Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(102)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(102)
Author: E.C. Land

Harlow on the other hand, she’s what you would call a nomad. She handles all her vetting and choosing of the jobs on her own.

People think that Vicky and I are scary, we have nothing on her.

“Please, I don’t want to give up my baby,” Dixie cries.

“Should have thought about that before you endangered the child. Better yet before you accused me of being the father,” Blaze snarls.

“I only did it so you’d stay with me. Please don’t let her take our son.”

“Bitch fuckin’ push him out and shut the fuck up,” he growls, fury rolling off him in waves.

“Dixie you need to push now,” Alverez commands.

For the next hour, we ended up forcing the woman to push until finally the little wails of an infant fill the room.

Blaze immediately releases Dixie’s leg to take the baby as the doctor offers to hand the little boy to him.

“He looks to be healthy,” Alverez states as I walk around him to move closer to Blaze.

“What do you want to name him?” I murmur, reaching up to run a finger along the baby’s forehead as Blaze uses the towel Alverez had wrapped around him to wipe the little one’s face.

“I don’t know,” He whispers, glancing from the baby to me.

“How about I take the baby down to the nursery to get him cleaned up and checked out while you handle the rest of this?” Harlow suggests. “Blaze you can come with me. You’ll need an armband. Ray when you’re done in here come down there and I’ll give you one as well.”

“Will do,” I nod, reaching up, I press a kiss to Blaze’s cheek. “Go, I’ll be down there in a few minutes.”

Without a word, Blaze leaves the room without a backward glance. Dixie yells and screams through the whole ordeal, demanding her child.

As the door closes behind them, I turn my focus back to the delusional woman.

“So, I’m going to guess the breaking point for you was the last time Blaze fucked and dumped you. Am I right?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now get me my child,” she demands.

“That won’t be happening,” I mutter, walking around the woman’s bed.

“Ray, which plan would you like to go with? You spoke of two different ones. I think the first would be too easy for her,” Alverez says, mentioning the two plans I’d thought of. The first being, I kill her immediately. The second however sounds like a pretty damn good idea.

“Give her the sedative. I’ll make a call and have her moved within the hour to the private mental ward in Totaro. She won’t ever be able to escape from her confinements,” I inform Alverez before giving Dixie a ruthless smile. “Instead of simply killing you, you’re going to live your life knowing I’m raising your child with Blaze. You’ll never be able to see him nor will you see the light of day again. Have fun living in hell. Because that’s where you're going.”

With that I watch as Alverez sticks a needle in her IV. It must be one strong dose. Dixie passes out almost immediately.

Nodding to the doctor, I don’t say anything else before pulling out my phone and sending the text to the director of the institution. Soon as that’s done, I leave the room and head for the nursery.

Now it’s time to figure out where we go from here.

Does Blaze want me to do this with him? Raise his little brother as ours, or does he want to do it alone?



Chapter Seventeen






Holy shit that was some intense shit in that delivery room. Dealing with a delusional bitch giving birth to this kid here is stuff for books.

More like those Lifetime Movies they play on TV. It’s fucked up the way he came into this world.

Staring down at the little boy as he lays on the warmer, I can’t help thinking back to the day Laura was born. She’d been so tiny, fitting perfectly in the palms of my hands. Her tiny hands balled into fists as she stayed curled up like she’d been in the womb.

“Baby Morgan has to be the cutest baby in the nursery,” Harlow says from next to me.

“Yeah, I have to admit he is pretty damn cute.” I murmur glancing in Harlow’s direction. “I didn’t know you were working in this area. I thought you worked in NICU.”

“I do. But sometimes they need a NICU nurse down here for premature deliveries. Not all nurses know how to handle a preemie.” Harlow shrugs.

I don’t know her very well, but in the times I’ve seen her, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her crack a smile. What I do know is she seems to love working around babies.

Nodding my head, I turn my focus back to the baby.

My little brother.


My son. That’s what he’ll be. I’ll raise him as mine with Raven as his mother.

He’ll know nothing but love growing up. I’ll teach him to be a man the right way and never make it about treating those who don’t have money differently. The way my father tried to instill in me. I could care less about money.

I don’t know how much time passes before Raven joins me taking my hand.

“Is it done?” I ask apprehensively.

“It’s done. She’s sedated and the white coats are coming to get her. We won’t have to worry about her where she’s going. There’s no way out once she’s been locked in.” I turn to face her at this information.

“What? I thought . . .”

“I know what you thought. It’s what a lot of people think. But sometimes an easy death isn’t the best way to go about things. This time was one of them. Dixie deserves to suffer a long tortuous sentence in what I like to call the depths of hell. Only instead of it being a rhetorical, she’ll literally be suffering,” Raven whispers loud enough for only me to hear.

“Shit woman, you know you can be scary sometimes. And later, I’ll get you to explain this place more in depth with everything else. Let’s focus on little man here for now. What do you want to name our son?” I ask, pulling her closer to me.

“How about Matthew Lawrence Morgan?” she suggests.

Thinking about the name I give her a grin. “I like it.” I murmur leaning down to give her a kiss. “Let’s go let everyone know he’s here then we can come back and spend time with him.

“Sounds good to me.” Nodding in agreement, Raven walks with me out of the nursery and we head for the waiting room. To our family.



“What do you mean you sent her to Trevor’s?” Victoria demands, slamming her fist on the table later that night while we’re all sitting at the clubhouse.

We’d left the hospital so we could go get the house ready for Matthew. Harlow said she’d keep her eye on the baby while we were gone and not let anyone near him.

It was the only way either of us would leave him.

When we’d gone to give everyone an update on our son, I’d told Raven about sending the women to get stuff for Matthew, so he’d be set when he came home. She’d stiffened and turned toward me.

“Let me say this right now. We are not ever staying in that house again. I will not stay in a house that has been tainted by someone so vile she would not only try to ruin us but put that little guy's life in danger,” she’d said firmly and I could see the hurt shining in her gaze.

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