Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(21)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(21)
Author: E.C. Land

“No,” I lie.

“Shadow, I think you need to give her another ten, and this time, add a slap or two to her pussy lips,” Stoney groans.

Why would he be groaning? Unless he’s doing something like what he’s instructing Shadow to do to me.

Biting my lip, I close my eyes as Shadow delivers several smacks to my ass before cupping me between my legs. He leaves his hand in place for a moment before slapping my pussy. Once, twice, and on the third smack, I’m panting from the need to come.

What are they doing to me?

“How’s your pussy feel now, Doll?” Stoney says and I can just envision him leaning his head back with the phone to his ear as some clubwhore sucks his dick, something I hadn’t had the chance to do.

“Fuck you,” I murmur weakly as my thoughts of him with another woman send a pang of regret through me.

“Shadow, I think that’s enough,” Stoney states sternly.

“You got it, Prez,” Shadow says as he puts my pants back in place and lifts me off his lap. Grabbing his phone, he takes it off speaker and places it to his ear. Stepping around me, he grabs my phone off the bed and presses a button. “Her phone is now on again,” he informs Stoney then proceeds to walk out of the room without a backward glance, thankfully.

Quickly, I check on my twins before collapsing on the bed to take care of my need to come. As I’m sliding my fingers into my pants, my phone rings.

Picking it up, I answer and put it to my ear without saying a word.

“How’s your pussy feeling, Doll?” Stoney asks huskily.

“Just fine, thank you,” I mumble, tears prickling at my eyes as all thoughts of taking care of myself vanish. Was he with another woman?

It’s none of your business if he was. Besides, you don’t care. All he wants you for is property. And it’s not like you're not leaving the first chance you get to take care of your problem with Lucien.

“Doll, I know you’re lying,” he says.

“I’m not lying to you. Why don’t you go finish whomever your doin’ . . .”

“I’m not fuckin’ anyone, Rachel,” Stoney growls, interrupting me. “And if I were, it wouldn’t be any of your business. You belong to me, not the other way around. Now, next time I call, answer the damn thing.” I wince as he hangs up on me.

Putting the phone down, I get up off the bed and go into the bathroom, needing a shower. How is it I feel dirtier than I ever have, and it has nothing to do with the spanking Shadow gave me?

As I step into the shower, I crumple to the floor and let out a painful sob as the tears break loose.

When will I ever be looked at as something more than a possession?



Chapter Thirteen






Damnit, if that woman doesn’t get under my skin. It’s been three weeks since I last spoke with her, and her avoidance is seriously starting to piss me off. Every time I call, she’s either sleeping, in the shower, or doing something for the twins. But there’s no reason she can’t call me back.

I know I fucked up with her when I’d said she belongs to me and not the other way around. I’m man enough to own up to my mistake. But until I get back home, there’s nothing I can do to fix shit between us and set things straight. I never should have made her think I’d fuck some bitch. Granted, I haven’t been in a relationship with a woman since Marie, but I don’t cheat. That’s not the type of man I was raised to be.

I’d been reluctant to stay as long as I have here, but I needed to help Horse and Kenny with JC and Kayla so they could focus on Caden. However, this morning Kenny received a call from the hospital, letting her know the doctor was allowing Caden to come home today after being in the NICU. That kid fought like hell to be able to come home, and I’m fuckin’ glad.

We just needed to finish one last thing before Kenny would leave. She’d demanded to be allowed to vindicate her child. None of us knew that it was goin’ to end the way it did with Ally stabbing the bitch so many times that when Burner finally pulled his ol’ lady into his arms, she looked like she walked right off the screen of some horror flick.

Now sitting here surrounded by my family as I hold my granddaughter in my arms, I realize that even through the bullshit, my brothers are happy with women they can trust.

Maybe having an ol’ lady isn’t all that bad, as long as you find a good one.

Rachel would be a good one. If you’d stop fuckin’ shit up.

Do I want to think of her as my ol’ lady? You know you do.

It feels as if my heart and brain are warring with each other on what I should do. In the end, my heart wins out as I decide to go with my gut and trust myself in choosing Rachel as mine. Making her more than my property but my ol’ lady. Make her the reigning queen she was meant to be.

But I’m gonna need to make a huge fuckin’ statement for her to see I’m being real. That I want her for who she is and that I’m not using her. I need to show her I can be more than an asshole.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I find Neo’s name and shoot him a text ordering him to go get what I want done. I also told him to have it done by tomorrow when I got back. I’ve been gone too fuckin’ long and missed not just Rachel but Corinne and Luca as well.

How in such a short amount of time, all three of them could consume my everything is beyond me. Yet in my heart I know it’s right.

When I get back home, I’m claiming what’s mine, and I’ll do it right this time.

“You ready to head home tomorrow?” Tracker asks as he hands Kayla one of her cookies sitting on the table.

“Yep, thinking we leave first thing in the morning getting to the clubhouse by noon. We’ll have church tomorrow evening and see what all Nerd has for us,” I say firmly. After we first got here, Tracker had gone back to the clubhouse, only returning a couple days ago. Neither of us likes leaving the clubhouse for long periods of time without the other in charge. Sure, we have trusted our brothers, but after what Jackal did, we decided to change things up.

“Good, I gotta get to Dolly’s Playhouse and make sure everything goes smoothly,” Tracker grumbles.

“Brother, Amethyst can handle the management position,” I say, holding back my grin.

“I don’t give a damn if she can handle it or not. It’s a matter of principle that those men will eat her up. It’s why she should have just stayed on the fuckin’ stage,” he states, clenching his fist.

Shaking my head at him, I bounce Kayla on my knee, and she starts laughing, throwing her hands up.

“Has Rach answered any of your calls?” Tracker asks, mentioning the elephant in the room.

“Nope, but we're goin’ home tomorrow. I’ll fix things when we get there,” I state firmly as I lock eyes with my VP.

“I hope you do, and I hope she listens. Whenever Rach had come out of the room, she would do her best to hide the defeated expression. However, I could see it in her eyes. You don’t make it right with her, I’ll beat your ass. Besides the club, she’s the only family I have left,” Tracker says. His dad died a few years ago, and his mom did the same as Horse’s mom did.

“Promise you, brother, I’ll be making things right the moment we get there.” He must see the truth in what I’ve said since the biggest smile crosses his face, and he nods his head.

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