Home > Owned(27)

Author: L.V. Lane

Also, he’d lost that shiny accolade when he’d gone over to the dark side and claimed ownership over Ava.

My new status as owner consumed every moment of downtime. I wanted in Nora’s hot little pussy. I wanted in that tight little ass that my cock nestled against every night, and I wanted in that sassy mouth with the pink pouty lips more than I wanted my next breath.

For reasons I could not explain, knowing that I was her owner, that I could have her in any way I wanted to, made everything hotter than hell.

I considered myself a measured man. Anarchy was always waiting on the periphery. The rules of society dictated that we temper our animalistic side lest we all fall back into that uncivilized void. Retaining that vital connection to reason was getting harder every time I was near her. She was attracted to me. I’d seen hints along the way. She certainly didn’t hesitate to sprawl all over me in the bed. Maybe she was wondering what was taking me so long?

I could barely think straight during the day. Maybe after I’d been inside her, I’d be able to think straight again.

It was with this burgeoning tension that we exited the medical center into the underground garage.

A welcoming committee was waiting—the kind that set my teeth on edge and adrenaline surging through my blood.

Blaine wasn’t the only one who’d had enhancements. Within the bounds of my work, I’d taken everything I could. But I was no soldier and wasn’t expecting to have to defend my ownership rights this soon. It didn’t help that I’d spent half the night restless with a hard-on and the other cleaning up vomit.

I eyed the two beat-up ex-military SUV’s, the dozen lowlifes, and the nervous guy with a datapad and glasses who awaited me. James, the asshole, wasn’t among them, but then again, James had seemed like a decent kind of guy, and it was becoming clear that these were not.

“Babe, have you been speaking to anyone who might issue a challenge since this morning?”

She was white as a sheet and clutching Adam to her chest, arms around him like a shield. Her mouth opened and closed, and no words came out.

I’m so screwed.

Placing my hand on her shoulder, I put my body between her and the threat. “It’s going to be alright,” I said. But in truth, I didn’t know if it would ever be alright again. The garage was eerily quiet for this time of day. I’d heard rumors that this was happening—men pursuing ownership the uncivilized way. Not that there was anything civilized about a regular challenge, but these ‘unofficial’ ones that took place in the presence of a bought adjudicator were particularly heinous.

“He was being treated for a stab wound,” Nora said, voice a whisper. She swallowed. “I didn’t tell him. A nurse did.”

Nurse? Yes, I could guess who that would be, and that bitch would be seeing a side of me she didn’t like.

But first, I had to get through this.

I could feel Nora’s shoulder trembling under my fingers, or was that me?

How long had it been since I’d done more than spar with Blaine? I’d been eleven, still a kid when we arrived here, and that was the last time I’d fought for my life.

Only I wasn’t fighting for my life tonight; I was fighting for Nora and Adam. How did they even set this up? Taking my cell from my pocket, I jabbed a message to Blaine. The chances of him being anywhere near were slight, but I’d grasp at anything under the circumstance.

No answer came.

The dick with the datapad called out my name and issued the formal request.

I shoved my cell in Nora’s hands. “Keep an eye on it. I’ve messaged my brother. Answer him for me while I—” Get the shit kicked out of me. “—deal with this.” With a final squeeze to Nora’s shoulder, I turned around.

I could take one asshole. I was pissed enough that I thought I could probably take two. But I couldn’t take ten.

I huffed out a breath as I took it all in. “A challenge? Are you for fucking real? I’ve owned her for all of a few weeks.”

The man who stepped forward looked like a junkie with his nervous, twitchy energy. The rest didn’t look much better.

“The challenge is issued,” the deadbeat said, giving me an up-down look that said my chances of winning were slim. “The pretty little nurse said you were tougher than you looked.” He thumbed in the direction of his back up. “Bitch sold me a lie.” He shrugged. “Feel free to walk away. No one will know but us that you didn’t take a punch.”

I kept my eyes on him as I slipped my jacket off.

A few weeks. I’d been an owner for a few weeks, and I was already about to fuck up. James probably had a dozen buddies he could call on if shit like this happened. What did I have? A few studious doctors… and Blaine… and Blaine was always busy. I hadn’t messaged or spoken to him since he collected Ava from the medical facility.

He was going to kick my ass worse than these low-lifes were about to when he found out what had happened.

The whirr of the ventilation fans was broken by the growl of an incoming vehicle. All heads turned that direction. Whoever had stumbled into this situation would get the hell out once they realized what was going down.

The Humvee that came into view was familiar. I grinned as it pulled up… and Blaine jumped out. Full combat gear and the ever-present arsenal of weapons. He was muddy and bloody—I’d never seen a more welcome sight.

I heard Nora gasp behind me, but I didn’t have time for an explanation.

Blaine’s sweeping gaze took in the whole situation.

“Fuck off,” my opponent said. “Nothing for you here.”

Blaine chuckled—that was my asshole brother that I loved, right there. “A couple of your buddies made the mistake of trying to dissuade me from entering. I killed them,” he said.

Not a hint of emotion played on his face. Slamming the Humvee door shut, he leaned back against it and folded his arms.

Relief washed over me. If they tried anything, he would have my back. That was all I needed.

He smirked and mouthed, fuck the asshole up.

It would be my pleasure.

My fingers no longer shook as I undid my shirt and peeled it off. The T-shirt underneath was close-fitting and easier to move in.

“Eh, you’re packing a lot of fire-power,” the nervous adjudicator said. “This is a clean challenge between two parties. We don’t want any trouble here.”

Blaine snorted out a huff. “Clean?”

I was confident the adjudicator’s days were numbered. Soon, he’d be lugging rocks in the infamous pit or starting a new life outside. “He’s good to take down one asshole,” Blaine said. “I’m here as an unofficial observer, to make sure nothing underhand goes on. Taylor has been taking a special interest in these ‘clean’ challenges. He’s been busy with his recent acquisition. Looks like his home turf has been suffering from neglect. I’ll be sure to update him when we talk this evening.”

“Bullshit!” the thug said. Only, I was sure he didn’t believe it was bullshit. Blaine had a way of projecting deadly intent. His relaxed stance invaded me—I could do this.

Turning, I passed my shirt and jacket to a shaken Nora. “It’s my brother, Blaine,” I said quietly with a wink. “I promise it’ll be okay.” This time the words felt like the truth. “Go and stand with him while I do this. He won’t let anything happen to you. No matter what happens.”

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