Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(30)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(30)
Author: E.C. Land


Chapter Twenty-One






After hours of being inside Rachel, I left her in the bed to sleep while I headed to the clubhouse to grab the twins and see to some club business.

That club business being making sure Raynor was secured in what I like to call the Pocket. It’s where we hold those, we have to question but want them to sit around for a day or two. Best part about the Pocket is unless you have a key there’s no way in or out. The key is only held by officers in the club. That and the fact they can scream as loud as they want without being heard. You can’t hear screams from underground.

Pulling into the parking lot, I park in the spot that’s saved for me and climb off. Seems the rest of my brothers are already here. Instead of heading directly inside, I head to the Pocket. I’m sure Shadow is down there with Raynor. Since transferring Shadow has proven his worth in more ways than one. It’s why I trusted him to act as my person when Rachel gave me lip that day.

Does that mean I’ll allow him or anyone to touch her? Nope that won’t ever happen. But if she were to act out of line and I weren’t here to handle it Shadow would be the man I would get to assist.

Pulling out my key, I unlock the door and am instantly regretting coming in here first. Raynor’s screams have me halting in the entrance.

Glancing around the room, I find Shadow at the tool table off to the side and Raynor strapped down to a bed that you’d usually find in an insane asylum. Blood coating his chest where his nipples used to be. Grimacing, I shake my head as I step fully into the room. “Having fun?” I ask Shadow.

“Eh, he’s a pussy, started crying the moment I cut his first nipple off,” Shadow shrugs, cleaning his blade off before putting it down. Picking up a pair of long nose pliers. Fuckin’ hell I picked a damn good time to come in here. Then again, I witnessed what Ally did to that bitch who attacked Kenny.

“I can tell he’s a pussy from the way it smells in here,” I mutter as I walk over to the tool table and grab one of the masks, we keep in here for shit like this. Due to being in the Pocket there’s not much ventilation.

“Yep he didn’t last through the breaking of his kneecap before he did that. He did say something I found very interesting,” he says, turning back toward where Raynor is laying.

“What’s that?” I pique at this statement.

“According to him Rachel wasn’t just with Lucien by coincidence,” he says moving to the end of the bed.

“What the fuck does that mean?” I growl.

Opening the pliers Shadow grips Raynor’s big toe and rips the nail right out. “Tell my Prez here what you told me,” he orders, as the asswipe screams.

“Fuck you asshole, my club’s gonna come for me,” Raynor screams.

“Fucker you’re goin’ to be dead long before they realize who has your ass,” I snap.

“I suggest you tell him what he wants to know,” Shadow says nonchalantly as he grips another toenail and rips it off.

Screaming out in pain, Raynor bows his back. Granted I know I can just have Shadow tell me what Raynor said but I want to hear it from this fucker’s mouth. Turning to the tool table I grab the pickaxe and step back over to the bed. I hold the flat side right in front of his face. “You know with enough force this can cut right through a joint. How about I start with your hands?” I ask.

Raynor shakes his head and sings like the little bitch he is. “Fuck don’t do that shit, please. I’ll tell you. Lucien bought the little bitch from a woman,” he screams

Stilling, I remember Rachel’s and my conversation. She’d said it once before. Her mom sold her off to the highest bidder.

“Motherfucker,” I growl before lifting the pickaxe over my shoulder. Using all my strength I bring the axe down on Raynor’s neck severing his head from his body.

“Fuckin hell, Prez, you say I’m twisted in the head. At least I don’t decapitate heads,” Shadow mutters.

“Yeah, well, the fucker was in on my ol’ lady being sold. That was nothing compared to what Tracker would do when he finds out this shit. I want Nerd to find the address to Rachel’s whore of a mother,” I say through clenched teeth.

“You got it, Prez,” Shadow says.

Shaking my head, I stalk out of the Pocket. Outside, I suck in a breath of fresh air. How do I tell Rachel what her mom did? I can’t keep something like this from her, yet I don’t want to see the pain in her eyes. Thanks to that bitch of a mom, my woman has felt unworthy of anything for most of her life.

“Yo, Prez, you got a minute?” I hear Tracker call from next to his bike.

Clearing my throat, I rake a hand through my hair and head his way, “Yeah what’s up?” I ask.

“I was about to head to your place when I saw your bike figured you were in the Pocket,” Tracker says pulling out one of his cigarettes. “Anyways there’s something I want to show you. After you left us Rachel went back in the house and pulled out a bunch of shit from a hidey hole.”


“What was it,” I ask.

“Let me grab it out of the moving truck before Cane and Neo head to your place,” Tracker states. Nodding I walk with him as we go to the truck. What is it that he needs to show me? It better not be something fucked up.

Neo was just getting ready to get in the driver’s seat when Tracker opened the passenger door.

“Neo wait an hour before you head to my place,” I order. I need to grab the twins and I don’t want anyone at my house with Rachel while she’s sleeping.

“You got it, Prez,” Neo says and backs away from the truck.

Tracker reaches across the seat and grabs one of the books. “Take a look at this,” he says handing me the book.

Opening the book I see it’s a photo album scanning through the pictures I realize none of them are of her. Most of them being members of the club.

“Rachel used to love taking photographs,” he states just as I get to a picture of myself.

Holy shit.

“She took that,” I murmur more to myself than to Tracker.

“Yep” is all he says.

“She’s fuckin’ talented,” I say, glancing up at my brother.

“That she is,” Tracker nods in agreement.

“Why did you show this picture to me?” I ask.

“Because you needed to see this. Rach isn’t goin’ to show this to anyone,” he responds.

Glancing back at the book I try to remember when this picture was taken. The shades I’m wearing seem to be staring right at me.

Then it clicks this was taken the last time I saw Rachel.



Chapter Twenty-Two






As I wake up I find myself alone in the bed, the spot where Stoney had been cold to the touch. Where did he go? Noises from the other room catch my attention.

“Fuck man watch out for the wall,” someone snaps.

“Fucker, quit rushin’ and we wouldn’t be hitting the wall,” another person gripes.

“Both of you assholes need to chill the fuck out and lower your damn voices before you wake Rachel up,” Stoney growls.

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