Home > Taken by the Tiger (Alpha Claimed #2)(33)

Taken by the Tiger (Alpha Claimed #2)(33)
Author: Milly Taiden

“Well,” Philip said, “sounds like the young cubs don’t know much about why. You taught them to hate without giving them a reason. That’s great parenting skills.”

The man shifted into his lion and ran at Philip, roaring and wanting to kill. Ryan had put Parker on her feet and was ready to jump into the fight to save his old teacher. But before he could shift, the elder ran toward the lion. It came down to the survival of the fittest.

The lion leaped at Philip still in his human form. What the hell was he thinking? Beside Ryan, Nigel screamed and raced toward the fight. Surprised the shit out of him. Something had changed in the relationship between the two. Seemed the generation gap no longer existed as it had.

While the lion was in mid leap, Philip slid feet first down the slope, shifting as his back hit the ground. He raised his paw, claws extended, and ripped the underside of the lion. The tiger kept sliding on the slick road right into another lion with a purple stripe between his ears.

Ryan hadn’t seen the boy shift. But it was too late to help the historian now. Good thing he didn’t need it.

The tiger’s tail snapped out toward the lion’s face, distracting him, as the tiger’s feet slammed into the lion’s chest, sending it down the hill on its ass.

To Ryan’s amazement, the elder shifted and kept after the younger lion, rolling with it and getting it into a choke hold, human arms around the big cat. At that moment, the lion pride’s alpha drove around the curve, headed up. He screeched his brakes and swerved, barely missing the two in the lane.

Xander jumped out of his truck. “What the hell is going on? Ryan?”

Both Mark and his grandfather shifted into their human forms. Yes, the grandfather was still alive. Ryan would’ve gutted him, but maybe not taking a life sent a better message to the young ones.

The alpha lion roared for the other two lions to get in his truck now. He lifted a hand to Ryan. “We’ll talk later,” he growled, more animal than human. “I’m too angry right now to be civilized. Whatever these two did, I apologize and will handle them.”

He got back in his truck and drove away.

When only the sound of the rain hitting the leaves surrounded them, Nigel shifted and said, “That was freaking awesome, Mr. Dunbury. You’ve got to teach me how to do those moves!”



Chapter Thirty-One



“I got you on speakerphone,” Ryan said as Parker watched him lay his cellphone on his mother’s kitchen table. The storm had passed that afternoon, and everyone had gone over to her house to discuss the events of the previous night. “No bad mouthing now. Virgin ears and all.”

Parker, Philip, Barrick and Ryan’s mom snorted.

His mom glanced at him and Barrick. “If anything on me was virgin, you cubs would not be here.”

“Mom,” Ryan complained. “Really?”

“Just saying,” she replied with a shrug.

Xander laughed. “I’ve always liked your mother. Good woman. Taught her sons well.”

“I’d like to teach my grandchildren if I ever get any,” she commented. This time everyone turned to Barrick. At least Ryan had a mate. Well, almost had a mate. They hadn’t made it official yet. But he wasn’t waiting much longer.

His brother scooted back from the table. “Anybody else need a beer? Or a bottle of Everclear?” he mumbled.

“Ryan,” Xander said on the phone, “I want to thank you for not killing Mark or his grandfather, though I’m not sure the elder deserved to live.”

“Mr. Dunbury’s the one to thank, I don’t think they would have lived had I been given the choice,” Ryan replied honestly. “He put the two in their place.”

“Then thanks to you, sir. Both are getting what they deserve.”

“If I may ask,” Philip started, “what punishment have you dished out?”

Xander chuckled. “Russell, the grandfather, is researching the alpha mate he thinks he knows so much about, and for the cub, I’ve taken a page from your alpha’s book. Mark is moving into my parents’, the elder alpha couple, home for a month.” The group laughed. “Hopefully, he’ll learn a thing or two about living a good life. His family apparently aren’t the best role models.”

“Xander,” Ryan said, “do you know the story behind all this?”

The lion alpha sighed. “Two alphas ago, the alpha joined with a lioness—not his true mate—who wasn’t the best of characters. She was caught sleeping with a rich tiger and your pride called her out. She denied everything, of course. But nonetheless, the lions where in an uproar over it.

“When she vanished, no one said anything. But I guess a few still feel like they need vindication. With Russell digging into the woman’s past, we’ll find out all she was into. I know she was peddling drugs to humans at one time, and I heard she had stolen a human infant and sold it for a lot of money. But I don’t know if that’s true or not. Russell will hopefully find out and tell anyone who feels like he does.

“You all did us a favor if she left because of you.”

“Wow,” Ryan’s mother said, “what a sad story. Was she killed, do you think, Xander?”

“We don’t know. Nobody looked for her, that I know of.”

“Alpha,” Philip said, leaning toward the phone, “I’d like to add to your story. I was pretty young when all that happened and don’t remember it personally. My mother told me about it when I was older. But it so happens that the rich tiger she slept with also disappeared without a trace. After hearing your side of the story, I don’t think them both missing was a coincidence.”

“Hmm. Interesting, Mr. Dunbury. I’ll have to ask around, so everyone is aware of that. Thank you much for the info.”

“Your welcome, Alpha. Just sharing the knowledge. That’s what we old tigers do.”

After Xander hung up, his mom asked if everyone could stay for dinner.

“I’d like to, Jolene,” Philip answered, “but Nigel is coming up to go over all the pride history I have. Seems he wants to be the next historian after I move on.”

Parker smiled at Ryan, cuddling into his side. “You’ve done well, Alpha.”

He leaned over to her chair. “No, my love, you’ve done well. This was all you. I was just there to look pretty.”

Barrick gagged. “Time to go. It’s getting really deep in here.” He kissed his mother on the cheek. “I’d love to stay, Mom, but I’m working on this mate thing.”

Everyone smelled his obvious lie. Barrick ran for the door.

“You better not be late for work!” Ryan yelled out to his brother.

Ryan pulled Parker from her chair and set her on his lap. “Well, love, I can stay. How about you?”

She grinned and whispered into his ear. “Your mom really wants those grandcubs. I think we should work on making her happy.”

Ryan jumped up from the table with her in his arms. “Sorry, Mom,” he hurried to the door. “We…uh…got some stuff to discuss,” he winked at his mom. “A business deal. See you tomorrow.”



Chapter Thirty-Two

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