Home > Allegiance (Nomad Biker Romance #3)(6)

Allegiance (Nomad Biker Romance #3)(6)
Author: Chiah Wilder

The scent of evening primrose wafting through the night air was now more annoying than romantic. Lena’s palms were still hot from where she’d gripped his hips, her mind still foggy, but she wasn’t so far gone enough to forget her common sense. The following day, she had several big orders to fill, so she had to be at the restaurant at 6:30 a.m. and ready to work. Indulging in her lust for this man would be reckless, and just plain foolish.

“I’m sorry, but I have a real busy day in the kitchen. I hope you understand. Besides, we don’t know each other well enough, right?”

Tank tilted his head and shrugged, as if it wasn’t anything to him. But his heated stare told her otherwise.

“You’re pissed at me.”

It’s for the best. He’d be a serious distraction.

“It’s no big deal. We flirted and kissed. I’d like your number, though. Maybe we could go out for dinner sometime.”

Needing to get a grip, she took a few shallow breaths as she assessed the awkward sexual tension dancing between them.

“Right now, I don’t think that’s possible. I’ve got a lot on my plate with the catering company, and going out on dates is something I just don’t have time for.”

“All work and no play—”

“I know, I know,” she said, waving her hands. “Look, I’m going to shoot it to you straight. We both got caught up in the moment. We’re at an engagement party, we’re attracted to each other, and you had too much to drink. The romance, the ambiance, the crashing waves…”

“I think it was more than strings of light, bourbon, and the fuckin’ ocean.”

Rubbing her eyes, she sighed. “I have to go, Tank. My staff is getting restless, and I’ve still got a million things to unload. I’m glad I met you.” Awkward!

Before he could say anything else in his deep, persuasive tone, she spun toward the truck and ran through the thick grass to the parking lot. There was really no other way to exit with dignity, especially when her brain was still rattling around the image of him naked, sprawled out on her sheets as she moved her lips down his body—

“Quit it,” she snapped out loud. “I’ve seen hot guys before and contained myself. This is nothing different.”

Opening the truck’s door, Matthew greeted her with a sly grin.

“Are you ready to head out, or are you still busy?”

“Let’s go. I’m exhausted, and in no mood to be teased.”

“No teasing. You got it, boss.”

Lena leaned her head against the passenger window as Matthew drove out of the lot. She didn’t dare look back at Tank. He’s probably disappointed because I screwed up his track record. I bet he’s calling Blondie right now. That thought made her stomach clench, but she ignored it.

All she wanted was to unload the trucks, go home, and crawl into her four-poster bed.






“I’m telling you, Fe, it was unlike any other kiss I’ve ever had in my life.” Lena rested her chin on her upturned palm, leaning against a shelf in the back of the supply closet in her bistro. Her best friend sat rapt over the video call, hanging on Lena’s every word.

“He was so passionate. It felt like we’d known each other for much longer than a few hours. And the way he crushed me to him and held me tight, made me feel cherished and protected. Ugh, I know that sounds crazy.”

Felicia chuckled. “I’m guessing he’s gorgeous as well?”

“Yeah. He’s all muscle, but not in a body-builder way. The guy definitely works out at the gym. He’s like an Instagram model, or someone off The Bachelor, but in a more rugged, tough guy way. The way he kissed me was something I’d never experienced before with any guy. He was fierce, possessive, gentle, protective, and sexy as hell. I loved it.”

“Maybe he goes by Tank because he brings women to their knees with one kiss, tanking any possibility of them not coming back for more.” Fe brushed back her soft pink hair and snapped her gum. “So why in the hell did you turn him down? It’s not like you meet someone who wows you every day. Brad was the last guy you were sort of interested in, and that was over a year ago.”

Lena sighed and swept a hand over her face. It’d been over a week since she and Tank had kissed, and she was still replaying it in her mind. A part of her regretted that she hadn’t spent the night with him, but a larger part knew she’d done the right thing.

“You’re quiet. Are you having any regrets?”

“Maybe just a tiny bit. But between the catering business and the restaurant, all I can think about is getting enough sleep.”

Lena met her best friend’s soft brown eyes over their video call. Her know-it-all expression was pretty damning, making it absolutely clear what Felicia’s opinion was on the matter, and that was the reason it’d taken her a week to tell Fe about the kiss.

Chewing on the cuticle of her index finger, she leaned back in her chair. “Let me have it. I know you’re brewing on something, so let it out.” She glanced at the clock. “But I can only give you ten minutes. I have a meeting with a potential customer soon.”

Felicia grinned. “I’m glad you’re open to my opinion, seeing as I have your best interests at heart. First of all, I’m not going to chastise you for not telling me about Tank right away. Second, I’ve never seen you so excited and glowing over any man, and that includes Curtis—your first crush when we were in junior high. So why the fuck are you sabotaging your chance of having a relationship with him?”

“I’m not doing that,” Lena huffed.

“Yes, you are. You didn’t give him your phone number. You shut him down when he mentioned going out for dinner, and you shot him down after one of the hottest kisses of your life. Work is a poor substitute for a lover.”

“Fe, I don’t have time right now. You know that.”

Her best friend scoffed and gave her a no-nonsense stare. Lena crossed her arms, preparing for battle. There was nothing wrong with temporarily sacrificing her own happiness, especially when it was directly tied to her livelihood of a thriving restaurant business in a competitive market. Most businesses died out in the first five years, and she had no intention of becoming a statistic.

Fe gave her a pointed look. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ve heard it all before—you’re building a business, it takes time, resources, energy, yadda, yadda, yadda. I get it, I do, but I’m not saying you should marry the guy. I’m just talking one good night of pleasure, that’s all. It could really turn your month around, and it’s been a long time since you’ve even come close to being intimate with anyone. It’s psychologically healthy for you to put yourself out there every once in a while instead of focusing on nothing but work. If you don’t start getting out there, you’re going to become some kind of hermit who forgets how to interact with people.”

“I’m in the food industry. I’m with people all the time, so the chances of me becoming a hermit are slim. I have employees, clients, customers in the bistro, vendors, and so many other people I interact with daily.

“You know that’s not what I mean! We need to get you a life. Or soon the only intimacy you’ll be getting in your bed is with a microwaved brownie, binging Game of Thrones under your favorite blanket.”

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