Home > Playing Their Parts(37)

Playing Their Parts(37)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

“Careful!” Stone caught her and helped her off the table. “Are you well, Mistress?” he asked, looking down at her, his brow furrowed with anxiety.

“I…I’m fine. I just need to get dressed. I…”

But when Cassie looked down at herself, she realized that she was dressed. Once more she was wearing the metal bikini, black leather boots, and cape. The soft white massage clothes had disappeared—and so had the tropical hut with the waves shushing gently outside its door. The only thing left to let her know it hadn’t all been a dream was the light sheen of massage oil on her skin.

“Where…how…” She looked around herself, not understanding.

“As we told you before, the dream-star makes thoughts into reality but only for a limited time,” Xempi Gozeriam told her. His Slimefullness was unfortunately visible again, up on the stage on his raised dais, surrounded by his female guards—a much less pleasant sight than the tropical massage hut Stone had dreamed up.

Gozeriam was penetrating no less than four of his guards now, with his slimeshafts, Cassie saw, as she tried to keep the disgust off her face. The guards all had stoic looks on their faces, as though they dealt with this all the time—which they probably did, she thought, feeling ill.

“So you, uh, found our performance acceptable, your Greatness?” Cassie asked, lifting her chin and trying to retain her “Mistress” persona.

“Eminently,” Gozeriam burbled. “We must admit, we were becoming bored at first until you introduced the element of the forbidden, Mistress.”

“Uh, the forbidden?” Cassie frowned, not certain what the huge Slimerian meant.

“But of course—when you pretended to be reluctant to allow your slave to disrobe you. Most Yonnite Mistresses expect their body-slaves to follow their instructions implicitly. Your body-slave ought to have stopped when you expressed reluctance. Instead, he persisted and rendered you nude. Then he continued touching you and saying things that no proper body-slave would dare to say to his Mistress. And yet you allowed it—even welcomed it. Yes…” Gozeriam nodded ponderously. “It was a most titillating performance.”

His slime was presently bright pink, Cassie noticed. Was that the color of lust for him? It must be, considering what he was doing to his poor guards.

“Oh, uh, thank you, your Slimefullness.” She bowed her head respectfully.

“We will certainly keep it in mind as we write your scripts in the future,” the porn magnate continued. “In fact, we feel so inspired, you may expect a script tomorrow.”

“I…didn’t know you wrote the scripts yourself,” Cassie said. “That’s…most impressive, your Greatness.”

“We only write when we feel inspired,” Gozeriam burbled. “Otherwise, we leave the script-writing to our cadre of authors. Speaking of which, you can follow T’lle Vos’don, one of our head writers, to your rooms. We excuse you from our presence so that we may begin the creative process.”

As he spoke, a small humanoid male with dark purple skin, long silver whiskers, and round pink spectacles perched on his beak-like nose came forward and made a bow to Cassie.

“Oh, um, hello,” she said uncertainly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Good day, my Lady.” The little man straightened up and grinned at her. “Do come this way and I’ll show you to the humanoid actors’ rooms.”

“Thank you.” Cassie remembered to bow to Gozeriam before she turned to go. “Um, and thank you, your Slimefullness, for giving us a chance.”

“You are most welcome. We will be pleased to watch you and your body-slave continue your excellent performance, Mistress,” the Slimerian informed her. “We will see you tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” Cassie said again. “Good night.” And she and Stone followed the little man with purple skin out of the throne room.






“Well, that was quite a remarkable audition, I must say,” T’lle Vos’don remarked to Cassie as he led them away from the cavernous throne room. “The use of the forbidden, was, as his Slimefullness remarked, most unexpected and welcome. Most Yonnite pornography is so straightforward—‘slave touch me here’ or ‘slave lick me there.’ And the body-slave must always obey. Allowing your slave to have the upper hand was a most novel approach.”

“Yes, we…planned it that way,” Cassie said, hoping he would believe her.

“Indeed—most creative!”

T’lle Vos’don nodded eagerly as he led her and Stone through a door in the far corner of the throne room which was much smaller and less impressive than the massive golden disks which had rolled aside to allow them to enter in the front.

“It turned his Greatness’s slime quite a lovely shade of pink—most impressive!” he went on gushing.

“Thank you,” Cassie said, giving their guide a weak smile. To be honest, she was still thinking about what had happened between her and Stone and wondering if it was a big mistake. They had never touched each other that way before—had never even come close. Was this mission going to mean the end of their friendship?

She wondered if Stone was bothered as well, but when she turned her head to look at him, his face was stoic and impassive. Maybe he didn’t feel anything at all about what the two of them had done together. Maybe it was all just an act to him and Cassie was reading way too much into the erotic words he’d spoken as he massaged her.

Ugh—I have to stop thinking about it! she told herself. Have to get over it and get on with my life! Concentrate on the mission.

“The palace is huge,” she said to T’lle Vos’don, trying take her mind off her problems with her partner. She waved a hand, indicating the main hallway they were in, which branched out into many other corridors. “Just immense.”

“Yes, indeed—and some find it to be a bit confusing,” the little purple-skinned man confided. “But it’s not really so difficult. Shall I tell you the secret of finding your way around?”

“Oh yes, please.” Cassie nodded eagerly. Anything that helped them navigate the maze of hallways and corridors would be most welcome.

“Well…” T’lle Vos’don looked around, as though he thought someone might be listening. “This is not something everyone knows. In fact, only the most trusted advisors and favorites of his Slimefullness are privy to the information. But he seemed to like you and your body-slave so much, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me telling you.”

“You’re very kind.” Cassie smiled at the little man ingratiatingly. “Please, go on.”

“All right, then. To get anywhere in the palace, you simply tap the wall and say where you want to go. Yes, it’s really that easy!” T’lle Vos’don exclaimed, beaming at her. “Here, allow me to demonstrate.”

He stepped over to the right-hand wall and tapped it smartly three times with his fingertip. In a low, but stern voice he commanded,

“By order of his Slimefullness, take me to room four hundred and ninety- seven in the humanoid actors’ wing.”

At once a tiny dot of light appeared on the smooth, white wall where the little man had tapped. It blinked off and on for a moment and then became a trail of lights, leading further down the hallway.

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