Home > Love to Tempt You (Wild to Love #4)(74)

Love to Tempt You (Wild to Love #4)(74)
Author: J. Saman


Henry - Three years earlier

- unedited and subject to change



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Blue. If I had to guess, that would be the color I would pick. They’re not iridescent enough to be green and so far from dark there is no way those beautiful irises are brown. The heavy house bass coats me in its never-ending torrent of sound, quickening my pulse and heating my blood.

Silently, I live for this.

The freedom of the room. The darkness of the shrouding anonymity. The static zing of sexual energy as it swells without restraint, filling the warm, sticky air with a spicy flavor and erotic texture. Down here is my escape. And not once have my bandmates, my lifelong best friends, ever questioned my flying solo as I do it. They might not understand it, but they do understand my need for it.

Even if they don’t, and never will, know the reason behind it.

But this woman… the one I’m staring at… the one I’ve been staring at since I step into this enormous, gyrating body-filled room five minutes ago and instantly spotted her… she ignites my blood. Makes me hard.

And best of all… she’s alone.

Like me.

Gorgeous. That’s not even a question. But she’s more than that.

She has an aura.

Something unique, exotic, and captivating as hell. I can’t even place what it is about her, but I haven’t been able to look away for a second.

I waited. I watched. She’s a slave to the music as it flows through her bones, calling her muscles into action. Arms above her head, hips swiveling, eyes now closed. She’s not here for the men who have come up to her, demanding her attention and body.

And there have been plenty.

They see what I see. However, where they all failed, I already know I’ll succeed.

She’s here for me tonight whether she knows it or not.

I don’t question my motives as I slide through the menage of bodies.

I don’t hesitate as I lower my mouth to her ear and whisper, “Want to dance with a stranger in the dark?”

Her eyes flash open, ready to explain in explicit detail all the ways I can fuck off since my hands are now on her waist and my face is right before hers. Instead, her pithy retort dies on her tongue, her eyes filling with recognition as those deep blues cast about my face.

“How did you know?” she replies playfully, her body inadvertently drawing closer.

The high of the show we played tonight hasn’t abated. It still hums along my skin and spears my lips with its smile. And right now, I’m thankful for that. Otherwise, the smile she’s reflecting—the one I’ve seen on a thousand other women when they look into my eyes and see a world-famous rock star—would seriously turn me off.

Still, the disappointment that she clearly recognizes me doesn’t stop me from snaking my arms deeper around her back, guiding her gorgeous body into mine. Something foreign and heavy floods my chest when she’s finally seated against me, staring up into my eyes. I lick my suddenly dry lips, trying to ignore whatever this is, desperate for this brand-new sensation to remain unnamed.

I start to move us, grinding into her in sync with the beat of the music.

She sucks in a gasp of air, those heavy-lidded eyes growing wide with shock. Her head frantically snaps about, eyes scanning like she’s afraid we’re going to be caught by someone.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” I ask, because I don’t do that. I don’t share. Never and not even close.

“N-no,” she stutters and then shivers, reacting to the glide my hands up her back and into her long, brown mane of hair. “It’s just that… I never thought… you… this. You’re touching me and looking at me and…” A self-deprecating laugh chokes past her full lips. “Never mind. I’m gonna shut up now.”

“Do you wish I wasn’t touching you?” My fingers descend, dragging down her neck and along the smooth, exposed skin of her arms that feels almost electric beneath my touch. “Looking at you?” My face drifts closer, our eyes locked and only inches away. My breath catches in a way it never has before. Goddamn…

She licks her lips, her eyes bouncing back and forth between mine. Like she’s trying to read me. See what my intentions are with her. I don’t hide my want and when she realizes it, her eyes come to life with a heat that makes my cock twitch.

“I like you touching me. I love the way you’re looking at me. I don’t want you to stop. I guess I just assumed you’d be upstairs. Not down here with everyone else. With me.”

She’s referring to the private floor, and all I can do is shake my head. The women on the private floor do nothing for me. They’re all the same. Not an ounce of real outside or in between any of them. They’re agenda driven. They see money and fame and zero in.

I can’t stand any of them. Not even for a night.

“Are you down here alone?” she pushes, peeking around me once more.

“Looking for someone else?”

Her eyes snap back to mine. “Not when you’re the one I’ve always wanted. I’m just making sure we won’t be interrupted by anyone we wouldn’t want to find us.”

“We won’t be.”

“Well then,” she murmurs, her smile growing. “In that case, sure. I’d love a dance in the dark with a stranger like you.” She snakes her arms around my neck, her fingers boldly coiling into the strands at my nape. Yet her eyes are guarded, her movements hesitant, almost as if she’s waiting for me to push her away. “Is it off-putting if I say I’ve always dreamt of this but never in a million years imaged it would happen?”

“With me?”

“Yes,” she laughs the word like I’m crazy for asking. “With you, Henry Gauthier. Though I think you already knew that.”

“You’re beautiful. Any man would be lucky to dance with you. Many before me have tried.”

Her arms fly up above her head, her head tilting back as her eyes fall closed, moving with me to the heavy house beat. I lied just now when I told her she’s beautiful. She’s so much more than that. And looking at her like this, in my arms, she’s robbing me of my ability to breathe. The temptation to throw caution to the wind and kiss her here, run my hands all over her body, reach up under her short dress and make her come with hundreds of people around us is so compelling I have to bite my lip to staunch the tenacious need.

“Other men have tried. But I haven’t wanted any of them.”

“Why’s that?”

An impish grin curls up the corners of her lips. “Because they’re not you, are they?”

Her body plunges backward, forcing me to dip her, trusting I won’t drop her. Fingertips scrape the floor before she rights herself, her eyes glowing, her cheeks bright, and her lips parted with her breathy laugh.

“That was fun. Do you have moves, Henry? So far I’m doing all the leading.”

“I approached you.”

“That doesn’t make you special.”

Fuck. I like this one.

The nerves she had when I first approached her are gone. Now she’s a siren. A sexy, confident force of nature. Wild, sinful trouble I want to drown myself in.

“It makes me the one you said yes to.”

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