Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(53)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(53)
Author: E.C. Land

Parker boy, on the other hand, hasn’t stopped looking, from what I could tell. Nerd used a backdoor to check into him more and saw her name in many files. He wants her found and soon.

I’m sure it has to do with the fact Victoria is possibly one of the richest women in the world. I saw the dollar amount in the trust funds Nerd found for her.

Shaking my head, I gently get out of the bed without waking Victoria up and slip my jeans on not bothering to button them. I make my way to the bathroom to do my business before heading to the kitchen in hopes of finding some coffee.

“Damn if this isn’t a nice view to walk in on,” a woman calls out from behind me.

Spinning around to face the woman in question, I come face to face with Raven, Victoria’s best friend. I’d seen the woman plenty of times when she’d come to Dolly’s Playhouse to see Vi. Taking in the dark-haired beauty in the light of day, you can see her Native American heritage. Her slick black hair falls over her shoulders. Eyes as majestic as any I’ve ever seen stare back at me right now as she grins at me like something were funny.

“I hope you aren’t going to be leaving before making Vicky breakfast,” she says as she walks toward me.

“Wasn’t plannin’ on leaving,” I state as I nod my head in the kitchen's direction. “Was gonna grab some coffee.”

“Good, help yourself, and I’m telling you now, if you hurt her, I’ll castrate you. Don’t think I can’t. I work in an animal hospital, so I know what I’m doing,” Raven declares as she moves passed me to the coffee pot.

“Why are you in here threatening him with castration? He can leave now and it wouldn’t bother me one bit,” Victoria says from behind me gaining both mine and Raven’s attention.

“Told you, Princess, not leaving,” I say.

“Did you finally get that cherry popped?” Raven asks at the same time.

From the way Victoria’s face turns a bright pink and refuses to meet either of our gazes, Raven squeals. “Hal-le-fuckin-lujah! The spirits have finally listened and let Vicky experience sex.”

“Ray, shut the hell up,” Victoria snaps her eyes wide to the point I swear they could pop out of their sockets and I can’t stop from chuckling.

“Forgive her, she hasn’t completely woken up just yet,” Raven says from behind me.

I don’t bother acknowledging the woman as I focus on Victoria. Reaching out, I grab her wrist, pull her into my body, and lean down to take her mouth. Thrusting my tongue into her mouth, I continue the kiss until she moans into mine.

“Good morning, Vi,” I murmur against her lips as I break the kiss.

“Morning,” Victoria says breathlessly.

“Hot damn, if that wasn’t sexy as hell,” Raven calls out from behind me.

“How about I make you some coffee and then we can figure out what to do today?” I suggest while I stroke her cheek with my fingertips as she continues to stare up at me in wonder. What could be swirling around in that head of hers.

“Coffee would be great,” Victoria murmurs and then starts to pull away from me.

And there goes those walls of hers. She’s putting them back in place as she becomes fully awake. Those walls I think are what really piss me off about her the most because she doesn’t let anyone in to help her. I know why now but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to strangle the mess out of her for not opening up to anyone at the club when she first came to work for us.

Then again, I can understand why. Doesn’t mean I have to like it and I think that’s what really pisses me off. I could have been able to figure her out a long time ago if she’d have opened up to someone.

“Want any breakfast?” Raven asks as she clanks pans around on the stove.

“I’m not hungry,” Victoria mutters as she steps away from me. “Just give me my coffee and some peace and quiet.”

Looking between the two women, I notice a look they seem to exchange.

“Don’t go starting that with me, Vicky,” Raven snaps pointing a spatula at Victoria.

“I’m not starting anything, I just want coffee right now. When I’m hungry later I will eat,” Victoria states, from the look in her eye I know she’s lying.

“Promise,” Raven demands.

“Yes, now can I get my coffee,” Victoria snaps.

“Fine,” Raven mutters and goes back to cooking while Victoria moves for the coffee pot.

“One of you want to fill me in on what that was fuckin’ about?” I demand.

“Nope,” Victoria says immediately while Raven shakes her head.

“Don’t bullshit me. I’ll find out. Best tell me now and not let me find out about it some other way,” I state as I move to stand directly behind Victoria.

“I have nothing to say to you. So why don’t you go find someone else’s ass to climb up,” Victoria grumbles.

“Tracker, buddy, best leave her alone until she’s had that cup of coffee. Vicky can be a pure bitch first thing in the morning,” Raven states before I can respond to Victoria’s statement.

“Just wait, baby, until I get you alone. You're gonna pay for that little remark,” I whisper into her ear before nipping the lobe. Reaching around her I grab the cup she’d just made for herself. Ironic that we drink it the same way. Black with two sugars. My kinda woman.

Wait a minute, I wouldn’t go that far.

Just because she belongs to me doesn’t mean she is my woman. Or does it.

Fuck, I don’t even fuckin’ know.

All I know is until I have her out of my system, she belongs to me and I’m not planning on sharing with anyone. Hence why she’s moving into my place, so I can do with her as I please.

Yeah, I know I’m an asshole.



Chapter Seven






Three weeks. Three freaking weeks that I’ve been in Tracker’s house. Did he give me the two weeks to come to terms with it? No, he didn’t. He waited until I was at work and had prospects take everything out of my room without boxing anything up. He’s lucky as hell my fairy and dragon collections didn’t break in the process.

I think I might have had to murder him for that.

Worst part was Raven laughed at me when I called to curse her the first night for allowing them to do this.

“Vicky, it needed to happen. Trust me, this is a good thing,” she’d said. I’d wanted to jump through the phone and strangle the woman.

I haven’t spoken to her since. Juvenile as it might be, you don’t just let someone in to take over your life the way Tracker did.

Oh, and he didn’t just move me into his house— the insufferable man moved me into his bed, where he held me while we slept. From the way Tracker holds me throughout the night, it's completely polar opposite to the way he acts toward me in the light of day, when the jerk is in asshole mode.

This being after I have to endure seeing him flirt and everything else except fuck Dixie and Gia in front of me. I swear he’s doing it to get a reaction from me. Which I do my best not to give to him or those hateful witches.

Worse of all, he hasn’t even tried anything else with me. Maybe I should be grateful for that fact, what with him being surrounded by skanks every day. Then again, it makes me feel as if every one of those skanks are right and I’m not good enough. Not thin enough or beautiful enough for him.

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