Home > Puck Performance (BTU Alumni #4)(4)

Puck Performance (BTU Alumni #4)(4)
Author: Alley Ciz

“Often enough.” Ella shrugs, her almond-shaped eyes dancing with mirth. “Depending on our work schedules, we try to meet here once a week or so.”

“And what is it you ladies do?”

“We work on Broadway.”

Why are they engaging? They know nothing good could come from prolonged conversation with him.

“Well, as gorgeous as you three are, you must be actresses.”

He’s smooth, I’ll give him that. Given his reputation, though, I shouldn’t be surprised. From everything I’ve heard, he has a bevy of bunnies at his disposal.

My two traitors—err, friends—giggle and blush while I get into a slap fight with my hormones. We are not attracted to him, you hear me?

“Only Melody is an actress.” Zoey cups my shoulder. “I’m a choreographer, and Ella plays violin in the orchestra.”

“Ah, I see.” Another rub of that jaw. “I wonder if you’ve been in anything I’ve seen, but I’m sure I’ve would have remembered a face as beautiful as yours. And you know, the pink hair stands out.”

I roll my eyes at the beautiful comment as it is obviously a line. “Theater buff, are you?” Skepticism bleeds into my words.

“Not a buff per se, but the women in my life are fans and have dragged me to my fair share of shows.”

The women in his life—at least he admits to being a player.

“Why don’t you give me your number so the next night I have off, I’ll come check out your show and we can get a late dinner after.”

“Yeah…I don’t think so.”

Twin gasps of shock come from either side of me. This entire scenario is straight out of one of their fantasies—mine too, if I’m being honest—but I shut that shit down faster than a slap shot.

Going out with Jase could only bring about one thing: trouble.

“Why not?” The crestfallen look on his face almost has me accepting.

Don’t be stupid, Mels.

Jase Donnelly is a no-go.

As if having read it in a script, I can see him gearing up to press his case, but a very pretty strawberry blonde approaches first, wrapping an arm around his waist. When he automatically drops his arm around her shoulders, I tell myself that pang in my chest is not jealousy.

“I’m heading out. I just wanted to say bye now in case I miss you in the morning. My flight to LA is at stupid o’clock,” the redhead says once she has Jase’s attention.

“Sounds good. You know the code to my place.”

Nope. Not jealous at all.

And you call yourself an actress. You can’t even lie to yourself convincingly. Damn that year I played Elphaba, because my subconscious is cackling at me like a pro.

“And you’re sure you don’t want me to go with you to JFK?” Jase asks her.

“Nope. You’ve already scheduled your driver for me. You sleep in.” She pats him on the chest, and I have the overwhelming urge to rip the hand away.

Whoa. Down girl. No need to go all West Side Story on the chick.

A buzz of awareness fills the space. On either side of me, both my friends are smiling, like Jase wasn’t just attempting to flirt with us—me—all while already having someone warming his bed. How can they look at him all moony-eyed while I’m standing here wanting to slap a bitch?

“Love you. Fly safe,” Jase says.

My teeth snap together as I watch him bend to brush a kiss across her cheek.

“Love you too, you big lug.” She sticks her tongue out as she starts walking backward.

He returns the gesture, a glint of sliver catching the light when he does.

Holy shit.

He has a tongue ring? Lord give me strength.

I’ve just witnessed him in the arms of another woman—discussing how said woman will be sleeping at his place, no less—and yet one glimpse of that naughty piercing makes me want to throw all common sense out the window.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Clearly I need to run my lines again, because the one that tells me Jase Donnelly is a no-go has not stuck.

Okay, time to go before I do something stupid.

Without a word, I exit stage left.



Chapter Three



From the Group Message Thread of The Coven



MAKES BOYS CRY (Skye): Jor, Rock, where you two at? I need to consult with my Jase experts IMMEDIATELY!



MOTHER OF DRAGONS (Jordan): *GIF of Woody from Toy Story strutting and saying, “I’m here.”*



ALPHABET SOUP (Rocky): *GIF of Julie Andrews from Victor Victoria making a grand entrance*



YOU KNOW YOU WANNA (Becky): Ooo ooo.



YOU KNOW YOU WANNA: *GIF of girl clapping excitedly*



YOU KNOW YOU WANNA: I think I know what this is about.



PROTEIN PRINCESS (Gemma): Oh man. What did I miss by staying home?



THE OG PITA (Beth): You guys have all the fun. Have a kid, they said. It will be fun, they said. BOOOO. Mama wants to go out and have a cocktail, or you know, five.



ALPHABET SOUP: Yeah, because motherhood has slowed you down, B. You know if Wyatt wasn’t on shift you would have been in the city.



THE OG PITA: You are correct. And Gem did mix me a mean cocktail, so…



THE OG PITA: *GIF of Betty White toasting with a gigantic wine glass*



PROTEIN PRINCESS: Plus, if you’d gone, you wouldn’t have been able to see Holly when she got back from her date.



PROTEIN PRINCESS: *GIF of girl waggling eyebrows*



SANTA’S COOKIE SUPPLIER (Holly): I plead the fifth.



MAKES BOYS CRY: Yeah…like that’s going to fly. But we’ll get back to you. Jase first. Then his BFF.



MOTHER OF DRAGONS: Okay, so what do you want to know, Skye?



MAKES BOYS CRY: Has Jase been seeing anyone recently?



QUEEN OF SMUT (Maddey): Ooo ooo. Why? Are you finally turning into my second favorite trope?



SANTA’S COOKIE SUPPLIER: I thought you said Gemma and Chance were your favorite trope?



QUEEN OF SMUT: Oh those two? Abso-fucking-lutely. Enemies-to-lovers is my jam, but I’m also a sucker for best friend’s brother/brother’s best friend.





















THE OG PITA: Oh, shouty capitals and texting like Beck. You must REALLY mean it.

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