Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(78)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(78)
Author: E.C. Land

Closing my eyes for a moment, I suck in a deep breath. Only Raven, Pit, and my brother know the answer to that question.

Opening my eyes, I meet her gaze, “I’d get in the ring with Raven’s brother or mine to take my anger out on as I train,” I murmur.

“Ahh and now you're pregnant. Unable to let out your frustrations,” Momma B nods.

“Yeah, I suppose you're right,” I sigh acknowledging the truth.

I can’t.

“You can get in the ring with me,” Shadow mutters from behind, startling me.

Damnit. My head is so messed up right now these guys have been able to sneak up on me. I really need to find a way to figure out a new way to release pent up frustration besides sex. Especially when my frustration is toward the man I have sex with.

“Thanks, Shadow, but I couldn’t do that,” I say, shaking my head.

“Sure, you can. I’ll spar with you and keep it non-contact on my end,” he shrugs. “Besides, I’m not trying to put up with you being a bitch again when you end up shutting your emotions down, just so you don’t have to deal with them.”

I glance from Shadow to Momma B, silently asking her what she thinks.

“You're dressed for it and I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing what you’ve got,” she grins.

Looking down at my choice of wardrobe, I guess she’s right considering I’m wearing a stretchy ribbed tank and yoga bottoms with flip flops.

“I don’t know. This basketball I’m carrying might get in the way,” I mutter.

“Sweetheart, you’re hardly that big. I’m honestly shocked at how small you are. Then again with Rage I stayed small until I was around eight months. Let’s see what you have,” Momma B laughs as she puts her arm around me and the three of us head out the back door into a garage converted into a gym with a boxing ring off to one side.

“Alright, we do this, Shadow, but don’t let me hurt you, please,” I murmur.

“Vi, I hardly think you will hurt me,” Shadow grins as he climbs in the ring.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” I mumble under my breath as I climb up the other side.

“Do you want gloves?” Momma B asks.

“Nope,” I say before facing Shadow.

“Need rules?” Shadow asks as we circle each other.

“No rules,” I mutter, stretching my neck.

As Shadow makes his move, I sidestepped, tripping him in the process.

“What’s going on?” I hear Rachel ask, but I ignore her as Shadow and I circle each other once more.

“Releasing frustrations,” Momma B states.

“Damn, maybe I need to do that as well,” Rachel mutters.

“Maybe we all should,” Momma B says in agreement.

Tuning them out as they continue, I focus on Shadow wanting to be ready for his next move. When he makes it, I drop to my knee, swiping my leg out to knock him off his feet before standing back to my feet.

“Fuck,” Shadow mutters, holding out a hand to help him up I wait for him to take it.

Taking my hand, I let him get halfway to his feet before using his arm to pull it behind his back and lifting while putting my free arm around his neck. “Don’t ever underestimate someone just because they offer a hand,” I say, releasing him I step back from him.

“Duly noted,” Shadow grumbles, climbing to his feet.

As we circle each other again, I focus on him ignoring the crowd that starts to form around the ring.

Warmed up, I make my move. Lifting my leg, I let him think I was going for a kick but instead went for two jabs to his chest followed by a blow to the side of his head. Shadow staggers back, having not expected that move.

“Damnit, woman,” Shadow growls.

“We said no rules and I did say don’t let me hurt you,” I grin.

“Fuckin’ hell,” he mutters as we circle each other yet again. This time, I wait for him to make his move. Shadow throws a punch which I tilt my head to miss. Though I know he won’t really touch me, I’m sure it would have been close.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Tracker’s voice booms throughout the gym.

Without turning to him, I lift my leg, landing a roundhouse kick to Shadow’s chest, causing the man to double over in pain.

“Shit, woman,” he mutters, clutching his chest.

“I’m not going to ask again,” Tracker growls as he gets closer to the ring.

“What’s it look like we’re doing?” I ask in challenge. His words about me and my problems ring through my head as I cross my arms over my chest. Frustration grows as he climbs into the boxing ring.

Tracker's eyes drop from my face to my chest then back up to meet my gaze. “Looks like you're trying to get yourself in trouble. What the hell are you thinking fighting Shadow?” he glowers at me.

“Excuse me, but do I look like he’s even touched me?” I snap.

“Not the point, Victoria,” he says, coming to stand directly in front of me.

“Brother,” Shadow starts but stops at Tracker’s furious gaze.

“I’ll deal with you next, brother,” Tracker sneers.

“No, you won’t, you jerk,” I state, pushing Tracker back to which he barely budges, causing his gaze to narrow further on me.

“What, are you trying to get in his bed now?” he snarls, grabbing my arm and pulling me flush against him. His words were more of a slap to the face than having the actual blow.

“Fuck you, Tracker. Unlike you, I can keep my pants on,” I scream. Lifting my leg, I attempt to knee him in the balls, but he stops me by swinging me around in his arms until my back is flush to his chest.

“Don’t start that shit with me, Princess. I’ve done nothing for you to give me lip,” he growls in my ear.

“Whatever,” I mutter, trying to keep the tears at bay while I fight his hold on me. First claiming I want to get in Shadow’s bed and now calling me Princess.

“Whatever, my ass, woman,” he rasps. “You're carrying my kid and continuously putting yourself in situations where you could get hurt. How stupid do you have to be?”

“Let me go, asshole,” I seethe, finally breaking his hold to face him.

“Answer the question,” he demands.

“No, I’m not going to answer your question Tracker. I’m done, I refuse to allow you to speaker to me this way. You want to accuse me of shit and call me names fine but don’t for one minute think I’d put our son in danger willingly,” I scream, turning away from him I quickly get out of the ring and run out of the gym.

He can go to hell for all I care right now. Running through the parking lot I jump into my Jeep. Starting her up I spin tires as I cut the wheel and race down the road.

Swiping my eyes, I barely have time to realize I’d just fucked up. The ticking tells me I’m screwed. Moving quickly, I open my door and throw myself out just as my jeep explodes within feet of me.

I try to stand and get away from the wreckage but a sharp pain in my stomach causes me to fall back to the ground. I do my best to crawl away from the flames and debris.

Another sharp pain in my stomach hits and I know I’m in labor. This can’t be happening right now.

Not yet.

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