Home > Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(12)

Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(12)
Author: DL Gallie

Without thinking, I blurt, “Can I take you to dinner?”









Holy shit, he wants to take me to dinner.

What kind of guy does that? I sneak out like a thief in the night and he still wants to see me, is he crazy? I offered for us to get coffee, ease our way into something, and then he counters with dinner. What the what? Have I been sucked into an alternate universe? An alternate freaking universe where a sexy as hell Irish god, who also happens to be a doctor, wants me. Me? Avery Evans, plain-Jane teacher. He does remember that we had a one-night stand—a freaking amazing out of this world, porn worthy one-night stand—and then I snuck out. What are the freakin’ odds that he turns out to be the doctor who treats my sister? And after ALL that, he still offers to take me out to dinner. What the what? Is this guy nuts? Oh My God, don’t think of his nuts ‘cause that’s near his thingy, his amazing thingy that gave me the most amazing pleasure E-V-E-R!

I’m not sure what to do.

I’ve never been in this situation before.

What do I do?

What’s the protocol when a one-night stand asks you out when you bump into one another?

Shy me wants to run and hide and forget I ever met Dr. Flynn Kelly.

Sex-bomb vixen me, who went home with him, really wants to go to dinner with him…and then have him for dessert. Where the hell did that kinky thought come from? I don’t think or say things like that. Crap, what is this guy doing to me? Shit, he’s staring at me, waiting for my reply.

Before I can stop myself I blurt out, “Sure, I’d love that.” What the hell, Evans?

He smirks at me as he grabs a card off the counter and scribbles on the back of it. He hands it to me and just like before, when his fingers brush against mine, an electric current zaps between us. The air around us sizzles with desire and lust. He leans in and ever so softly kisses my cheek, my cheek tingles when his lips press against my skin.

“My cell’s on the back. Call me to arrange dinner,” he gruffly says, his voice sending shock waves through my body and igniting my soul. Before I can say anything, he steps away. Leaving me standing here like a lovesick fool with a grin on my face bigger than the Cheshire cat.

Grinning from ear to ear, I turn on my heel and walk back into the cubicle where Bay was, but it’s empty. I’m guessing she’s off for her X-ray so I take a seat and wait.

I’m thankful for the few moments of peace. My mind plays everything over and over.

Our night together.

The chats we had.

The morning together before I snuck out.

Our chat just now.

The peck on my cheek a moment ago.

Lifting my hand, I rest it where his lips were. A shudder runs though me. I’m so scared when it comes to this man but at the same time, I’m intrigued and excited. For the first time in my life, I want to be reckless and carefree. I’m going to go for it, what’s the worst that could happen?

Sitting down on the chair on the corner, I wait for Bay to return. A short while later, the curtain pulls back and she returns. She plays the princess card and flirts excessively with the orderly. The fool goes out of his way to help her back onto the bed. Sitting in the corner, I shake my head and hold back a laugh.

Stretching my arms over my head, I stretch out my muscles and then lean back and continue watch the spectacle in front of me. How freakin’ long does it take to get someone back into a bed? Finally, she’s settled and the orderly leaves, pulling the curtain closed behind him. “You good?” I ask, when she looks over at me.

“What do you think?” she snaps at me, “My ankle is swollen. It looks like a melon is growing out the side of it, and I won’t be able to head to Vegas with the girls this weekend. But at least there’s a totally fuckable doctor on my case.”

My blood boils when she says this. She knows something happened between Flynn and me, but in recent, typical Bay style, she’s going to walk all over me. She’s going to take what’s mine; just like she did with my Princess Barbie when we were eight years old. Before I can tell her to back off, the curtain opens and Flynn steps in.

He looks to me and winks, my cheeks darken and my heart begins to race faster within my chest. I’m sure if I were connected to a heart monitor, my heart rate waves would have little love hearts flashing across the screen between each beat.

“Hey, Doc,” Baylor flirts.

“Ms. Evans, I—”

“Please call me Bay.” She flirts and again my blood simmers.

“Ms. Evans,” he ignores her–score one Flynn. “As I was about to say, your X-ray shows no sign of a break, but the ligaments have been torn. You’ll be in an orthopedic boot for a few weeks to aid in recovery of the ligaments, and you will need to follow up with a physical therapist to exercise and restrengthen the ligaments.”

Baylor leans forward and thrusts for tits toward Flynn. “Can’t you see me through my recovery?” she purrs like a desperado.

“No,” he sternly says. “I’m an ER doctor, not a physical therapist. I’ll have you fitted with a walking boot and then you’ll be discharged.” He turns to leave and looks at me. “Ave, don’t forget to call me.” With that statement he exits the cubicle, and I sit watching the curtain flap with a goofy grin on my face.

“What the fuck?” Bay scoffs. “He’s choosing you over me?”

My grin evaporates at Bay’s harsh words and I stare at her. “What?” I ask confused.

“Dr. Hottie totally ignored me and focused on you. Why?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I try to school my face because if Bay gets wind of my feelings—not that I have any—for Flynn then she’ll swoop in and steal him like she did with Mike Ciz in eleventh grade. However, this time it will be much worse because I’ve already slept with Flynn, and there’s something building inside me when it comes to the hot Irish doctor.

“Why?” she snarls again.

“Why not?” I bitchily say in reply.

“Because I’m me and you’re you. You’re a boring, quiet, shy school teacher. And I’m this…” She flicks her hand up and down her body. “Who wouldn’t want this?”

Maybe it’s your holier than thou attitude, I think to myself. “Bay, we look exactly the same except your hair is a little lighter, so on looks alone there’s no comparison. Personality-wise…” I don’t finish that because I don’t want to get into an argument with her.

She rolls her eyes at me. “Whatever.” She crosses her arms in a huff.

Thankfully a nurse walks in before it can get any more heated between the two of us. She gives Bay the details she needs for her physical therapist, fits her boot, and then hands her her discharge papers.

With the usual Bay overexaggeration, she climbs into the wheelchair and we leave the hospital. Just as we are exiting the ER, I feel Flynn staring at me from behind. Looking over my shoulder, I notice him watching me. He winks when our gaze meets and a smile breaks free. I brazenly wink back, something I wouldn’t normally do, but around Flynn Kelly I seem to do a lot of things I normally wouldn’t.

We arrive back at our apartment and Bay heads to her room, slamming the door behind her. Shaking my head, I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. With my wine in hand, I walk into the living room and as I take a seat on the sofa, I pull my phone out of my pocket. Tucking my legs under my butt, I lean back into the sofa and grab the card Flynn gave me earlier. My nerves begin to jitter as I stare at the rectangular card in my hands. Pursing my lips, I umm and ahh as to whether I want to text him. I want to text him, really I do. But at the same time I don’t. I totally don’t know what to do right now. So instead of deciding, I chug back the wine in my glass. Hopping up, I refill it, and bring the bottle back with me.

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