Home > From Alaska with Love(32)

From Alaska with Love(32)
Author: Ally James



Chapter Sixteen



Gabe had been home for a week, and he was about to lose his mind. After the mess with Sara, the last thing he’d needed was a month off work. So when his boss had come down with the flu and had asked him to take over the training exercises they were in the middle of, he’d all but jumped at the chance. Even in the snow, a few days in the field sounded like a Club Med vacation to him. Especially considering Sara’s flight was scheduled to land tomorrow afternoon, and he damn well knew she wasn’t going to be on it. She hadn’t attempted to text or e-mail him for a few days now, which was more telling than anything.

   He reached down and scratched his dog between the ears, then patted his side. “Good boy. Let’s head back to the house.” He’d taken so many damned walks that even his dog, who was normally thrilled with any outdoor time, was beginning to rebel. If Gabe continued to mope around in the forest as a form of distraction, he’d probably be doing it alone. Trouble could be bribed for only so long with treats before he refused to budge from the front porch. Apparently, man’s best friend drew the line at getting frostbite. Maybe it’s me, after all. First Sara and now Trouble. It made him look forward to going to work tomorrow even more. The soldiers might grumble about it, but they had no choice but to go where he led. Oh shit. Why did I tell them about her? He’d always been such a private person, yet not only Jason but several of the other guys knew about Sara. There would be questions. Women might have the reputation for it, but men could be just as nosy. And they were much tougher to dissuade. He thought about calling Jason ahead of time and filling him in to avoid the face-to-face explanation, but he wasn’t up to it. The wound was still too raw where she was concerned. I hate that I miss her. How is that even possible? We’re strangers.

   “Hey, handsome, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to avoid me.” Trouble made a groan of distress that echoed Gabe’s sentiments perfectly. Melanie Trotter was a neighbor who lived a couple of miles from him. Unfortunately, she was also yet another lapse in judgment for him. She had made no secret of the fact that she was interested in him shortly after he’d moved here two years ago. But long hours and a lot of traveling had kept her at bay—for the most part. Her parents had moved to Florida four years earlier and left her their place here. She told him early on that she’d divorced her husband because they weren’t compatible. Word around town was that he’d actually left her for another woman. Gabe could see how that would be something you wouldn’t want to advertise. Everyone had their pride. It hadn’t seemed to put her off the idea of another relationship with a soldier, though, because she’d done everything short of proposing to him. Last year in a weak moment, he invited her to the annual military ball, thinking it might be nice not to fly solo, as he normally did. He should have left it at that. But a few too many drinks had led to subpar sex and a woman who seemed to think they were in a serious relationship. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her feelings, so he let things continue on longer than he should have. They dated casually up until he got the word of his last deployment. Then he used the excuse of not wanting her to put her life on hold. She hadn’t taken it real well. In fact, she’d thrown a glass at his head with impressive accuracy. Luckily, his reflexes were honed from years of training. She apologized the next day, but he brushed it aside and reiterated that it was over. He felt like an asshole, but it had to be done. He wasn’t in the market for a wife, and if he were, it damned sure wouldn’t be her.

   “Hey, Melly, how’ve you been?” Shit, she’ll take the nickname as encouragement.

   Sure enough, she was beaming at his slipup. She was dressed in formfitting jeans, knee-high boots, and a thick jacket that was so tight, it drew attention to her breasts. She came to play ball tonight. A few seconds later, those tits were squashed against his chest as she gave him a hug that was far from neighborly. “Your garage door was open and I saw your truck there, so I thought you might be out here. Anyway, welcome home, Gabe. I’ve sure missed you.”

   He stepped back, putting some distance between them. “Thanks, it’s good to be back. Everything been going okay around here?”

   She shrugged nonchalantly. “Ah, nothing ever changes. Old Man Jenkins is still nuts, and Mrs. Jenkins loves him anyway. That’s about as exciting as it gets.” She reached out and laid a hand on his arm. “You’re some much-needed excitement, Gabe.” When he didn’t take the bait she was clearly dangling, she gave what he’d come to recognize as her fake smile. “How about a good, home-cooked meal? I’ll fix all your favorites.” Bet I know what you’re planning to serve for dessert. He loved everything about his cabin in the mountains—except her. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he felt like it would eventually come time for a less diplomatic chat. But not tonight. He didn’t need any additional drama.

   “Thanks, but I’ve got to get up early tomorrow for a training exercise. I’ll be away for several days.”

   “Well, whenever you get back, then. I’ll text you and we can set it up.” Trouble flopped over on his back as if to say, Damn, I give up. A sentiment Gabe shared.

   “We’d better get back; the sun is beginning to set.” He covered the rest of the distance to his house a little faster than was polite when there was a woman along, but she kept up without complaint. Even managing to talk the entire time without sounding winded. He knew she spent a lot of time in the gym, and her trim figure attested to it. Although he admired her dedication, he’d always preferred a woman with curves. Like Sara’s. She and Melanie were as different as night and day in almost every way. He knew she was hoping for an invitation when they reached his place, but to extend one would give her the green light, and that’s the last thing he wanted to do. So he nodded politely before saying, “Roads are clear, but better take it slow going home. Have a good evening.”

   His manner bordered on impolite, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. It wasn’t all Melanie’s fault, though. His mood had been in a steady downward spiral all day, as his subconscious insisted on counting the hours until Sara’s flight. The one he knew without a doubt she wouldn’t be on. To him, it felt like the final death knell of their unorthodox relationship. How many endings do you need? Wasn’t the one in North Carolina enough? A part of him had hoped that she’d take the next plane and show up in Alaska within hours of his arrival. But that hadn’t happened. No, instead, after a flurry of e-mails and texts, she went quiet. Did she care so little? Even as he tried to tell himself that she was simply abiding by what he’d said, it still bothered him. Were you hoping for another Melanie? He’d never liked the way his neighbor all but stalked him. Then he grew upset because Sara wasn’t doing that very thing—it made no sense. Because she’s different. No doubt every person who’d ever been a fool for love thought that same nonsense.

   As he walked through the home he usually considered his refuge, tonight he felt nothing but loneliness. She’d made him want things that he’d never desired before, and even though he blamed his reintegration for the restlessness that was driving him crazy, he knew it had little to do with that. No, the thing he was having the toughest time adjusting to was not the change from Iraq to Alaska. It was the transition back to solitude after feeling as if he were part of a couple. And the perplexing question that if they hadn’t been in a relationship, then why was this the hardest break he’d ever made?

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