If it wasn’t for you…” I rub my arms, a sudden chill coming over me.

“There’s no need to thank me,” he rebukes, coming to a stand as something changes inside him. I don’t know why thanking him has pissed him off, but it has.

For a split moment, his walls were lowered, and what I saw took my breath away, but they’re erected again, and the hard-hearted, aloof bastard is back. I don’t like this version.

I don’t know what’s supposed to happen because now that he’s stitched up and I’m as okay as I can be, considering what happened, it’s time for me to go home. That awkward tension lingers in the air because if Bull asked me to stay the night, I don’t know what I would say.

Most men would try to take advantage of this situation, but not Bull. I respect him for that, but on the flipside, I also feel like the ugly duckling.

Men usually throw themselves at my feet, but I still don’t even know if Bull likes me. And when he stands in the middle of the room, basically showing me the door, I take that as confirmation that whatever I feel is one-sided. He is just another asshole. One I need to forget about.

“I’ll see you at work.” I try to keep the emotion from my voice.

Suddenly, the walls close in on me, and I grab my bag, marching for the door. However, Bull steps to the left, blocking my exit.

My chest rises and falls rapidly as I’m provoked for so many different reasons. Pissed off, annoyed, infuriated, confused…aroused. I need to get out of here. But I’m not going anywhere, thanks to the giant standing in front of me.

He casually folds his arms across his still bare chest, watching me. Always watching. “You seem”—he pauses, searching for the right word before he settles on—“angry. Are you?”

Scoffing, I can’t believe he’s asking me this. How clueless can he be? “I’m fine.” I am so far from being fine, but I’ll be damned if I tell him that.

I attempt to push past him, but he moves with me, foiling my escape. “I can call Venus and ask if there are any rooms available if you want to stay here?”

I blink once, stunned. Is he really proposing for me to stay in another room? Is the thought of staying in the same room as me that repulsive? And who the hell is Venus? “That’s not necessary. Your virtue is safe with me. I’m going home.”

“You are angry with me,” he says, as though he’s just solved the world’s greatest mystery.

“No shit. Move.” I once again try to shove past him, but he is built like a brick shithouse and won’t move.

“Why are you angry? You can’t stay here, so I thought—”

Oh, the nerve.

“Do me a favor and don’t think whenever I’m involved. Thank you, or not, seeing as when I thanked you, you looked like I just told you to go fuck yourself, which is what I probably should have said because—”

I’m cut off mid rant as one second, I’m fuming, and the next, my back is shoved up against the door with Bull holding me prisoner. His hands are on either side of my head. I push off the door, only to be jostled back down.

“What’s wrong?” he has the gall to ask, inches from my face. But I don’t allow this closeness to distract me.

Standing on tippy toes, I glare at him with nothing but spite. “Are you seriously asking me this?” When he doesn’t reply, it’s apparent that he is. “I don’t know what your problem is. You’ve been nothing but an asshole to me since we met. I don’t know what I did to piss you off, but I don’t appreciate being treated this way.”

“Treated what way? Are you angry because you want to spend the night with me?” He appears genuinely confused, but I don’t care. It’s time he gets unconfused.

“Oh, get over yourself!” I exclaim, my temper mounting. “I don’t want to spend the night with you.”

“Good,” he replies firmly, insulting me further.

“Yes, good. Great. Fucking perfect. Now get out of my way so I don’t take up any more of your precious time.”


“My name is Lily,” I bark, cutting him off. “I know you probably only see me as some whore, shaking my ass for cash, but I’m a lot more than that.”

“I don’t think that,” he chides. Clearly offended, he’s flaring his nostrils, but screw him.

“I don’t care what a sorry sack of shit like you thinks of me.” He clenches his jaw, but I continue. “We’re not friends, and we never will be. I’ve never even seen you smile. You have permanent resting bitch face, but in your case, you are a bitch.”

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