Home > Rejected (Imperfectly Perfect #2)(18)

Rejected (Imperfectly Perfect #2)(18)
Author: Lym Cruz

If only he knew that Christina was the furthest thing from my mind at that moment. But she was somewhere, buried at the back of it.

“I’m just a little worked up. Nothing for you to worry about.”

He nodded, propping up on the counter. “You know how Christina makes you feel all these things?”

I shot him a glare. “What on earth are you talking about? What thing?”

“I see the way you react to her presence. Your eyes do this funny squint thing. Your heart probably starts beating a little faster and your breathing too. Then you become all intensely aware of her.”

“Because I can’t stand her.”

“Really?” He pulled up a brow. “Cause that’s how I feel when I see Stacie.”

I ground my teeth bothered by his insinuation. “Shut the fuck up. You can’t possibly compare Christina and I, to what you and Stacie have.”

He chuckled with a shrug. “There’s a fine line between love and hate, and sometimes the line gets so blurry that you don’t even know where hate ends and lust begins.”

I furrowed my brows. “Where did you get your psych degree, man? Cause your prognosis is way off.”

“In the University of the Heart.” He laughed, clasping my shoulder. “Remember this little talk when you’re down on one knee proposing.”

“What the hell are you high on?”

“Wisdom.” He let go of my shoulder with a pat. “That is what I’m high on.”

I shook my head watching him saunter out of the breakroom.

For Christina and I the line was clear and well-drawn out. And it would never be anything close to lust or even friendship.



The next morning, she found me with the paper open on the table and the coffee maker sputtering quietly in the background. I didn’t need to look to know it was Christina. Her perfume announced her presence. With my eyes fixed on the paper, I reached for the top cupboard, pulled down a mug and poured myself some coffee.

The refrigerator door opened but I didn’t look at her. I poured cream into my mug, and then she screeched, “That’s my cream.”

Sluggishly, I lifted the carton and inspected it. “I don’t see a label on this.”

She marched over to me and snatched the carton from my hand. “You knew this was mine.” She deadpanned. “You’re trying to get under my skin, aren’t you?”

Her words made my lips quirk upwards with a wry smile. “You give yourself too much credit, sweetheart.”

She paced closer, aligning herself before me, and I stared in her dark eyes. She licked her lips bringing moisture to them. It wasn’t a calculated move, but I found it alluring all the same. Her lips were coated in a soft lilac color.

“Don’t call me sweetheart. I’m not sweet nor your heart.”

And just like that, the moment was gone. But I knew one thing for sure, I was tired of this.

I put the mug down, stood straight, looking down at her. “Christina, let’s call a truce for a minute.”

She hesitated. “Oh—Okay.”

“Why are you always trying to pick a fight with me? What did I ever do to you to make you hate me this much?”

“Now you’re the one giving yourself too much credit. I don’t go looking to pick fights with you. I—I.” An emotion flashed through her eyes. I couldn’t identify what it was. As quickly as it showed up, it was gone. “You’re annoying. You get on my nerves and you’re so uptight.”

I frowned, utterly confused. “I’m uptight? You barely even know me, how on earth did you come up with that assumption?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Since I met you; your presence upsets me. When you’re around I can’t control my temper.” She raised her hands and dropped them on a head shake. “I just don’t know.”

“Try to explain? I wanna make things right.”

“Do you remember the day we met?”

“I—um, not really. Is it important? Did I do something that day?”

Hurt cut across her face. I shuffled through my memories, attempting to remember said day but nothing stood out. Honestly, I couldn’t remember anything relevant. It was years ago.

“Of course, you wouldn’t remember.” Her voice was low and sad.

“I’m getting a feeling that whatever you’re upset about began that night. What I can’t figure out is what I did?”

“That’s just the thing, you didn’t do anything.”

Now I was even more confused. I cupped the back of my neck. “I’m sorry for what I did or didn’t do that night. I’m sorry I called you crazy and a bitch. I’m sorry, Christina. I never intended on hurting you no matter what I did.” I put the most honesty I could into my words because it was true. “I want us to get along. I don’t know how to do this.” I pointed between us. “This fighting game.”

Her shoulders lowered; her stance shifted as if the ice surrounding her was melting. I couldn’t understand why she insisted on putting up this aggressive front when there was a better version of her hovering just beneath the surface.

She trapped her lower lip between her teeth and hung her head. When she raised her face, a small smile, that didn’t quite reach her eyes, crept across her lips.

“Fine,” she said in a near whisper and offered me her hand. I took her small palm in mine. It was smooth and pampered, just like the rest of her. Short fingers with cool bronze skin and a perfect manicure. To the touch, they were soft and warm. “Let’s be civil.”



Chapter Nine





We haven’t talked much since our ceasefire last week except for a few hellos and goodbyes here and there. I understood that at times I could be a little overbearing and unreasonable. However, like everything else in my life, I was working on it. At least I didn’t have to tiptoe around Ezra in the office, but then he was barely in away.

Today though was one of the rare days where Ezra stayed put. He hadn’t mysteriously runoff since morning nor had his phone had been buzzing that much.

Rubbing my eyes, I took a break from the computer screen and listened to the conversation floating around the office.

“Oh my God! I totally forgot,” Stacie bellowed, bringing her hand to her forehead. Her mouth agape. “God, how could I? I promised the kids I’d make them cupcakes.”

“Shit it’s today,” Frank muttered not so cheerfully.

“You can still buy them,” Sienna said, sitting up on her desk. “I know a store that sells the most delicious treats.”

“But I promised them homemade cupcakes,” Stacie countered. “I said I’d make them with all my love.”

“Just buy them with all your love instead,” Frank mumbled. “They won’t know the difference.”

“I have everything ready,” Sienna voiced with satisfaction. “I promised them each a bag of goodies. I’ll need to grab them later.” She grinned pleased with herself.

As they continued to make arrangements, my curiosity ramped.

“What’s tonight?” I said, pushing out of my chair and mimicking Sienna’s position. That way I could see everyone.

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