Home > Bullseye (The Monsters Within Duet #1)(57)

Bullseye (The Monsters Within Duet #1)(57)
Author: Monica James

“What does that mean?”

“It means, there is more going on at that club than you think. Someone wants her. Carlos is just the messenger.”

“Who? Give me a name,” I snarl between clenched teeth.

“I don’t know!” he screams, thrashing wildly when I slam the baseball bat onto the floor inches from his face. “That’s all I know. I swear! Carlos told me to do this for him, and he’d give me a job.”

Mulling over his confession, I sadly believe him. Carlos isn’t going to confide in a bottom feeder like Andre. He hired him because Andre wouldn’t look out of place, knowing Tiger’s schedule. Money speaks to lowlifes like Andre.

So done with this filth, I release him, watching him sigh in relief. However, if he thinks this is it, then he’s sorely mistaken. Dragging the bat behind me, I come to a stop in front of him. He peers up at me, eyes wide.

“You won’t tell anyone what happened. When they ask, you tell them you fell down the stairs. We clear?”

He nods shakily.

“I’ll know if you’re lying, and if harm comes to Lily, I swear to god”—I drop to one knee in front of him with a sinister smile—“I will break every other bone in your body.”

“I won’t tell, man. All right. Just give me my phone so I can call someone.” He makes grabby hands at his cell, which is halfway across the room.

But that’s not happening.

Coming to a stand, I walk over to his phone, pick it up, and as he sighs in relief, I then open the window and toss it outside.

“Hey!” he yells, thumping his fist on the floor. “You can’t just leave me here.”

“Yes, I can,” I reply, walking toward the door.

“Please, I can’t walk,” he pleads, expecting sympathy. All he gets in response is a snicker.

“I’m aware of that. That was the point of breaking your ankles,” I counter, opening the door. “Now you can slide on your belly like the fucking snake that you are.”

Slamming the door shut, I relish his screams that follow me out of the building. I get into my truck, tossing my bat onto the floorboard. I need a minute to process everything Andre just spilled. Tiger is in danger. That much I know. I just don’t know why. Who wants her? And what do they want with her?

She can’t go near that place until I find out what the fuck is going on. It’s too dangerous. If she needs money, I will fucking give it to her. I don’t have much, but if I keep fighting…

A thought suddenly crashes into me. I only started fighting to get close to Kong. It was never about the money. Sure, that sweetened the inevitable, but it wasn’t the decider. I need to get my head out of my ass.

Gripping the wheel, I take a few deep breaths, desperate to settle this storm within. “This isn’t part of the plan,” I mumble to myself, but saying it aloud doesn’t change how I feel. This is the reason I pushed her away.

“Goddammit.” The truck roars to life as I make my way toward her apartment.

On the drive there, I reason with myself that I’ll just give her a heads-up and not demand she never return to that place ever again. But who am I kidding? This is going to turn into a screaming match, which will result in sex. It’s what we know.

My cell chimes. Glancing at it, I see it’s a text from Lotus, asking me to come in early. I know what this is about. Stevie has penciled in the fight for next week. The adrenaline courses through me because the clock is ticking for Kong. He’s a dead man walking.

Something Tiger said to me plays on my mind. It has since she first said it to me in her truck.

“Sometimes…you have to think about how your actions will affect another.”

The action of me killing Kong will affect his kids because they’ll be without their dad. Ending his life has been a long time coming, but it doesn’t seem fair that the choices of their asshole father affect them in such a way.

“Motherfucker, focus.” I slam my hand against the steering wheel, needing to never forget why I’m here.

Thankfully, Tiger’s apartment complex comes into view, and although I haven’t called, I decide to visit her real quick. When she put her number into my phone, she also added her address, so I figure that was an invitation to visit.

Parking the truck, I make my way into her building and catch the elevator to her floor. So many doors branch off the long hallway, causing my claustrophobia to spike. I couldn’t live this way, having neighbors who know my business.

It reminds me of prison.

The closer I get to Tiger’s door only confirms my thoughts because it’s obvious from the raised voices inside her apartment that she’s arguing with someone. I stop outside her door, listening closely to what’s going on.

“You can’t just keep skipping school because you don’t feel like going! Do you know how much money it costs to send you there?”

“Fine, I won’t go. Problem solved.” The younger voice hints at who she’s arguing with. I should definitely not be here.

I go to turn, but when her door is thrown open, it’s too late.

“Who the fuck are you, creeper?” asks someone who I’m pretty sure is Tiger’s son.

This is not going to go down well.

“Bull?” With my back still turned, I close my eyes and curse under my breath.

Sighing, I spin around to face Tiger and nod. “Sup.”

The boy who stands in front of her is older than I thought he’d be. Maybe ten or eleven, he’s decked out in baggy jeans and a graffiti print T-shirt. His blue eyes instantly ascertain me as a threat.

“Who’s this?” he asks Tiger, who pales. I shouldn’t be here.

She clears her throat. “Jordy, he’s just someone I work with.”

I’m instantly on his shit list. Smart kid. Too bad his mom doesn’t feel the same way. “Oh, so you’re her pimp?”

It takes a lot to shock me, but this little punk just succeeded.

Tiger’s mouth drops open while Jordy glares at me.

“I beg your pardon! How dare you speak to me that way?” Tiger exclaims, her cheeks turning a blistering red.

“What do I need school for?” Jordy asks. “You went to school, and it didn’t do you any good. You take off your clothes for a job. I don’t think you went to school for that.”

“Th-that’s not true.” But Tiger’s falter betrays her lies.

“Whatever, Mom. I know you don’t work at Walmart. I’m not a kid, so stop treating me like one. No wonder Dad and Uncle Chris left you.” She reaches for him, but it’s too late. “I’m going to play video games at Clark’s.”

“You are not going anywhere. You’re grounded for life.” Just as she’s about to chase after him, he shoves past me, and I step back with my hands raised because I don’t know what to do. This isn’t my place to intervene, but every part of me is demanding I grab this little smart-ass by the back of the neck and make him apologize to his mom.

Running down the hallway with his skateboard under his arm, he disappears into the elevator seconds later.

“I’ll bounce.” I hook my thumb behind me, but Tiger rushes forward and throws herself into my arms, defeated.

She nuzzles into my chest, crying, while I stand rigid with my arms by my side. I know I should console her, but I just can’t. I feel like I’m responsible for this entire shitshow. The best thing I can do is leave, but she won’t let me.

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