Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(20)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(20)
Author: E.C. Land

Walking to the NICU doors, I hit the buzzer to gain entry but rather than letting me in a nurse asks if they can help me. When I told them, I wanted to see my son and grandson, they immediately let me through the first set of doors and told me to wash my hands before entering the NICU.

I spot Horse immediately hovering over one of the incubators, his head bowed, and shoulders slumped. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so defeated. As I step next to him, he doesn’t even bother looking up, but I see the tears running down his cheeks. I raised him to be strong and never let anyone see him in defeat. So, for him to have tears, I know he’s more than defeated, he’s devastated.

“It’s okay, son,” I whisper as I wrap an arm around him. “Your son will be fine. He’s got Dane’s blood running through him and Kenny’s. He’s strong and will power through this.”

“He’s just so damn small, Pops,” Horse rasps. “My hands are as big as he is.”

“I know, son, I know,” I say, patting his back before dropping my arm. “How’s Kenny? Twister said they had to sedate her.”

“Yeah, they had to sedate her right after she woke up from recovery. She’d been hysterical, demanding to see our boy. Tried getting out of bed even swung at a few of the nurses. Clocked one of them in the jaw. Pretty sure the woman’s goin’ to have a nice bruise there come tomorrow. Her last words before the medication took effect were ‘don’t let him die’ as she sobbed,” Horse says as he finally turns to me, his eyes red from crying.

Unable to say or do anything else, I pull my son into my arms for a hug. Same as I used to do when he’d wake in the middle of the night from nightmares as a kid. I wish I could take his pain away, but this is one thing I don’t have control over.



Chapter Twelve






It’s been a couple days since Stoney left the clubhouse like his ass was on fire, and I’m still here, unfortunately. All thanks to my ever-present guard Shadow. I don’t even think he’s slept since every time I’ve opened the door to Stoney’s room to go anywhere, he’s standing directly across from me with his arms crossed over his chest.

According to him, I’m not allowed to go anywhere without him. Stoney’s orders, of course. He then went on to inform me that if I were to do anything stupid like leave the clubhouse, Stoney told him to lock me in the room.

Damn infuriating asshole. He’s not even here, and he is still driving me nuts.

Then this morning, Shadow knocked on the door with a cell phone in his hand. “Stoney wants to speak to you,” he grumbles.

“Well, too bad because I’m not speaking to him. Whatever he has to say, he can shove it up his ass,” I snap.

“You just told him yourself, babe. I suggest you take the phone. It’s for you anyway,” he smirks and shoves the phone in my hand.

Glancing down at the damn thing, I see that it is indeed on a phone call with none other than Stoney himself.

Fuckin’ great.

Instead of putting the phone to my ear, I push the end button and toss it on the bed. I jumped out of my skin when the damn thing started playing Look Out by Hard Target and Fred Durst. Seriously? Do they think I don’t know the words to this song? This song pretty much says what I am to Stoney. I mean, really, those assholes.

Shaking my head, I ignore the phone ringing, letting it go to voicemail. Shoot, I bet the voicemail is already set to say, ‘You’ve reached Stoney’s Property leave your message and shut the fuck up.’

When the phone rings again, I turn the damn thing off.

Only that didn’t stop Shadow from knocking on the door a minute later and stepping into the room, holding another phone out to me. “I suggest you put the phone to your ear,” he says firmly.

Snatching the phone from his hand, I do as he says. “What do you want?” I demand with a sneer.

“I’d suggest you tone the attitude down, woman,” Stoney growls through the phone line.

“I’d suggest you kiss my ass,” I snap, turning my back to Shadow but not before catching the smirk playing at the edge of his lips.

“Doll, I don’t have the patience right now, so I suggest you cool it. Turn your phone back on and answer it when I fuckin’ call. Otherwise, I’ll tell Shadow to stand in my place and spank your ass for being a bitch.” The way his voice seems to rumble through the phone sends a shiver down my spine at his threat.

Would he really give Shadow permission to spank me? Do I want to test that theory?

“Just tell me what you want now,” I say, ignoring those thoughts and the threat he made.

“Fuckin’ hell, woman, all I was trying to do is check on you. Now I’m sitting here with a fuckin’ hard cock and no one to relieve the pressure,” Stoney mutters.

“I’m sure there’s some whore around you that will help with your problem,” I spit.

Shut up, Rachel. You’re only gonna dig yourself a deeper hole.

“Hand Shadow the phone,” he orders.

Without thinking, I hand the phone to Shadow, who, in turn, puts it to his ear and gives one-word answers before closing the door and locking it with him still in the room with me.

Oh shit. No, he’s not.

Shadow quickly grabs my arm with one hand as he puts the phone down with his other hand and presses the speaker button.

“You’re on speaker, Prez,” Shadow says.

“Good, now grab my desk chair and sit in it with Rachel over your knee,” Stoney growls.

“You better not listen to him. I’ll knee you before you think you can touch my ass,” I mutter, trying to yank my arm out of Shadow’s grip.

“Doll, you keep up with the attitude, and I’ll have him add another five to your punishment,” Stoney says firmly through the phone.

Before I can say another word, Shadow has me in the position Stoney ordered him to put me in.

“She’s over my knee, Prez,” Shadow says.

“Good, now what’s she got covering her ass?” Stoney asks.

“None of your damn business,” I yell, then glance over at the playpens I’d moved to the side of the bed to make sure I didn’t wake either of the babies up.

“Black yoga pants, and from the way she’s over my knee, Prez, I don’t think she’s wearing any underwear,” Shadow states huskily.

“Damn, Doll, were you expecting someone to not be wearing panties,” Stoney groans.

“Go to hell,” I mutter as I wiggle across Shadow’s lap, trying to get free of his hold.

“Shadow, pull Rachel’s pants down and slap her ass ten times,” Stoney instructs, ignoring what I’d said.

I squeal on impact and have to bite my lip to keep from moaning as Shadow lands the second smack to my ass. I give up trying to escape his lap by the time he gets to the tenth slap. My body is burning with need, and I just need him to leave before I do something stupid.

“Prez, I think she enjoys slaps to her ass. It’s a beautiful blush color, and I can see her pussy glistening. Not to mention she’s trying to hide her moans from you hearing her.” I balk at Shadow’s chuckle.

“Doll, you wet from that little spanking you got,” Stoney asks me.

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