Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(6)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(6)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

Staring into his brown eyes, I talk to him man to man. “Next time those boys want you to do something, remember this day. You’re lucky I didn’t shoot your ass then ask questions.” I put my gun on my dresser and check on Monica. She isn’t in bed anymore, but the bathroom door is closed. “Get out of here little dude.”

“Yes, Blayze.” The hopeful look in his chocolate eyes pierces into my soul.

“Stand the fuck up for yourself. If you know it’s wrong, don’t fucking do it. Don’t let those little assholes force you into doing something that could get you killed.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” He scurries off in the direction that Capone came from. Once he’s out of sight I relax and open my door for Capone to come inside.

He strolls in and sits in the chair in the corner of my room. His eyebrows raise at the messy bed and I internally groan. Fuck me.

“Where’s my sister?”

“In the bathroom,” I answer, sitting on the edge of the bed and slide my jeans on.

“Didn’t I tell you to protect her at all costs, not fuck her?” Capone is pissed. The tick of his jaw is the only sign he’s showing, but I can see it in his dark eyes.

I shrug. I’m caught and no point in denying it. “Can’t help who you fall for, Prez. We’ve been skirting around the attraction for years. And I wouldn’t change last night for anything.”

“That’s the first time the two of you have been together?” Capone asks, baffled.

“Yup,” I answer popping the P. I’m really uncomfortable talking to him about my sex life, but Capone is the type that doesn’t give a shit how uncomfortable you are. If he has questions, he will ask.

“So, you two are a thing now? Do I need to remind you what she’s been through?” Capone leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees.

Monica comes out of the bathroom and sits next to me on the bed. I drape an arm around her shoulders. She answers him before I can. “Yes. We’re a thing now. Both of us have been wanting it for a while but your overbearing big brother asshole ways have stopped me from taking what I want.”

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone. Remember about the meeting this morning, Blayze. Don’t be late. F.O.C.U.S. and some of the NYC members only have a few minutes.” Capone rises from the chair, crosses the room in a few quick strides and pauses at the door. “Blayze, I’m actually happy Monica chose you. Now, I don’t have to beat the shit out of her next boyfriend, since I’ve done that once before.” We chuckle remembering the night we got into a scuffle. Monica’s head ping pongs between the two of us and shakes it. We were both teenagers, drunk and had it out over her once before. He didn’t beat me up, but I let him think he did. Capone turns around and pins me with a glare in his black eyes. “Don’t hurt her.”

“I swear, I’m not planning on it. She’s all I need.” I keep his gaze until he turns around and walks out the door, closing it behind him.

“Did you really mean all of that?” Monica asks, staring at me. A genuine smile graces her full lips.

“Every word, Bug. You’re all I’ve wanted and all I’ll ever need.” I kiss the top of her forehead and she stands up. “Now, we need to get to the studio before we’re late.” I swat her ass and she yelps. I rise from the bed and stalk over to her. The top of her curly dark hair comes to my chin. I pull Monica into my arms and she comes willingly.

“Thought we had to leave?” Monica asks, wrapping her arms around my waist.

“In a minute,” I answer, holding her close. She peers up at me through her long lashes. We stand in the middle of my bedroom, just watching each other. Something’s shifting between us and I’m powerless to stop it.

“Let’s go. You know how those porn stars are when their producer is late.” Monica gives me a sassy smile that lights up her brown eyes.

I kiss her gently on the lips, then release her to finish getting dressed. I slide on a clean, black Royal Bastards MC t-shirt and slip on my cut. Holstering my .45 caliber and putting my wallet in my back pocket, I turn. “Ready?”

“Yeah, let’s make some porn.” There’s something off with Monica. I can tell the way her eyes aren’t lighting up with excitement.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Monica casts her eyes down to the carpet and fidgets with her Royal Bastards tank top. I know she’s lying. She only fidgets when she’s lying or nervous.

“Bug, look at me,” I command. She sighs and lifts her eyes to meet mine. “What’s going on?”

“I’m just worried,” Monica confesses.

“Worried about what? Come on. It’s me and you now. Stop bottling up your feelings and tell me so I can fix it.” I reach her in two quick strides.

“John. I’m worried how he’s going to react when he realizes we’re together.” The worry in her voice is evident. Monica doesn’t enjoy pissing people off or thinking anyone hates her. She’s suffered so much hate from Chains. Capone and I did what we could to shield her from his wrath. Now that he’s gone, our lives are easier but she’s right.

“Don’t worry about that pencil dick motherfucker. He gives you any trouble, you kick his weasel dick ass.” I brush Monica’s hair from her face. “What did you see in him anyway?” I genuinely want to know. I could never figure out what she saw in him. With his brown hair slicked back, always wearing white wife beater tank tops, a pair of stone-washed jeans and several gold chains around his neck, he’s a wanna-be thug trying to be king shit in Venice Beach.

“Honestly? He was the total opposite from you. He filled the void of not having you with me. Trust me, I never let him touch me, but made him want me. I feel horrible for leading him on these past few months and his obsession is borderline creepy.” A smile forms on my lips. “What the hell are you smiling for, Blayze?”

“He is totally opposite from me. I can’t help it. I’m the king shit who has the girl.” Pride fills my voice. I lean down so our lips are a hair’s breadth away. “Now, let’s show him who you belong to.” My mouth crashes down onto Monica’s with an unforgiving force. She moans and opens her lips. I slip my tongue inside and devour every inch of her hot, wet mouth. My cock stirs to life behind the confinement of my jeans. Monica breaks the kiss, breathing heavily. Her full breasts rise and fall with every inhale and exhale. I can’t help but look down between the valley of her tits. My mouth waters, craving to suck, lick and nibble on each one until she’s compliant from my touch.

“We need to go.” Monica’s voice is husky with want and need.

I grab Monica’s hand, adjust my aching dick with the other and together we leave the sanctuary of my bedroom. I lock the door behind us and settle my arm over her shoulders, pulling her next to me, showing the club she’s mine. They already knew, but now it’s official. Monica is mine.



Chapter 4



The ride on Blayze’s bike over to my studio in Venice Beach was cathartic. With my body wrapped around his, we fell into a groove. A quiet understanding that this is where I’m meant to be. I’m supposed to be on the back of his Harley. I’m meant to be by his side. No matter what. And to me, that means so much.

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