Home > Make It Sweet(50)

Make It Sweet(50)
Author: Kristen Callihan

For long moments we lay in a messy, slick tangle, struggling to catch our breaths. I closed my eyes and idly stroked her damp hair, my heart thundering in my chest. We hadn’t even fucked, and yet I felt more replete than I had from any sex in my memory.

Emma snuggled closer, wrapping her arm around my waist as she traced a line along my back. “Wow.”

Weakly, I smiled. “That’s one word for it.”

“You got another?” Her voice was husky and low. Pure sex. My cock twinged. Greedy bastard.

I ducked my head to peer down at her flushed face. “More? Again? Please?”

Her smile grew, the hand at my back smoothing with more purpose. “I like those words too.”

I gave her a soft kiss and chuckled. But then paused as a horrible thought occurred. “Hell.”

She kissed the corner of my mouth. “What?”

I sighed and caught her gaze with mine. “Tell me you have condoms.”

Her expression of appalled disappointment might have been funny if I wasn’t close to crying. At least my smaller head wanted to weep. All right, the bigger head wanted to weep too.

“Hell,” she said.

Given that she was equally aggrieved, I found myself grinning. My fingers wrapped in the mass of her hair, gripping it as my mouth found hers. “We’ll just have to do other things.”

And I would. I’d do them to her all fucking night.



“I can’t take it.”

His tongue flicked my nipple, a sly tease. “You can.”

Everything ached; my belly twisted in sweet knots of pleasure. Softly he kissed my nipple. So softly. Heat pulsed. I bit my lip, struggling to keep still, loving the taut desire pulling at my core. He held me there, cupping my breast with a firm hand, lapping at my nipple, and bestowing suckling kisses with the gentlest of touches in the intent to drive me out of my mind.

And I loved it. I loved it.

We’d run into the slight snag that neither of us had condoms. While I was certain there were some to be had in this house, I wasn’t willing to go looking for some. Okay, my flesh was more than willing, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Nor could I let Lucian go find some. My pride couldn’t handle us begging like college kids in a frat house.

Besides, neither of us wanted to part for that long. We’d compromised, spending the night kissing and touching. No tongues below the waist, only hands. “When I finally get to taste you,” Lucian had stated, “I want to be able to sink into you afterward. I need that, Em.”

Well then.

I was good with hands. I thought so, anyway. Now? Now, he was slowly dismantling me. Kissing me for hours—slow, deep kisses until my lips were swollen and my body hummed. Hands exploring, teasing my breasts, stroking my skin. I accustomed myself to the terrain of his body, mapping out the dips and swells of firm flesh, taut muscles, hot skin.

Every nerve heightened; every muscle ached. Covers pushed aside, we lay in a hot tangle of limbs and sweaty skin. Only the thin fabric of our underwear keeping us apart.

A necessary measure.


His hand slid under the band of my panties, the rough pads of his fingers finding my soaking sex. I groaned, then writhed, as he slowly circled my clit.

“God, you’re lovely.” Solemn green eyes watched me flush and pant as he petted and teased. “That sound you make. That little whimper. I’m going to hear it in my dreams, Em.”

I whimpered again. The sight of his hand stretching my panties as he worked me sent an illicit shiver along my skin, and I clutched his shifting forearm, holding him there where I needed him.

“I know, honey.” His lips brushed mine. “I know. I’m gonna be in here soon, Em.”

“Not soon enough.”

That earned me a chuckle.

I licked his upper lip, then nuzzled it. I loved his mouth. Loved the way he kissed, a little dirty, oh-so thorough. He worshipped with his mouth, devoured, and delivered. I kissed him deeper, needing it. Needing him.

Lucian’s thick, long finger slid into me, and I groaned—a pained sound.

“That’s it,” he rasped, fingering me with agonizingly slow pushes. “Fuck, that’s it.”

I gasped, my head light, my thighs clamping around his hand, as though I could hold in the sensation.

“Spread your legs a little wider, honey. Let me in. Good girl.” He cupped my neck with his free hand, his forehead pressed to mine. “One day soon, I’m going to work myself into this tight sweet honey box, fuck you for hours.”

My thighs trembled, heat swarming me as my lower belly clenched. “Lucian.” I wiggled my hips.

He added another finger, fucking them up into me at an angle that had me keening in pleasure. “Right here, Em. Right here is where I’m aching to be.”

I wanted him there so badly. My body moved with him, rocking against his hand.

“Right here is where I’ll worship.” He kissed me gently, a simple meeting of mouths, as his thumb snaked out and found my clit. He pressed down, rougher now that I was worked up and at the edge. Just how I liked. White-hot head sparked and lit, and I came in a rushing wave that had me straining against him.

“Say my name.” He rubbed my slippery sex, fingers deep inside me.

“Lucian.” I sobbed. “Lucian.”

His grip on my nape was warm, reassuring as he kissed me. “That’s my girl,” he said as I came down from my high, my body trembling. “My girl.”

My focus came back as he slipped free from my panties. He lifted his hand to his mouth and, holding my eyes with his crystalline-green eyes, sucked his wet fingers clean.

A wicked smile curved his lush mouth as his voice rolled over me like warm honey. “Delicious.”

I huffed out a weak laugh, falling into his damp chest. “Lucian Osmond, you wrecked me.”

His arm wrapped around my shoulders as his lips touched the crown of my head. “Only fair. You’ve been wrecking me from the moment we met.”





I awoke to the rustling of the covers and a warm hand gently cupping my cheek. My eyes opened, and he was there, dark hair mussed, green eyes bright. He smiled, a slow breaking dawn over austere features, making them soft and open.

“Hey, Em.”

“Honey pie.”

The smile grew, reaching into my heart and tugging it. And then he leaned forward, his mouth moving over mine in a buttery kiss that melted my insides. It was gentle, reverent. A promise. I smiled against his lips, and he did, too, pulling back to meet my gaze once more, like he needed confirmation I was truly there.

Then, as though he couldn’t help himself, he dipped his head again and kissed me with more boldness, sipping at my lower lip, nuzzling my upper one. My hand went to the strong curve of his neck to hold on, bring him closer. But he ended it too soon with a husky laugh. “I’m getting up and going to the store.”

“The store?” It was the last thing I’d expected him to say.

Lucian quirked a brow, his expression laden with meaning. “Yes, the store. And then we’re going home to put my purchase to good use.”

Understanding fluttered through me. “Ah. Yes. Get your fine ass to the store, Brick.”

He huffed out another laugh, kissed my lips quickly and perfunctorily, lingering only a little at the end. With a groan, he rolled out of bed.

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