Home > 48 Mac (Junkyard Boys #5)(29)

48 Mac (Junkyard Boys #5)(29)
Author: S.H. Richardson

“How are you enjoying yourself this fine evening…?” He extended a meaty paw in my direction, completely ignoring the strumpet to my right.

“Odie.” I timidly placed my hand in his.

“Odie. That’s an unusual name for someone so beautiful. My name is Ferdinand O’Leary. You may call me Ferdi if you wish.”

“Ferdi, huh?” I raised a brow. “Such an unusual name for such a handsome man.”

The good-looking behemoth boomed out a laugh that totally took me by surprise. He left me no choice but to smile back at him like a deranged lunatic. I liked him immediately. Marci, on the other hand, looked as if someone had reached down her throat and poured lemon juice on her spleen. Chick was incensed. Hand on the hip, eyes rolling to the back of her head, lips pursed, anything to take his attention off me and direct it towards her. What could I say? I was a softy. I let her off the hook before she blew a blood vessel.

“Ferdi, do you know Marci?” I made the introductions.

“Sure,” he replied, smirking. “She’s a regular patron to our establishment. You, on the other hand, are most definitely new around here, Odie.”

“You weren’t saying that the night you stuck your dick down my throat, Ferdi.” She tried to shove me out of the way. “There’s more tricks where that came from, big man.”

Ugh. What a tramp.

If I’d said it once, I’d said it a hundred times. No way did this chick come from the same gene pool as my bestie. I took a few steps away from the two of them hoping to dodge that splash of yuck coming from Marci’s mouth and gave them a wide birth to continue their salacious conversation. Ferdi missed the sour look Barbie bitch gave him as he continued to ignore her. Guess her blowjob game wasn’t all that, or else Ferdi would’ve jumped at the chance of a repeat.

Oh well, I did my part.

“How would you like a grand tour of the place, Odie?”

He offered me his elbow, and I gladly accepted it. Anything to get away from Good Time Sally. I couldn’t resist sticking my tongue out in Marci’s direction like a twelve-year-old. Call me childish. Take that, woman to woman.

Strutting around on the arm of such a physically impressive man made me feel ten feet tall. I stood a little straighter, smiled a whole lot bigger, and added an extra twist to my hips as if I were center stage at a ballroom dance. We didn’t exchange words, but once he reached the open bar, I visibly flinched with a flashback. My cheeks flooded with heat, so much so, I had to divert my eyes from the shiny wooden structure. The vision of me stretched out, back arched, legs splayed on top of the bar, Mac’s face between my knees, the firm warmth of the tip of his tongue as it slid back and forth along my clit. A moan escaped my lips before I had the chance to tamp it down. Thank the good Lord Ferdi hadn’t noticed.

“Would you like a drink, Odie?” He signaled for the waitress, who hurried over with two flutes of champagne and offered it to each of us.

“Thanks.” I downed half the glass in one gulp. “How did you know I needed a rescue?”

“Didn’t.” He smirked. “But I know Marci, and she looked like she was seconds away from going full-on cunt mode, something she’s known for around here. From the looks of things, you were holding your own though. I simply assumed you would enjoy my company instead of hers.” He paused for a moment, giving me a peculiar glance. “Unless, of course, that’s your preference. I totally get that too.”

Took me a minute to catch on, but when I did, he barely missed an eyeful of champagne splatter. The smug bastard rubbed along my back in an effort to quell my coughing fit. I settled for giving him the stink eye until I could talk again. He was damn lucky I liked him, or I would’ve told him to fuck right the hell off.

“Tell me, Odie. What brings you here tonight?” Ferdi asked.

“She came for me.”

“Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we have an amazing line-up for your viewing pleasure. So, strap on your life jackets and get ready to…KNUCKLE UP!”





IT TOOK AN extra twenty minutes in the shower to have my dick feeling clean again. I wasn’t worried about any pussy diseases, just the unwelcomed feeling of guiltiness. I should’ve been thinking with the big head instead of the little one. Shit had me all the way fucked up. Seeing Bella again so soon after the party, touching her, kissing her, feeling her warm cunt as it clenched around my shaft as I fucked her from behind. That wasn’t how our reunion was supposed to play out. In a perfect world, I would’ve reminded her of her marital obligations, shut down her advances, then sent word to her husband that his wife was in need of redirection and let him deal with the bullshit. Instead, I’d used her body to rid my mind of its frailty, adding more shit to an already overflowing pile.

For years, I’d managed to avoid any direct contact with her once she told me of her pending nuptials. Seeing as wives were excluded from business dealings as a steadfast rule, it wasn’t that hard to do. Her new husband was a boss, which meant he dealt exclusively with my father or my oldest brother if they engaged in mutual business. As the youngest, I was exempt from those decisions, which suited me just fine. It would’ve been damn near impossible to sit across a table from the man who’d robbed me of my dignity and not wish to neutralize him.

Instead of fucking her, I should’ve given her my gratitude for turning me into the steadfast, cold-hearted bastard I was today. Her rejection was the motivation for everything that followed since the day she took her vows. Coming here unannounced, she’d dropped a sentimental bomb that transformed me back into that unsure adolescent who was head over heels in love. I was no longer that guy, and fucking her didn’t do jack shit to rekindle any romantic feelings whatsoever. I chalked it up to nothing more than a one-time fuck, and not even a good one. Served me right for not leaving the past in the past where it belonged.

I set out to track down Ferdi. By now, he should’ve had that intel on who was behind this hostile acquisition. The master of ceremony was making the announcement for the start of the first fight. He was an annoying piece of shit, but he knew how to get the crowd pumped. The house was packed as usual for a Saturday night. I could almost smell the cash as it passed hands from the truly gullible. We should make a killing at the gate.

I avoided the throngs of women vying for my attention, shoving their tits in my face, touching me, smiling. Any other time, I might’ve welcomed the distraction, but not tonight. I took the steps to the mezzanine and peered out over the crowd from the metal railing. No one could see me up here, but I had the perfect view of all the happenings directly below me. I spotted the big fucker laughing his head off with some blond-haired bimbo with a nice ass over by the bar. Ferdi wouldn’t be getting his dick wet tonight, not while we still had work to do.

Something he said made her spit out the drink she was sipping in response. Knowing him, he probably offered to show her his old football injury, a hyper-extended groin, which was funny because Ferdi never played sports. Smooth bastard. I almost laughed when I watched him rub a so-called helping hand along her spine. It was meant to be a comfort through her coughing fit, but really, it was his chance to unknowingly feel her up. He was on a mission to wrap this pretty little package up tight complete with a red bow. When she turned her head, giving me a better look, I froze solid. My fingers gripped the railing so tightly my knuckles cracked and split open for the second time tonight.

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