Home > From Alaska with Love(46)

From Alaska with Love(46)
Author: Ally James

   He’d turned away to pour her a coffee when he heard her say, “I’d love to go with you. Just give me a few minutes to get dressed and we can go shopping.”

   She made it a few steps when he put a hand out to stop her. “Thank you, Angel, I—this makes me happy.” There was no way he could resist the urge for a good morning kiss. His mouth was inches from its goal when he suffered a sudden hurdle. “What . . . ?”

   “No way,” she mumbled as she backed up. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet. I refuse to go down in history as the chick with morning breath.” He smiled, wanting to assure her that he was willing to risk it, but not if it would make her uncomfortable. She surprised him, though, when she winked and said, “But please try again later. I mean—don’t forget.” Damn, she’s cute.

   After she was gone, he replied to a few e-mails in his office, then went outside and started the truck so that it would be warm. When he came back in, she was dressed and pulling on her coat. No time like the present. She glanced up at him and her eyes widened, as if sensing what was to come. She’s not running, good sign. She inhaled sharply when he raised his hand and ran a thumb over the curve of her lower lip. “Gabe,” she whispered, just as he lowered his head and took her mouth in a gentle kiss. He could feel her heart thudding against his chest as he pulled her closer to his body. The feel of her arms wrapping around his waist told him better than words that she wanted this as much as he did.

   The connection they shared long distance was even more potent in person. He wanted to explore every inch of her body. She was like fire in his veins. He’d never reacted this strongly to a woman before. He was almost afraid to test his control by deepening the kiss, but the slide of her tongue against his took that decision from him. His hand had just made contact with the curve of her ass when something wedged between them. One of them protested—heck, possibly both. They strained forward, not wanting to let go . . . but Trouble was out of patience. Unfazed by Gabe’s command to stop, the canine continued until he was leaning against Sara. I’ve been dog-blocked, he thought incredulously.

   Sara dropped her head, and for a moment, he was afraid she was upset over the embrace. But then a giggle erupted . . . and another, until her entire body was shaking. He found himself laughing as well, unable to ignore that Trouble was jealous. “Buddy, I thought we were friends,” he grumbled. As much as the interruption sucked, it was undoubtedly for the best. As it was, his zipper was digging painfully into his dick. Another few minutes and he’d have taken her against the mudroom wall. Damn, don’t think about that now. He reached over and cupped her cheek. “We’d better get out of here before I get carried away again and he mauls me.”

   Her face was flushed, but there was a sparkle of satisfaction in her expression that made him feel good. Any question of how their relationship would handle the transition to the real world was answered fully. We almost threw this away. She pulled her coat back around her and buttoned it before telling Trouble good-bye. As they walked to his truck, Gabe found himself wondering how someone who had been there only a week could make such an impact on not only him but his dog as well. He also wondered how they would ever go back to the life they’d lived before her should she leave. He pushed that sobering thought aside as he took her hand. He didn’t want to miss out on the joy of being with her by worrying over the future. Instead, he vowed to savor each day with her as if there were no tomorrow.


* * *


   • • •

   Sara stood before the mirror in the bathroom and studied her reflection carefully. Penny, her helpful sales associate, had assured her that the red mermaid dress she’d picked out was perfect for her. And it had seemed to be. In fact, Sara had never worn anything so sexy and glamorous before. The formfitting, off-the-shoulder lace gown was gorgeous.

   She’d also stopped by a salon that Maxi recommended and had her hair styled in a loose French twist, which made her neck seem impossibly long and slender. The nude-colored pumps had a higher heel than she would normally wear, but they were surprisingly comfortable. She rounded out the ensemble with a matching bag that was just big enough for lipstick, her phone, and some tissues.

   She couldn’t believe how inexpensive the dress was. Apparently the store was having a clearance sale on last year’s styles, and everything she tried on was less than half what the tag showed. It was a stroke of luck, considering she refused to let Gabe pay for any of it. She was already staying with him free of charge. She didn’t expect him to clothe her as well.

   “Angel, are you almost ready? I’m sorry to rush you, but we need to leave in about fifteen minutes.”

   “I’ll be right there.” She inspected her makeup one last time. Squaring her shoulders, she walked out of the bathroom and nearly crashed into him in the hallway. “Whoops!” She teetered for a moment before he reached out to steady her. Why is he staring at me like that? “Gabe?” She glanced down, thinking there was a wardrobe malfunction. Yet nothing seemed amiss. Both nipples are covered—check.

   “You’re absolutely beautiful,” he breathed out shakily. He took her hand and swiveled her around slowly. “Wow. I know I should say something more refined, but that one word keeps going through my head.”

   When she got her first real look at him in his dress blues, she knew exactly how he felt. Damn. Did I say that out loud? The look of confusion on his handsome face said that she had. She cleared her throat before trying again. “You’re like seriously hot, Major. I mean you’re always sexy, but this is smoking.” He’s blushing. Ah God, I’m so in love with him. Luckily, it didn’t appear that she had shared the last thought.

   “Um—thanks,” he murmured as he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. “Might as well get some practice in on this. You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now. But even if you’d let me mess up your lipstick, I still wouldn’t trust myself.” They chatted easily on the drive to the hotel where the ball was being held. Traffic was heavier near town, and Gabe mentioned the night skating at Westchester Lagoon. “I’ll take you there one day. They have big fire pits for warmth and there’s hot chocolate and music. No way I’m getting on a pair of ice skates, though,” he added on a laugh.

   “I’d love that,” she said softly. “And I think we can both agree to remain safely on our feet as spectators.”

   When they arrived at their destination, Gabe helped her from the truck, then handed his keys to the valet. After dropping their coats off, he put a possessive hand on her hip, guiding her into the room. She knew it was likely her imagination, but it felt as if every eye was on them. Gabe kept her close as they slowly made their way through a long receiving line, where she met Gabe’s boss and his wife, along with a bunch of others she would never remember. Truthfully, she was so giddy over him introducing her as his girlfriend that she hadn’t heard much after that. She hoped she hadn’t missed a question from anyone. When they made it to the end and had a moment alone, she motioned him closer and whispered, “See, I told you. It’s the uniform miracle. Everyone looks amazing.”

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