Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(33)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(33)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

“Where am I and how did you get me here? Who the fuck are you?”

“Still a demanding little bitch aren’t you? This is all your fault you know.” She moves in the shadows behind me. Staying just out of sight. “If you didn’t come back, you wouldn’t be here right now. The Royal Bastards wouldn’t have had a rat in the ranks and Blayze wouldn’t feel the ultimate betrayal.”

The scent of lavender fills my nose. It’s nagging in the back of my mind why it’s so familiar, but I can’t quite place it. Suddenly my head is being yanked back, the hair being pulled from the roots. All thoughts leave my mind as my fight or flight instincts kick in. Just coming off that horrible nightmare, I’m slow to respond but a groan slips past my throat and I tighten my body.

I try to fight back but I can’t move my hands or legs. I shake my head trying to get her grip off my hair. A hard slap sends my head reeling to the side. Blood falls from my lips. Just like in my dream.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want you gone so I can claim my rightful place.” Her lips are right at my ear whispering.

I turn my head and come face to face with the woman who’s holding me hostage. My eyes widen in surprise. “Samantha?” She’s pulled her purple streaked blonde hair up in a ponytail. No make-up on and bruises surround her throat. She isn’t wearing our club colors, thank fuck, but she is wearing a Los Demons t-shirt and leather pants with her six-inch stiletto heels. Her blue eyes are full of rage. I suddenly have a dark urge to stick that fake ass heel into her fake ass face.

“You’re not stupid after all are ya?” She smirks, yanking my head back. I blink through the tears swelling in my eyes from the pain.

“Why? After we took you in, gave you a place to live, clothes on your back and a roof over your head. Why would you do this to the club that gave you everything?”

“Gave me everything?” Samantha’s maniacal laughter rings through the small room. “Your club took everything from me. My life, my youth, my love. You took everything from me.”

“How? How in the fuck did I take anything from you?” I’m really confused on what her crazy bitch-ass is talking about.

Before she can answer, the door opens letting the music from the other room in with them. The noise is loud and annoying before the door slams shut. Heavy footsteps scrape across the wooden floor. Each step comes closer toward us. I watch Samantha’s face turn from cold hard rage to the fake ass sweet smile she saves for men she wants to fuck. I’ve seen her give that look to both Capone and Blayze numerous times. The bitch is going down.

Samantha releases her claws from my hair and shoves my head forward. She walks around the room with her hands clasped in front of her. Around and around she goes. The man who entered is watching her every move. He has on a Los Demons cut but his back is to me so I can’t see his face. Fucking chicken shit. I watch both of them while trying to free my hands from the ropes. My skin burns raw, but I don’t stop. I can’t quit now.

“When I came to the club it wasn’t by choice.” Samantha’s voice takes on a low quiet vibe. “I was forced to go by my slut of a mother. She got involved with Chains. She was one of his many side pieces.” Samantha stares off into space lost in her own head. “She never believed me when I told her what he was doing to me. She laughed it off and said he’d never touch a dirty little girl like me. Only thing was, he did. For years, I suffered from his abuse, his leering looks. I saw him do the same to you, only you had Capone and Blayze to stand up for you while I was left by myself to suffer the abuse alone. I really thought you and I would become friends from what he did to both of us, but you were so self-centered that you didn’t see me.” Samantha spins on her heels, pieces of her purple streaked hair whips around her face. “You didn’t see me. But you see me now. And when I’m finished with you, Blayze will see me too.”

“Are you finished yet?” The low raspy voice of the Los Demon’s member speaks to Samantha.

“Almost. I was just getting to the good part.” Samantha turns to the man and flashes him a sexy smile. I see through it. I see the hurt and pain behind that smile and I want to help. The only thing is, she doesn’t want my help. She wants me to hurt the way she does.

My left hand comes free and I try to work at the right while Samantha and the Los Demons club member are distracted with each other. My right hand slips free and excitement pounds through my chest. Next, I wiggle my feet, trying to free my legs. I have one shot at doing this right. If I fuck up, I’m dead.

“Hurry up. Prez wants her finished and I have plans for you,” he rasps out. Samantha sidles up close to him and whispers in his ear while running her nails through his dark hair. He grabs her ass and pulls her flush against him releasing a low growl. He kisses her bruised neck harshly and Samantha whimpers. I am not sitting through this while they maul each other. I’ll throw up all over if I do. While they’re busy practically fucking each other, I slowly reach my free hands in front of me and undo the ropes. This is why you use zip ties. They’re harder to break out of.

Once my feet are free, I look to see what these two are doing. He has her pinned against the wall, her back to his front, grabbing her boobs and grinding into her from behind. Samantha’s face is pushed against the wall, his free hand around her throat. She’s mewling and begging for more. Neither of them are paying any attention to me. Thanking the Biker Gods for small miracles, I carefully pick up the metal chair I was tied to and carry it. I step behind the two and swing it as hard as I can, nailing the Los Demons in the back of the head. He releases an umph sound and falls into Samantha, pinning her to the ground.

“No, no, no. You can’t do this!” She screeches struggling to get out from under his weight. I swing the chair again into the back of the Los Demon’s head, making sure he doesn’t get up. Blood seeps from his hairline and drips down onto the struggling woman under him. I toss the chair away and grab the ropes they used on me. I shove him off Samantha and put my knee into the center of her back. I yank her hair, making her immobile.

“I am doing this you stupid bitch. You don’t think I don’t see you, but I do. I see the vile heartless bitch you are.” I tie her hands behind her back and lean down so I’m right next to her face. She tries to buck me off her, but I don’t release my hold. “You think you’re the only one Chains had harmed? You are far from right. He took something away from me. Something I will never get back. He took the choice away from me. You could’ve changed. You could’ve helped others, but you didn’t. Now you’ll pay for your mistakes.” I stand up once I have Samantha secured and kick her hard in the stomach. Then I deliver a harsh blow to her face, knocking her out cold. I shove her into the corner of the small room away from the door and check the Los Demons pulse. There is none. I’ve killed him, I now have blood on my hands. I shove the thought in the back of my mind and search his cut for a weapon. My fingers land on a butterfly knife and I yank it free. I shove his dead body away and slowly creep toward the door.

I crack it open and peek outside. Two men guard the door with their backs to me taking up the whole hallway. How in the fuck am I going to get out of this? I silently close the door and lean against it. Looking around the room, there is nothing in here but two bodies, one dead, one unconscious, the chair and a stand. That’s it. No window to escape out of, no bed, no bathroom. It’s stripped bare of everything else.

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