Home > Devil's Spawn (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #6)(34)

Devil's Spawn (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #6)(34)
Author: Manda Mellett

“All we’ve got is a first name, and that she’s got problems. Don’t even know if there’s a name for what she’s got, or whether she was born that way, so he can’t search medical records. Like finding a needle in a fuckin’ haystack.”

I nod toward the jar.

“She ain’t even here,” he hisses when he turns back around to see where I’m indicating. Then laughs. “You getting a cut out of this, Brother?”

No, I’m not. But seeing the way those dollars are mounting up, I wish I were. There are even a few IOUs in there as well. Reckon come payday, the levels in the jars will rise.

Suddenly both of us lurch forward.

“Hey, what you two ladies gossiping about?”

“Ink,” I cough as I recover from the hard slap to my back. “Asshole.” I give him one of my best glares. Then relent. “Actually, glad you’re here. What do you think about this?”

I place a coloured drawing in front of him. He picks it up, then whistles through his teeth. “One of Esme’s?”

I nod. I glance at Pyro, wondering whether he’s going to mock me or not. Then at Ink, not certain he might not do the same. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. “I was wondering about having that on my gas tank.”

It’s a picture of a rearing stallion, his front hooves raised, his eyes blazing and angry breath coming from his nostrils. How the fuck Esme can conjure something like that up, I’ve no idea, but it’s nothing you’d expect from a childish sketch.

“I’ll tell you what I think, shall I?”

I look up then down. I thought it was his opinion I’d just asked.

“I wish I’d fuckin’ seen that first, Brother.” A wide grin spreads across Ink’s face, which slips when I nod toward the jar.

“She’ll be pleased,” Pyro observes. “Fuckin’ over the moon I would think, Mace. With a talent like that, doesn’t matter what other drawbacks she has.” He sees my glance and shakes his head. Oh well, he’s right, Esme’s not within hearing.

Fleetingly I wonder how she’ll grow and develop, whether the two women will stick around somewhere locally so we’ll find out. My eyes go to Shayla who’s currently playing a game of pool with Beth. It had amused me as Beth had very carefully inspected, then wiped down the pool table first. Uh-uh, now they’ve caught my eye, I can’t look away. Shayla’s just bending to take a shot… That ass! A little more padding as she puts back on the weight which I’m assuming she lost, and it would be perfect. As it is, I wouldn’t complain if I was pounding my cock into it…

I swing back around fast. That woman’s been objectified by men enough. Doesn’t need a man like me leering after her. While I suspect Beth was probably responsible for dragging her down, it’s progress that Shayla’s ventured to the clubroom without Esme as a buffer. Last thing I want to do is chase her away.

“Any idea when the gym will be completed, Ink?” I ask to take my mind off of the woman I shouldn’t be having lewd thoughts about, discreetly adjusting myself in my pants.

“Nope. I’m beginning to wish we’d never gone with the idea of opening the place to the public. If it was just us fuckers using it, we wouldn’t have to be so fuckin’ particular. Now it’s all got to be built to code. Apparently, it’s not cool to have walls falling down on customers.”

I look at him out of the side of my eye. “Not sure I’d be too keen on that myself.”

For a response, all I get is a shove with his fist, then he calls out, “You ready, Beth?”

His woman mimes finishing her game, and he nods back. Seconds later, I wish she’d been ready to leave as he starts on me. “So, that bitch of yours is coming back at the weekend, then?”

I’d mentioned it as an aside last night in our normal Wednesday church in case anyone objected. No one complained, though a few groaned and mentioned they couldn’t afford having kids around. Which, predictably, got another mention of Theo, followed by a few comments about how all kids should have naps and go home by five so the men could let loose. I’d grinned, just imagining what Cas would have to say on that matter.

“She’s only a friend,” I tell him, yet again. “It’s Cas she’s coming here for. I’ve told you and everyone else this, Ink.”

Pyro then starts in too. “It’s how it starts, Brother. You think you’re just supporting them, then they worm their way under your skin and voilà. They’ve got you forever.”

“You love Mel. Always did.”

Pyro snorts and shakes his head but doesn’t deny it. “Didn’t allow myself to think it while she was with Skull. Could be similar to you, Bro, though there isn’t another man in the picture, or not one who’s breathing that is.”

He doesn’t know the half of what’s wrong with that statement.

“Hey, that kid of hers. Anyone else notice he looks like Liz? Could he be a relative or something?”

I still at Ink’s words, feeling blood drain from my face. “Haven’t noticed,” I tell them, trying my best to sound convincing. “Kid’s got red hair, just like his mom.”

“They’ve got the same nose though, and the same sulky look to their mouths. Hey, I might ask him.”

“Leave it,” I tell Ink fast.

“Why so defensive, Mace?” Ro asks.

Sorting through my thoughts at lightning speed, I come up with something that’s not quite a lie. “I’ve known Vanna for ages.” Well, almost two weeks. “You can see for yourself, Liz has never met her. And Cas has no cousins so I can’t see how there can be a connection. Maybe way back there’s a link in their DNA but hell, heaven help me, I’m probably linked to you two if I look far enough back on my family tree. We’re all probably related in some way.”

Pyro stares at Ink, and murmurs, “Thanks for that thought, Mace.”

“Shut it,” Ink growls, but laughs.

Finished with her game, Beth wanders over. Leaning in, she gives Ink an open-mouthed kiss. Now there’s one brother I thought would never get caught. There’s no doubting how happy he is with her though, despite the troubles they had to go through to get together.

“See you later, Ground Pounder.”

“Later, Leatherneck,” I respond, as he at last lets her go, and hand in hand they walk out the door together.

I notice Shayla’s tidying away the pool cues and racking the balls for whoever wants to play next. She’s doing it hurriedly though, as if without female company she’s going to escape back to her room.

Deciding to go over, I approach. With eyes that have learned to be aware of her surroundings, she notices me as I draw close. Hoisting my left buttock onto the pool table, I fold my arms and face her.

“How you doing, Shayla?”

Her shoulders move up, then down. “Good?”

“Are you asking or telling me?” I chuckle softly, while examining her face. Her eyes still look like there’s no life in them.

Another shrug. “It’s hard for me to feel safe anywhere, Mace. My gut tells me I can trust people here, but I’ve time on my hands, especially as Jayden’s taken Esme under her wing. I think I’m only just beginning to process what happened to me.”

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