Home > Playing Their Parts(34)

Playing Their Parts(34)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

“Mistress…” Stone’s deep voice was hoarse. “Mistress, please…”

“Hmm?” Cassie looked up and saw a strained look on his face.

“Forgive me, Mistress, but your hand feels too good,” he grated out. “If you do not stop, I fear I will shame myself.”

Oh my God—he’s saying he’s about to come!

Hastily, Cassie yanked her hand away. What was wrong with her, anyway? Gozeriam had told her to make him hard—not jerk him off! How embarrassing! How was she ever going to explain this to Stone when they were finally alone together?

“Hmmm….” Xempi Gozeriam burbled, his slitted eyes directed at Stone’s crotch. “Most impressive, for a non-slime entity. In fact, he appears to be too impressive to achieve penetration of you, Mistress Cassandra, if your size differences hold true. Do they?”

“Oh, um…” Cassie cast another sidelong look at her partner. Would Stone fit if they made love? Not that they ever would, of course. But hypothetically, would he?

I don’t know, she thought uneasily. If he did, it would certainly be a tight squeeze and I would have to be really, really wet for him…

Just the thought made her want to blush but she knew she couldn’t show any embarrassment or hesitance.

“Well…” she began.

“You non-slime creatures are not able to alter your thickness or size,” Xempi Gozeriam went on, ignoring her. “As we Slimerians can,” he added proudly.

Once more, the slime around his midsection formed into a kind of glistening, clear phallus. It grew and lengthened, snaking through the air until it came to the closest guard—a woman of Amazonian proportions who looked to be around six and a half feet tall at least. She had blue skin and flame-red hair and a stoic expression on her face.

Cassie watched, fascinated and sickened at the same time, as the slime phallus found the gap in the tall guard’s metal bikini bottom and slid smoothly into her exposed pussy.

“Do you see?” Gozeriam burbled. “We can adjust our slimeshaft to fill Bertrina here as much or as little as we wish.” As he spoke, the narrow slime phallus which had slipped up inside the guard’s pussy suddenly thickened to twice its original width.

Bertina’s stoic expression never changed, but Cassie saw the hand holding the spear tighten until her knuckles showed white. The slimeshaft had to be stretching her inner walls to the limit and yet she never said a word as her boss penetrated her cruelly, the thickened slimeshaft thrusting in and out of her unprotected pussy with a wet squelching sound.

Ugh! That poor girl!

Cassie had to work hard to keep her expression neutral as she looked away from what Gozeriam was doing to his guard.

“That…that is an impressive display, your Slimefullness,” she admitted, her throat going dry. She was thanking her lucky stars that Pocker had warned her against applying for the guard job. She felt she would rather die than endure what Betrina was going through at the moment!

“Our point is, that we are able to adjust our thickness and size,” Gozeriam said, at last withdrawing his slimeshaft from Bertrina’s pussy. “But non-slime persons, such as your body-slave, cannot. Given that he is, in all probability, too large to penetrate you, how do you intend to make a good showing for us?”

Luckily, Cassie was ready for this question.

“Your Greatness,” she said, keeping her chin high. “As you probably know, we Yonnite Mistresses never allow a male to penetrate us. So the size of my body-slave’s shaft in comparison with my own, er, opening, is a complete non-issue.”

“We see…we see…” Xempi Gozeriam nodded. “So what do you intend to do as your display for us today?”

“If I may answer, Mistress?” Stone looked at her and Cassie nodded.

“You may, Stone.”

“Thank you.” He nodded and turned to Gozeriam. “Your Slimefullness, my Mistress and I intend to display for you today an erotic massage in the true Yonnite tradition,” he said. “It is a scenario that will titillate any Yonnie Mistress who observes it and it should prove that we will be excellent performers for your intended pornography.”

“Very well,” Gozeriam rumbled. “You may proceed.”

“Um, we’re going to need some props, though,” Cassie protested. “We can’t exactly just lie down in the middle of the floor to do a massage. We’ll need a massage table and oil and towels…”

She had been hoping that the porn magnate would declare that he didn’t have all of that equipment on hand and they would have to put off the display until later, but Xempi Gozeriam only said,

“Of course. We understand.”

He motioned to one of the other guards—not Bertrina—and she pushed a button on the back wall. Suddenly, a glowing orb began descending from the ceiling. It was the size and shape of a volleyball but it shimmered all over, throwing dazzling rainbows in every direction. It was so bright Cassie could barely stand to look at it.

“What is that?” she breathed, taking a cautious step back from the shimmering rainbow orb. It was certainly pretty, but it might also be dangerous, she thought.

“That is a dream-star,” Gozeriam rumbled. “One of you must touch it and envision all the things you need for your display.”

“I see.” Cassie was reaching out to touch the shimmering rainbow surface when Stone put a hand on her arm to stop her.

“Mistress, may I?” he asked, giving her a protective look. Clearly he was afraid the dream-star thing might hurt Cassie and he wanted to put himself between her and any possible harm.

Cassie wanted to sigh at his over-protectiveness, but that would be breaking character. So she simply nodded and said,

“Of course, Stone. As you massage me all the time, you must know even better than I do what supplies we need.”

“Thank you, Mistress.” Stone touched the glowing orb with his fingertips, his lids fluttering closed as his brow furrowed in concentration.

And then, suddenly, everything changed.






“What…where are we?” Cassie looked around herself in wonder.

The vast, shadowy throne room of Xempi Gozeriam had disappeared and in its place was a tropical hut.

She knew the hut was tropical because there was a wide-open door in one wall which showed a shimmering layer of pure white sand outside. Just past the sand was clear turquoise water. Waves were lapping lazily at the beach with a soft shush…shush…shush sound.

Strands of large, waxy flowers in bright shades of vermillion and crimson had been strung together and hung on the wooden walls of the hut. The air was filled with their heady scent as well as the faint fragrance of coconut. A soft, warm wind from the ocean swirled in through the open door, adding a tang of salt to the air.

In the center of the hut, was a padded massage table covered in a snowy white sheet. There was another, smaller table to one side which was filled with many different bottles of all different sizes and shapes. Were those…massage oils?

“What is this place?” she asked again. “How did we get here?”

“The dream-star has created the environment you find yourself in, Mistress Cassandra,” Gozeriam’s deep, burbling voice answered her from somewhere outside the hut. “It makes thoughts into reality—for a time.”

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