Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(57)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(57)
Author: E.C. Land

“I’m okay,” she murmurs.

“Have you been eating?” I demand.

Victoria’s body stiffens at the question.

“Yes, I’ve been eating,” she says instantly, and I know she’s lying or at least telling only half the truth. Especially with the way she seems to have lost a lot of weight in the last month. That’s going to change though. I’m going to make sure she eats and gains the weight she needs to be healthy.

“Have you eaten today? I’m honestly fuckin’ starving. I haven’t eaten since before I got on the plane,” I state the truth yet wanting to see what she says.

“I had a little something earlier. I don’t think I could keep anything down right now,” she says.

“How about keeping me company while I get something? Who knows you might find yourself hungry,” I suggest hinting at something more than just food.

“I suppose I can keep you company,” she murmurs before biting her lip.

“Good because I’ve missed the fuck out of you and don’t want you out of my sight.” Leaning forward I press a kiss to her lips before standing. I did mean it when I said I was fuckin’ starving. There was no way in hell I was eating anything on that plane let alone when I landed. Not when I was close to finding Victoria.

Putting my hand out, I help Victoria to her feet, then stare at her ass as she bends to grab her bag and towel off the sand.

Damn, I can’t wait to sink my cock inside her again. If I don’t do it soon I think I might combust with blue balls. Then again I might die when I finally fuck her again. The only time I’ve fucked her was her first time.

Fuck me.

I need to make sure next time I’m inside my Vi that I take my time and savor every inch of her. I haven’t even had my mouth on her pussy yet. Or hers wrapped around my cock.

Something else that will have to be rectified.



“Do you know how beautiful you are, Vi?” I ask as I stand behind her, holding her to me as the two of us watch the sunset.

“Don’t say things you don’t mean,” she mutters, her body stiffens, and she tries to pull out of my arms.

Holding her firmly in my arms, “I wouldn’t bullshit you about something like that, baby. I find you abso-fuckin-lutely gorgeous. I always have,” I admit.

“Then why are you always a jerk toward me?” she demands.

“Because I’m an idiot. My past is littered with women who were nothing but liars and stuck-up bitches. They’ve also been conniving as hell to get their way. My mom, she fucked my dad to be able to brag to her friends. Got knocked up with me and handed me over to my dad. My aunt, Rachel’s cunt of a mother, was with my uncle before he died and used him for his money. After he was killed, the bitch blackmailed my dad for money to keep from selling her daughter. He tried to get custody of my cousin, but Rachel’s mom wouldn’t have it. She wanted that steady income each month that my dad provided to keep my cousin safe.

“Then there are the clubwhores. They’re constantly trying to get something. I may have been fuckin’ those bitches, but I knew what to expect from them. I knew never to turn my back on those women. They’d easily stab me in the back. But you, I couldn’t understand. There was just something about you that spoke to me and I didn’t like it,” I tell her. I need her to understand.

“I’m confused,” Victoria says, turning in my arms to face me.

“About which part?” I ask.

“The part about me speaking to you but you didn’t like it,” she furrows her brow.

“What I mean is a part of me, a part I didn’t allow anyone into, saw something in you. That part being my heart. Fuck I don’t know how to explain this shit right so you can get it,” I say, letting out a heavy breath.

“I think I get it. You hate me for the fact a part of you feels something for me. Y-you—”

“I don’t hate you, Vi,” I say, interrupting her. “I hated the way wanting you made me feel. It was never about hating you but rather the feelings you drew out of me.” Pulling Victoria into my body, I hold her flush against my chest and press a kiss to the top of her head.

“As confusing as it sounds, I get it, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be with someone who wants me yet hates me. I deserve better than that and I won’t settle for less,” she whispers against my chest.

“That you do, baby. You deserve so much more than what I can give you, but you're carrying my kid inside you. On top of that, you're mine and I’m not letting you go,” I say.

Stiffening in my arms, Victoria looks up at me with narrowed eyes. “I told you I won’t be someone’s possession. You don’t own me Tracker,” she snaps.

Grinning, I lift a hand to wrap my fingers in her hair while using my other hand to hold her to me. “Vi, you say one thing, but your body speaks another. It’s saying it wants to be owned by me. To feel my hands all over your body as I give you more pleasure than you’ve ever experienced. When I say I own you, baby, it means that I want you as mine, as my ol’ lady. No more fuckin’ around,” I state before claiming her mouth.

Time to show her exactly what it means for me to own her body.



Chapter Eleven






Holy mother of all sex appeal. Having Tracker’s mouth on mine is even better than I remember. I know it’s only been a month since I last felt his lips, but damn if it’s not the best thing ever. It’s as if this kiss was completely different from the others.

With our mouths still locked together, Tracker cups both my ass cheeks in his hands and lifts me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. Turning, he carries me inside and through the house to the bedroom.

I don’t even bother asking how he knew which room to go to. I’d seen him walk around the house earlier after we got back from the beach. Tracker had acted as if he knew this place like the back of his hand.

Laying me on the bed, Tracker proceeds to continue the kiss as he lays next to me and roams my body with his hand.

I arch my back as I moan in pleasure. How I’m able to feel such pleasure with his hands barely doing anything but touching me over my sundress.

Breaking the kiss, Tracker trails his mouth down my jaw to my neck before sliding his tongue from my chest to the top of one of my breasts.

“Tracker,” I moan.

Lifting his head, Tracker seers me with a look I have no idea of how to describe other than one of a predator. “Baby, when you're moaning my name, you best use the right name,” he growls before climbing off the bed.

My gaze follows Tracker's hands as he removes his shirt and pulls his gun out of the back of his shorts. Placing the weapon on the nightstand he proceeds to strip the rest of the way. Damn, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing him naked.

“Like what you see, Vi,” he grins, drawing my attention back to his face rather than below the waist.

“It’s okay,” I murmur as I brace myself up on my elbows trying to act cool yet I’m nervous as hell. Besides the one-time Tracker took my virginity, I haven’t been with him since.

“Is that so, Victoria? I’ll have to make sure to change your thought of ‘it’s okay’,” he says as he presses a knee between my legs spreading them as he climbs up on the bed. My skin gets goosebumps as Tracker’s hands slide up under my dress bringing the material to my waist and up over my head.

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