Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(35)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(35)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

“Blayze, we have to go,” Capone rests his hand on my shoulder. I look into his eye and the blackness in them is hard and cold. He wants to murder a motherfucker for touching his sister. I know how he feels. I feel the same way, but right now Monica is my priority. I stand, holding her close to my chest. Her shallow breathing is hot against my skin. Thank Fuck she’s breathing on her own. But I still don’t know how long she’s been without oxygen and if there’s any irreversible damage. Monica has been through so much already and has come out stronger on the other end, whatever is going on now, I’m confident she’ll fight through it.

A low groan comes from the corner of the room and I stop walking toward the door, looking around. There are three dead bodies here and only one is mine. A smile graces my lips knowing my girl is responsible for the other two.

Another groan comes from the corner of the room and Krimson hurries over to it while Nolan and Capone watch the hallway. Krimson reaches down and yanks up a bruised and beaten Samantha, hog tied. Her face is bloody, her right eye is swollen shut and her head lobs from side to side.

“What do you want to do with her?” Krimson asks.

“Fucking kill her for all I care. The bitch is a traitor.” I rumble glaring at the woman who’s caused so much pain in just a little bit of time. Samantha’s good eye grows wide with fear.

“Hold on a sec,” Capone stops Krimson from snapping Samantha’s neck. “She might have information as to why Chains had that photo on him.”

“She doesn’t,” Monica chokes out coughing. I look down at my Bug with tears in my eyes. She’s staring up at me, her brown eyes are full of love. “You can put me down. I’m OK.”

Reluctantly I release Monica, sliding her down my body and she stands on her own two feet. My cock hardens behind my jeans. I know this isn’t the appropriate time, but Jesus fucking Christ this woman wakes the insatiable beast inside of me. She grips my arm tightly balancing herself until she has full strength, smirking at me. “What? I’m a guy, I can’t help it.”

Monica stands in front of me, pushing her plump ass against my hard-on and turns her attention to Capone. I wrap my good arm around her shoulders holding her against me. “She doesn’t know anything about Chains except he violated her the way he tried to with me.” Monica’s voice is weak but getting stronger with every word. “All this started because she was jealous of us. Her plan was to kill me and then become tight with all of you.”

“You’re a liar,” Samantha growls.

Krimson grips Samantha’s face tightening her fingers into her skin, “I suggest you shut the fuck up.”

Samantha snaps her mouth shut and Monica continues, “She doesn’t know shit. All she knows is that Los Demons wanted to hurt the Royal Bastards and she wanted the same thing. Samantha was dead the moment she started working with them against us. So, yeah kill the stupid cunt.” Monica looks at me over her shoulder. “Take me home, Blayze.”

Capone nods his head and Krimson wraps her slender fingers around Samantha’s bruised neck. The crack sends a shiver down my spine. Krimson drops Samantha to the floor and steps over her dead body. Nolan reaches for her pulling Krimson against his hard body. He kisses the top of her head offering comfort.

Capone opens the door with his gun drawn and heads down the hallway. We meet Red, Tiny, Trigger, Bear and two of Nolan’s men standing in the open bar area. Each brother has blood splattered on their cuts and jeans.

Bear spots us first and heads in our direction, “Thank fuck she’s Ok.” His big arms hug Monica’s tiny body and a low growl escapes my throat. Chuckling Bear releases Monica and slaps me on my bad arm. I wince in pain but don’t say anything. I can feel the warm blood drip down my arm and pool at my fingers.

“One problem, Prez.” Trigger comes up to us with a menacing glare in his eyes.

“What?” Capone responds.

“Dread, Drew and two of their men got away. There must’ve been a secret exit we didn’t know about. But we did find this in his office.” He holds a notebook up and hands it to Capone. Capone flips it open reading it. His face doesn’t show any emotion except the slight tick in his jaw and his black eyes narrow.

“What is it, Prez?” I ask through clenched teeth. I’m slightly dizzy from the blood loss but shake it off.

“He’s not staying here. He’s heading to Detroit. These are routes and channels they used to transport the missing girls from state to state.” Capone reads more, lifts his eyes and stares at Krimson. “He’s heading to Savage Saints, Detroit.”

“Are you sure?” Krimson asks swallowing hard.

“Positive. Kayne will need back up out there if this gets too much out of his control.” Capone flips the notebook closed and stuffs it in the inside of his cut.

The front door swings open and we all spin around with our guns drawn, pointing them at the door.

“Whoa. What a welcome,” Torch jokes with his hands held high. Derange, Dagger and the last of Nolan’s men come in through the door and head right for us. “We need to go, Prez. The cops are on their way.”

Monica grabs my bloody hand and I grit my teeth. Her fingers slip through the blood and she pulls away staring at her soaked hand. “Blayze, you’re hurt.”

“I’m fine. Now let’s move before we have to explain anything,” I brush off Monica’s worry and stride to the door. We don’t have time for this shit.

“There’s no way you’re going anywhere right now,” Monica glares at me. “Let me look and take care of it.”

“It’s fine. Just a flesh wound.” I shrug my shoulder’s gritting through the pain.

“I’ll determine that. Now get your stubborn biker ass over here and let me look,” the pleading in Monica’s brown eyes does me in. I huff and stomp back to where she’s standing.

“Fine,” I concede. I remove my cut and drape it over my good arm. Monica lifts my black t-shirt peeling it away from my arm. I clamp my teeth and hiss through the pain.

“This is pretty bad, Blayze. We need to cover it and you’re going to need stitches.” Monica disappears behind the bar and my heart hammers against my chest when she’s out of my sight. She pops her head back through the door and I breathe a sigh of relief. Jesus she’s going to give me a heart attack.

Monica approaches me quickly with a bottle of Vodka and a clean towel. “This is going to hurt but will work for now.” She tears the sleeve of my shirt off and pours the Vodka over the wound. My arm burns where she’s dousing it in flames.

“Fucking shit woman. You about done?” I shout.

“Almost, you big baby,” Monica gives me a small smile but the worry in her beautiful eyes is prominent. She takes the towel, rips it into several small pieces, wraps it around my arm and ties it off. “There, that should hold you over until we get back to the clubhouse and can get it stitched.”

“Thanks, Bug. Now can we go?” I ask shrugging my cut back on.

“You’re such a bastard, you know that right?” Monica pats my chest and gives me a small kiss.

“A Royal Bastard through and through.” I tease resting my good arm across her shoulders.

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