Home > Devil's Spawn (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #6)(69)

Devil's Spawn (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #6)(69)
Author: Manda Mellett

“It’s time you learned everything, Liz. So, I’m going to tell you. That kid of yours, well, he got into trouble with the law, which was why she came to find you. Thought the kid could use a man’s hand in changing the direction he was taking in life.”

“What did he do?” Lizard asks, his face reddening.

“Hotwired a car.”

“She’s off her fuckin’ head if she came to criminals for help.”

Demon growls but doesn’t bother refuting the label Lizard’s used for the second time. “She hoped you’d step up and help your son. It was serious, Liz. Kid was looking at juvie or even being taken away from his mom.”

Liz takes a second to digest the words, his face tightens. “Is he still?”

“No. We sorted it. That’s what family does, Lizard.”

“Kid gets one pass, Liz.” I tell him. “He gets into trouble again, we won’t lift a finger to help. He knows this.” He does. I’d made it clear to him.

“I’ll speak to him.”

My head starts to shake at the same moment Demon asks him, “Lizard, what experience do you have with teenagers?”

As Liz’s shoulders make an up and down motion, Demon adds, “We don’t either, apart from all once having been one. I do know, you need to concentrate on getting a relationship with him as he is now. It’s a thin line you’ll be walking and could easily alienate him. Lean on us, let us do the hard part. If you go it alone with Vanna in Denver, you’re likely to make some big mistakes, maybe even end up leaving Vanna no choice but to choose between you and him.”

Lizard at least seems to be listening to Prez’s words. “What are you suggesting, Demon?”

Prez’s face relaxes a little. “You need time to recover, heal as best you’re able to. You and Vanna, you and Cas, need to establish your relationships. Give us a month, that’s all I’m asking. Use the clubhouse as a place to convalesce. Get to know Vanna without her slipping back into routines with no place for you in them. Learn about Cas with what support you need from brothers around you. Let us help you recover.”

“I don’t want Cas involved in anything criminal.”

“For fuck’s sake brother, if you weren’t already hurting, I’d slap you around the fuckin’ head myself,” I tell him, sharply. “We are not involved in anything outside the law.” Well, not currently.

His mouth purses and he’s quiet for a moment. When he speaks, it sounds like he’s coming around to the idea. “I give you a month. What then?”

“No. We’re giving you a month, Brother. A month when you can relearn us, and we can see if you’re still the man we want riding with us. A month when you can reconnect with your wife, see if she’s still it for you, and if you’re her one. A month when you can learn how to cope with a teenager—although in that case, a lifetime probably wouldn’t be long enough.” Demon chuckles. “You’ll be able to learn his likes, dislikes, and whether you can live together. We’re giving you time, Brother. Use it wisely.”

“And if I want to leave after the month, you won’t stop me going to Denver?”

Demon stares at him intently. “You have my word, Brother.” After letting that sink in for a few seconds, he nods toward me. “Why don’t you go with Mace and see your room? It might trigger your memory.”

Lizard looks hopeful for a second, then sadness covers his face. Nothing so far has brought any memories back. Stepping forward without a word, I hold out my arm, and he braces against it, using me as a support to get to his feet. Beef passes him his crutches, and I let him go once he finds his balance. When he turns to thank me, I get a glimpse of the man I’ve known for so many years before his look becomes shuttered again. Nevertheless, he turns to Demon.

“I’m not saying my fears about the club and what you stand for are wrong. But for the life of me, I can see no benefit to you in letting me stay. So, I’ll take your offer at face value. I feel I should thank you.”

“No need for thanks, Lizard. We’re just having your six as you would have done for any of us were the positions reversed.”

“Come, Brother,” I hold the door open, not unsurprised to see Vanna hovering outside. “I’ll show you where you live.”

“Everything okay?” she asks, her brow furrowed.

Lizard regards her for a moment. “I’m staying here for a month, Vanna. Hopefully I’ll have more strength then.” He nods down at his crutches. “I need help, and it’s not fair on you to be my sole support. I’m persuaded of that.”

I don’t miss the look of relief that crosses her face. I jerk my chin indicating she should follow us up the stairs.

Liz tackles the staircase carefully. I offer my arm, he shakes his head. “Up to heaven,” he says rather strangely, as he moves his left leg, waits until he gets his balance, then pulls up the right. I allow him the time he needs to get to the top.

Demon’s given me the spare key, so I open Lizard’s door, standing back to let him inside. This is the first time Vanna’s had an insight into Lizard’s home where he’s lived since he was patched in. Interestingly she hangs by the door, as if waiting for an invitation. Lizard swings himself in with the aid of both crutches, then lowers one to the bed, and balancing on the other, looks around him. He hops to the closet and opens it, spying his clothes hanging up neatly, then opens drawers which, if he’s like me, hold underwear and socks. He eyes his motorcycle boots waiting for his feet by the bed.

“Do you recognise anything, Lizard?” Though it’s in vain, I’m hoping he’ll remember something.

He shakes his head. “Nothing. Looks like someone else lives here.” He picks up a photo on the bedside table, his head tilting as he sees himself, me, Ink, and Cad holding up a fish. Yeah, we had a day out and made a lucky catch. We all look relaxed, happy and smiling. Thunder had taken the photo as I recall.

He replaces the photo, face down, then he continues to explore and opens the drawer by the side of the bed. I wince on Vanna’s behalf as he brings out sealed and open cartons of condoms. He takes them out, hobbles to the waste bin and drops them all in, then turns to his wife and catches her eye.

“I won’t need these.” When Vanna gasps audibly, he continues, “Well, I won’t, will I?”

“If you don’t want to fuck,” she answers crudely, her voices staccato, “then no.”

His eyes widen. “I didn’t mean that. You’re…”

“I was on the pill years ago. I don’t take it now. Why should I, when I haven’t had a man in my life?”

“Er, I think I’ll back out of this conversation.”

Both partner’s eyes snap to mine, then lose interest in me. I turn to leave, asking Vanna if I can pass. Lizard’s voice stops me.

“Mace. Take that with you.”

Turning I see it’s Lizard’s cut which he’s viewing with disgust.

“Liz—” I start.

But Vanna gets there before me. “You were so proud to wear that Liz. Over the past couple of weekends, I didn’t see you without it. You earned the right to wear those patches. Leave it where it is. It might eventually remind you of who you were.”

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