Home > Blood & Bones : Shade (Blood & Bones : Blood Fury MC #6)(84)

Blood & Bones : Shade (Blood & Bones : Blood Fury MC #6)(84)
Author: Jeanne St. James

Shade shook his head. “Found him before that happened. He got lucky, in a way. Lost his mom but didn’t lose anythin’ else.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” she whispered. “I’m still heartbroken that he lost his mother. That has to be devastating for him. But I’m so thankful you found him.”

“He’s tryin’ to be tough about it. But every night I hear him cryin’, usin’ his pillow to smother the sound.”

“I don’t even know him yet and I want to hug away his pain.”

“Gonna meet him. And then you can hug him. He’s gonna need it. From you and from the girls. So, here’s the deal... Askin’ you to accept us both. A package deal.”

He felt the need to ask? “That’s not even a question, Shade.”

“’Kay then. Next problem...”

She groaned. “There’s more?”

“Yeah, this is a big one. Jude can’t live in the bunkhouse with me.”

How was that a problem? “Were you planning on remaining in the bunkhouse?”

“We either live here with you or I get us a house on the farm. Trip prefers the second choice.”

“And if I don’t prefer that choice?” she asked. That was a decision for her and Shade to make, not the Blood Fury’s president.

“Want what you want.”

That was too easy. “I want you.”

“Want you, too, beautiful. Nothin’ I want more. Leavin’ the decision up to you. Want you and the girls to be happy. Don’t wanna disrupt their lives. Also, wasn’t expectin’ to dump a surprise kid on you in addition to you dealin’ with my problems.”

“I can deal with a surprise kid. I can deal with your problems now that I know what causes them. My concern about living on the farm comes down to my girls. And honestly, the fact your club has sweet butts and who those women are.”

If he was surprised at that last part, he didn’t show it. “Know my family ain’t typical, Chelle, I get it. Includin’ the sweet butts and why they’re a part of the club. But my brotherhood’s tight and it’s all I got.”

“No, you now have me.”

“Your daughters...”

“Love you. They already accept you for who you are. They’re smart and level-headed and old enough to see what’s in front of them. As much as I wouldn’t want them to be in Angel or Crystal’s shoes, I also don’t want my girls judging them. Angel and Crystal chose to be who they are, what they are, to do what they do. I understand they’re not forced. You made it clear that they could walk away at any time, but choose to remain. Too many of us women cut each other down instead of lifting each other up. I don’t want my daughters to ever be like that. I want every woman to feel empowered enough to be who they are without fear or judgement. Maybe it’ll never happen because it’s against human nature.” She shrugged. “I don’t know. But my hope is for my girls to live in a more accepting and inclusive world. Or at least do their part to make that closer to reality.” She lifted a palm when he opened his mouth to speak. “That being said... The problem is, Maddie used to be friends with Angel. My daughters know Crystal, too. I don’t want there to be issues between them or for my girls to get any ideas about doing what they do. Maybe once they’re out on their own, we can consider moving out to the farm. But for now... I want to keep this house as our home.”

“You includin’ me and Jude? Or should me and him get our own place on the farm?”

“No. I thought you wanted us to be a family. All of us. I figured you’d want help with Jude.”

“Yeah, beautiful, help would be good since I don’t know shit about kids.”

“You’re good with mine.”

“They ain’t kids. They’re young women. There’s a difference.” He hesitated, then asked, “What about Rick? He gonna give you shit?”

Yes, her brother and his need to overprotect her and the girls.

“He’ll either understand or he won’t. I’ll love him the same either way. I just ask that you give him a chance to accept you.”

“Think he ever will? Don’t wanna cause problems between you and your brother.”

“It’s not you causing the problem, it’s him. He worries about me and the girls and I love him for that, but once he sees you for who you really are, I have no doubt he’ll come around.” She was done talking about her stubborn brother. That wasn’t a problem they’d solve today. “Now, how soon are you bringing Jude here to his new home?”

Shade shook his head, his eyes serious. “Seen a lot of fuckin’ evil humans in my life, Chelle. Also met some good people. You, beautiful, are one of the fuckin’ best. So lucky to have met you.”

The damaged biker standing before her had his sweet moments and she cherished every single one of them. “Thank Pumpkin.”

It was hard to believe that the day she put her cat down, she met the man she hoped to spend the rest of her life with. He might not be perfect, but he was perfectly imperfect for her.

Fate was funny like that.

“Gonna go grab Jude.”

“I want to go with you.” She was not letting Shade out of her sight. Not yet. “Put your sled in the garage and we’ll take my car.”


She smiled. “Yes, my cage.”

“Gonna make a great ol’ lady.”

“Do I get to wear one of those ‘property of’ cuts like the other ol’ ladies wore on the run?”

“You want one?”

“Hell yes! They’re badass! And I want everyone to know who you belong to.”

“Supposed to be the other way around.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Is it?”

He shook his head and smothered his grin.

She grabbed his arm as he turned to put his bike inside. “Hey...”

He paused and glanced back over his shoulder. She tugged on his arm and he turned toward her again.

“Come here,” she whispered, tilting her face up to him. He lowered his until their mouths were only a fraction apart.

“Yeah, beautiful?”

“I never responded to your text.”

“Noticed that.”

“That’s because I wanted to tell you in person,” she whispered.

“I’m listenin’,” he whispered back.

“I love you, too.”









Chelle stood in front of the French doors and watched flurries fall from the sky, leaving a blanket of white wonder over her favorite part of her home. Her backyard. Her haven. Where her two previously lost souls sometimes tossed a football around when it wasn’t too cold.

Jude was teaching Shade how to throw one, though the boy wasn’t much better than his “dad,” who had never touched a football before in his life.

He’d missed all that.

Even though it could sometimes be awkwardly comical, it helped the two of them forget the reason why they’d met in the first place. If only temporarily.

To get him enrolled in school, Ozzy, on the sly, put Shade in contact with someone who made fake documents. Julian Jones was now on Jude’s new birth certificate as the boy’s father. They used Jude’s mother’s real name with the slim hope she was still out there somewhere and she’d resurface one day. Unfortunately, Shade doubted she would.

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