Home > Love to Tempt You (Wild to Love #4)(39)

Love to Tempt You (Wild to Love #4)(39)
Author: J. Saman

“I officially hate you.”

He laughs. Bastard. And I swear I think I catch him mutter something that sounds a lot like ‘you weren’t saying that last night.’

Double bastard.

But still, my body zaps with relief over how this morning went. The ride is making me dizzy though. The constant up and down of the rollercoaster he and I can’t seem to get off. Keith is the first man I’ve ever had real feelings for, and those feelings are nothing short of complicated and demanding. They require so much energy and effort and time from me.

Maybe he’s right about the nap.

Maybe we can both use the breather.

Just focus on you, I remind myself. Hoping my heart hears the words and takes the reprimand more seriously than it has been.

By the time I have Some Like It Hot cued up, Keith is sauntering into the media room complete with a fitted white T-shirt, low-slung designer jeans, and damp hair. He looks like a bad boy from a nineteen fifties biker movie and far too tempting.

I look away immediately. “Good timing. I went with Some Like It Hot instead of Gentlemen Prefer Blonds. It’s black and white and less music, which means maybe we’ll both nap.”

“Sounds perfect.” He jumps onto the long sectional but instead of giving us space—I need space Keith!—he slides right up beside me, dropping his wet head to my lap.

“What the Christmas goose do you think you’re doing?”

He chuckles, the sound vibrating. Right into my upper thighs. Because that’s where his freaking head is.

“Christmas goose?”

I shrug.

“I’m getting comfortable. You’re comfortable to lie on.”

I balk at that. “How would you know. You’ve never done it before.” I try to shove him off, but the determined man does not budge. He’s big and muscular and let’s be honest here, my attempt is half-assed at best. Have I mentioned how good he smells? Like OMG so good. It’s his body wash or shampoo or whatever because he’s not wearing his cologne right now.

Still, it’s criminal and it makes my recently touched lady parts zing with desire.

“I’m doing it now, quit trying to push me off. I’m fucking exhausted and you’re comfortable.” He wraps his arms around me, adjusting me so he’s holding me closer while his head is directly over my pussy now. If my pussy were to speak, it would be whispering directly into his ear.

I rest my casted arm on the dip of his waist and my other hand finds the strands of his hair, unable to resist. I run through the coarse wet strands, loving the texture as it dances along my fingers. He lets out a deep hum of contentment as he sinks deeper into me.

“You feel good,” he murmurs, his eyes already heavy. “And whatever you’re doing with my hair is heaven.”

His eyes close and his breathing evens out within seconds as my fingers continue to glide through his hair. He looks so peaceful. So content as he holds me so damn close.

And just for this moment, just because he’s asleep and can’t feel my thoughts, I allow them to stray. To imagine. To pretend this could be real. Knowing all the while it’s not. That it never will be. But wanting it to be all the same.








* * *


“They’re not going to let me in,” I say, staring out the window of the huge black SUV complete with tinted windows and security detail.

“You mean because you’re practically naked?”

I ignore Keith’s jab completely. Mostly because it’s true. The guys finished their album early this morning. They laid down the last track and Lyric said it was brilliant. Now all she has to do is go through it all and perfect it. Album number six. That’s a pretty big deal, and these guys have been working tirelessly in the studio over the last few weeks.

Which meant long endless hours for me too.

“Don’t listen to him,” Henry says, reaching out, squeezing my shoulder. “You look incredible and perfect for where we’re going.”

I glance in Henry’s direction and smile. Henry and I have gotten close. And not the type of close you’d think would happen between a single girl and a single guy. Nope. We’re totally and completely friends. His words, not even mine. He told me he didn’t have a choice in the matter and that was that.

He friend-zoned me.

I still have no idea what he meant when he said he didn’t have a choice, but it really doesn’t matter since I love hanging out with him so much.

Keith is another matter entirely.

“No. I just meant because I’m not twenty-one.”

“You look twenty-one. Hell, you look twenty-five the way Naomi and I did you all up,” Ethan chimes in. “And don’t worry, honey, you’re with us. That means you get in and no one gets carded.”

“If you say so.”

“I know so. Besides, it’s not like you’re drinking so no harm no foul. Relax and have some fun. You look super sexy hot. Own it.”

“I’ve never worn so much makeup and so few clothes in my life.”

Ethan and Naomi had way too much fun getting me ready for tonight. I’m wearing an outfit Naomi told me she wore on stage once. It’s a black, one-shoulder sequin crop top that has a drape down the back that connects to a matching skirt. The skirt is long in the back, just below my knees, but in the front, it slopes up and has an epic slit that goes practically all the way up. I’m showing some serious leg. And belly. And cleavage.

“That I believe,” Ethan snickers. “But if I were straight, I’d fuck you. That’s how good you look. So at least you have that going for you. What else matters?”

I roll my eyes at him, turning to the window as we glide up along the sidewalk in front of the club.

“Are you ready?” Keith whispers in my ear, his fingers gently tracing the back hem of my skirt where it meets my skin.

I glance over my shoulder at him and beam a smile. “I’m ready.”

That’s when the back door to the SUV opens and a zillion flashes of light happen all at once. The main security detail for the band, Marsellus, throws me a rare grin and takes my hand, helping me down, which I appreciate since I’m in heels. “Have fun tonight, Miss Maia. I will be upstairs with you all if you need anything.”

“Thank you.”

Keith’s instantly behind me, his hand now splayed on my lower back, guiding me forward, toward the entrance of the club, his body angled in and around mine like a protective shield as we’re assaulted with questions and demands for pictures by the paparazzi lining the street. A soft hypnotic pulse drifts out, coating me in its warm vibration and I smile, finally a bit giddy at my first time in a club.

Henry flanks my other side, holding on gently to my upper arm right above my cast. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the second SUV pull up and watch as Gus, Naomi, Jasper, Viola, Lyric, and Jameson all step out. Marco took the night to be with his boyfriend since we’re leaving for tour on Sunday.

Tomorrow I get my cast off.

Saturday night we have a party we’re attending, and then bright and shiny Sunday morning we hit the road.

It’s a whirlwind of fantasy and fun.

I love this job. I love the people I’m working with who already treat me like one of their own. Like part of their family. I love making the hotel arrangements and ensuring the guys get what they need. I love running their schedules and their social media which has exploded with fan engagement.

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