Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(77)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(77)
Author: E.C. Land

“Yeah, tell me about it. Rachel’s been insecure enough with all the shit that’s been going on. Only to have her see this. I don’t know if the girl is mine or not. And honestly I’m scared to fuckin’ know. If it’s true, what does it mean? That I was never supposed to know I had another kid? My head is fucked right now with this shit. Puts my head back to not trusting bitches,” he growls, shaking his head as he leans forward bracing his elbows on his knees.

“Prez, you need to talk to Boss,” I state the truth to him. “I know you don’t want to trust her, and you don’t have to. But if that kid is yours, you have a right to see her and help raise her.”

“I know I do. Rachel even said I do. But it kills me seeing my fuckin’ wife upset thinking I only want her because she claims she looks like Boss. I don’t fuckin’ see it. When I look at Rachel all I see is light and feel whole. Whereas with Boss, I felt nothing. She and I only had one thing in common and that was fucking,” Stoney says.

Letting out a breath I grab one of the chairs that sits in front of my desk turning it to face Stoney I sit. “When the fuck did we turn into pussies?” I mutter.

“Beats the fuck out of me. Probably the moment we went balls deep in our ol’ ladies,” he chuckles before sobering. “I’m not gonna lose my woman over this bullshit.”

“And you won’t, Stoney. Rachel loves you too damn much to let you go. She’s just hurting right now,” I say hoping I’m right.

Straightening Stoney nods his head, “Enough of my bullshit what’s got you pissed,” he demands.

Fuckin’ hell.

“Guess since it’s pillow talk time I’ll say it. I’m stressed the fuck out,” I admit.

“About what?” he asks, furrowing his brow.

“Every fuckin’ thing. Victoria, this shit with her parents and Parker. Then there’s the fact she wants to send Tiny to her brother’s club. We’ve got too much shit to worry about here. Blow needs our help again with the bullshit he’s got going on,” I mutter, leaning back in my chair and hang my head in frustration.

“Alright brother. For one Blow’s got a lot of shit going on with the High Kings gang. I also think Nine is the one pulling shit with them trying to take Blow down. Blow doesn’t know who to trust besides Keys, Lucky, and Shiner. I don’t blame him either,” Stoney sighs.

“Nine’s still pissed he didn’t get the Prez’s chair when his ol’ man was killed,” I say, shaking my head.

“I bet, but what he doesn’t realize is you gotta earn that seat and Blow has. Nine doesn’t even deserve the VP spot. Hell, Horse isn’t even the Prez of his charter but he’s not whining and moaning about it. He’s perfectly fine with being VP. Twister earned his place as Prez,” Stoney declares.

He’s right Twister did earn his position and a lot of it had to do with the way he worked his ass off. Horse, being Twister’s best friend, even saw he was the better person for the position when it came time for them to move.

“As for cunt one, two and three, we’ll get them when they show their faces. Now what’s with her wanting to send Tiny to Inferno’s Clutch?” Stoney asks.

“She thinks that Raven’s mom could help Tiny heal. She’s some sort of a healer,” I shrug not really believing in the bullshit.

“And you don’t think it would be a good idea?”

“How could it? I mean the girl is scared of her own shadow,” I say.

Nodding Stoney seems to contemplate my words. “You remember when Cleo came to stay with us. She was scared of everything around her. I walked in on her ready to end her life because of the bullshit that fucker Jake put her through. Coming here helped her start the healing process. It might be a good idea for Tiny to go to another club. Doesn’t have to be Chains’ it could be Hammer’s or even Twister’s club. Shit could even send her to Reaper’s club.”

“You’re out of your mind if you think we could send her to Reaper’s club they’d eat her alive,” I chuckle. People around here think we’re crazy, try facing Reaper and Angel. They take pleasure in killing those who deserve it.

“Why don’t we let Victoria and Rachel ask Tiny? She might not even want to go,” Stoney suggests.

“And if she does?” I ask, feeling protective of the girl. Since she arrived at the clubhouse, we’ve all felt like we needed to protect her.

Shit, she might have been with a couple of the guys when she first got here. But that all changed after she’d come to Stoney and me, explaining she was hiding from those who would kill her for, as she put it, sinning before wedlock.

There’s some sick as hell people out there in this world.

“Then we let her go. Tiny deserves to be happy,” Stoney shrugs.

Doesn’t everyone.

Nodding my head, images of Vi pop in my head when I’d asked her to marry me. The smile she’d given me. Damn if she doesn’t make me feel just as Stoney said.




Chapter Twenty-Nine






Sitting at one of the tables in the main room of the clubhouse by myself, I pick at the label on my water bottle. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but now I can’t get his words out of my head.

I mean I didn’t ask him to take on all my problems. I was perfectly fine with handling it on my own. I didn’t need him to do a thing for me. He still thinks I’m this delicate flower who needs him to do everything for me when he knows I’m more than capable of doing things for myself.

Then there’s the part about Tiny. This is the second time he’s said he didn’t think she needed to go. Does he have feelings for her?

All my self-doubts want to come creeping in and regret listening in on his conversation with Stoney. But who wouldn’t eavesdrop when their name is mentioned?

“Are you okay?” I blink as Momma B waves her hand in my face.

“I’m sorry,” I murmur, clearing my throat.

“Nothing to be sorry for sweetheart. What are you doing over here all alone? Rachel and I’ve been in the playroom with the twins,” she states.

“I just wanted some time to myself,” I say. It’s technically not a lie. I did want to be by myself.

Yeah, to dwell in self-pity.

“Well, why don’t you come hang out with us,” Momma B suggests, smiling.

“Can I ask you something?” I blurt out the question before I could stop myself.

“Of course,” she says softly, taking a seat across from me.

“How do you do it?”

“Do what, Vi?” she asks, her brows knitted together.

Shaking my head, deciding to drop the subject. “Sorry it’s nothing. Just pregnancy hormones. Can you tell Tracker I’m going home to take a nap?”

“Sure, but just so you know whatever’s got you upset don’t let it fester. It will only cause trouble. I’d suggest letting it out before it gets to you,” she declares.

“What if it already has?” I whisper.

“Then you find an outlet,” she suggests. “What would you normally do?”

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