Home > Together : A Surprise Pregnancy Romance(48)

Together : A Surprise Pregnancy Romance(48)
Author: Jennifer Van Wyk

I guess that explains the stickiness. My head must be bleeding.

I wish I had the energy to talk out loud so I could reassure the baby that he and I are going to be just fine. I might be a little banged up, but I’ll survive as long as he’s healthy.

“Ma’am, are you okay? Can you hear me?” a guy shouts, his phone pressed to his ear. “It’s only her in there. Oh shit… I think… she’s pregnant. Fuck. Hurry up. Where’s the damn ambulance?!” he yells into the phone. “Okay okay. Yeah. I’ll stay on. Ma’am. Can you hear me? Talk to me, okay? I saw the whole thing and that was some crazy shit. Crap, I shouldn’t say that. I’m sorry, I’m not good in these situations. I get all tongue-tied and nervous. Listen, I know you’re hurting and you’re probably scared out of your damn mind and that’s totally understandable because that was fucking wild, but you’re going to be fine. The ambulance should be here in two minutes.”

I stare into his bright blue eyes, full of kindness and fear and I so wish that I could respond. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. Through the broken window, he reaches in and grabs my outstretched hand. I don’t even remember stretching it toward him.

“My name’s Max. I won’t leave your side until they kick me out of here, okay? That’s a promise. Just stay awake. I think that’s something they say, right? Did you hit your head? It looks like it. Then you might have a concussion so you need to stay awake.” His rambling is somehow calming me down and I feel my breathing starting to slow down. I take a deep breath and nod.

“Thank… you,” I whisper.

He gives me a gentle squeeze just as I hear the sound of sirens blaring in the background. “They’re coming, you hear that? The medics are about here and they’ll help you. Just hang on.”

“Ba…by,” I manage to croak out.

The look on his face does not reassure me in the least. “Yeah. Your baby, too. You’re both going to be fine.”

I want to tell him he can’t be so sure of that but I choose to believe the empty promise anyway. I will be okay. My baby boy will be okay.

What commotion was happening seconds ago is only kicked up a notch when the ambulance arrives. The stranger steps back after giving me one more hand squeeze and in his place, are the faces of determined paramedics.

The firefighters appear out of nowhere, helping to clear out the wreckage, all while I’m barely hanging on to consciousness. All the voices and sounds are muffled and I feel like I’m looking through a tunnel.

“Ma’am? I’m Carter from the Liberty Community Ambulance Department. Can you tell me your name?”

“Ash…ley,” I croak.

“Ashley, we’re going to get you out, okay? The fire department is here working quickly. Were you traveling alone? Anyone else in the vehicle with you?”

Shaking my head, I confirm. “Just me.”

He looks me over, his eyes landing on my legs that are wedged between the dash and door. “Can you move your legs?”

I test my legs and can’t move them, but I can feel them. Thankfully it feels like I’m just pinned in the car but I can wiggle my toes.

Licking my lips, I clear my throat and pray I can speak a little more clearly. “I’m… stuck.”

“We’re working on it. We’ll get you out. Do you have feeling in your legs?”

I nod and close my eyes, suddenly feeling exhausted.

“Okay. Good. Good. Ashley? I need you to stay awake for me. Look at me. Tell me a little about yourself. Can you do that?” I slowly open my eyes, my face turned toward Carter. He gives me a smile. “You’re pregnant, right?”

This time I smile in return and wrap my arms tighter around my abdomen.

“How far along are you?”

Raising my hands, I gingerly lift seven fingers.

“Seven months?” he guesses and I nod. “My fiancée’s just ahead of you. She’s eight months along. We’re getting hitched a few months after my baby girl arrives.”

I can hear the pride in his voice when he talks about his fiancée and unborn daughter and it makes me think of Nik and tears spring to my eyes. He’s so excited about the baby and I’ve never felt as cared for as I do around him.

Loud noises that I don’t care to decipher echo all around me. The sounds of people working to get me and anyone else involved in the accident free. Carter continues to talk to me, keeping me focused on him. “Do you know what you’re having?”


He smiles. “Maybe ours will end up being friends. Wouldn’t that be something?”

“Yeah,” I agree. “It would.”

“How are you feeling right now? Where does it hurt?”


“Your head. Got it. What else? Your neck? Back?” I shake my head. “Good. That’s good news, Ashley. What about your arms? Can you squeeze my fingers?”

I nod and squeeze his fingers. “My left arm, it hurts but not bad.”

“We’ll help with that. Anything else?”

“I’m scared.”

His eyes soften. “I know you are and it might be difficult but I want you to stay calm. We’re working as quickly as we can to get you out so we can check you over.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, tears forming in my eyes. What I just told him is the truth. I’ve never been more terrified in my life. But not for me. For the baby boy growing in my stomach.

Even with all the sounds around me, I don’t miss Nik’s voice calling out my name, yelling at people to let him through.

“She’s mine. I need to see her!” he shouts.

Carter looks behind him and back to me.

“My Nik,” I explain and he nods his understanding.

“She’s over here!” Carter calls over to him.

In a flash, Carter’s face is replaced with Nik’s.

“Ash, talk to me. I heard it and I didn’t…” His voice cracks as he trails off, not finishing what he was going to say. I know what he was thinking, though. He didn’t know if I was alive after hearing me get into an accident.

“It’s okay,” I tell him, my voice becoming stronger, slowly coming back to me. Maybe it was the shock that had set in causing me not to be able to talk but I feel it getting clearer, less groggy.

Nik folds my hand in his and leans through the window, kissing the back of it. “I’m not going anywhere. They’re going to take good care of you. Just stay with me, okay? Promise you’ll stay with me. I can’t lose you, Ashley. You hear me? Stay with me.”

I nod. “I’m here.”

He blows out a breath at the sound of my voice. “Yeah. You’re here. Thank fuck.”

“I’m okay, Nik.”

Nik’s head drops as he tries to get control of his emotions but his hold on me never wavers.

A hand hits Nik’s shoulder to get his attention. “Sir, we need you to step aside so we can do our job.”

He reluctantly tears his eyes away from me. “Be careful. She’s pregnant and she’s…” his voice breaks, “she’s important to me.”

“We will,” he promises.

“They’re going to take care of you, Ash. I’ll be right here the entire time, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”

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