Home > Grant's Flame (Shark's Edge #5)(25)

Grant's Flame (Shark's Edge #5)(25)

I knew she was grinning without pulling back to look. The muscles in her face stretched with her delight.

“It’s the truth,” I vowed. “I could’ve stayed in that shower for hours just petting and praising you.”

“Well, then, I’ll pencil you in for when we make landfall.” Though her voice was still sleepy, a sultry edge accompanied her ending sigh.

“It’s a deal,” I said and let more of my weight settle onto her. I needed to feel every inch of her under me. Over me. Around me.

Fuck, somewhere. Anywhere.

No. That wasn’t right. I knew exactly where I needed to be. I had to be inside her. End of the goddamned debate. There was no way I’d make it through another night of watching her sleep while I did the noble thing and kept my dick to myself. It nearly killed me the first time, so two in a row would mean certain death. In essence, this wasn’t even a matter of seduction anymore—it was a matter of survival.

“Grant—” she said, her voice edging toward a protest.

“Open your legs, beautiful,” I interrupted in a firm command, “so I don’t crush you.”


“Woman, do you feel this hard-on?” I rolled my hips into her, refusing to be thwarted. At least not easily, anyway.

Rio grinned before saying, “Oh, I feel it. I’d have to be dead not to.”

“So? Help a desperate guy out here?”

Another light, captivating laugh—right before she parted her luscious thighs. But before I could release half a groan of approval, she surprised me in one of the best ways imaginable. She hooked her magnificent legs around my hips—but didn’t stop there. Quickly, she had her heels pressed into my ass, pulling me closer with an unspoken demand of her own.

I was officially in heaven. Her new position opened her intoxicating pussy to my hard length like a welcome home embrace. Warm—fuck, so warm—and inviting, it took every shred of my self-control not to just drive into her. But her body needed a little more preparation, and that was just fine with me. Maybe better than fine.

Absolutely better.

I dipped in and kissed her. Quietly and carefully at first, starting with her naturally crimson lips before trailing to one side of her mouth. She sighed softly, a perfect encouragement, so I continued my path of affection up over her nose, along one of her pronounced cheekbones, and then back to her perfect ear. Once there, I nipped at the delicious shell, waiting for her next gorgeous sigh as my wordless inspiration.

And maybe those kisses were doing some inspiring of their own, because a low belly moan worked its way out of her, and she dug her heels into my backside even harder. The leverage allowed her to lift her hips off the mattress and create delicious friction against my shaft with her now very wet pussy.

In a husky tone, I moaned, “Oh, yeah, Blaze. That’s it, baby. Use my cock for whatever you need, girl.” Then panted, “It’s all yours. Whatever you want—it’s yours—as long as you don’t stop doing that.”

“Oh, God, Grant.” A sigh. “Feels so good.” A moan. “I could come like this.” A promise? More like a threat.

“No, not this time. If I don’t come, I’m going to go blind, I swear. Let me inside that tight pussy.”

When she didn’t yield to my need, I gave her waist a demanding pinch. Immediately, she released the leg lock she had on my hips. At the same time, her dreamy stare fell to my groin.

And that sure as fuck did it.

No seduction could ever be as perfect as this woman’s wide stare. The way she was cataloging every hill and valley of my body as I held my cock in hand and lined up to claim her was nearly as incredible as claiming her itself. The hitch in her breath was like the strike of a match. I was hard; she was hot. I was swollen; she was ready.

After slicking through her arousal to ease the glide, I pushed my way into her. Then again. And again. Just as quickly and thoroughly, I leaned forward to swallow her outcry with an openmouthed kiss.

After a few deep thrusts, my orgasm was building like a wildfire. A spark of need gathered strength, quickly building into a flare of desire that swelled with blinding purpose. The tempo of our passion was so remarkable, it was difficult to comprehend its magnitude until it was almost too late.


Through no small miracle, I gathered enough fortitude to freeze midstroke. Rio jolted her stare back up at me. The passion and heat burning on her face were like gasoline to my open flame of desire. Yet I persisted, trying desperately to still her. Just for a few more minutes…

Uh-uh. Nope. I’d be lucky to make it another few seconds.

“What?” Rio demanded, searching me with curious and concerned eyes. “What is it? Grant? Do you want to switch?”

She squirmed, clearly intent on moving from beneath me, but her tiny undulations were torturous quakes of stimulation, drenching my helpless cock. Just like that, instinct and impulse took over. Before I could think twice, I shot my large hand out. I had to stop her wriggling, right the fuck now, and I did—by spreading my broad palm across her throat.

Her eyes bugged, impossibly big.

My dick throbbed, unignorably taunted.

And my mission for self-control? On the brink of utterly ambushed—especially as my sights riveted to where my hand still sprawled across her delicate neck. And then her not-so-frightened stare. And her shallow, sharp breaths from that slightly parted mouth…

Fuck. Me.

“Stay. Still,” I gritted through clenched teeth as she watched my personal battle with fascination. “Trying to last,” I panted out and squeezed my eyes closed for a couple of seconds. I couldn’t endure for much longer. For now, I had to shut out the erotic vision I had just created for myself.

But my ordeal continued as soon as I reopened my gaze. The little minx was determined to rob me of my sanity, because she was waiting to make direct eye contact again. Once we did, she mouthed one word to me.


I almost gave her a double take. Had she really just…

Oh, hell yes, she had.

And Rio proved as much with her follow-up. The woman blew the doors off my mental brick house by lightly placing her hand on top of mine. The exact hand still clutched around the slender column of her throat.

Well, that was all it took. That one gorgeous gesture. With one silent word, she’d stoked the flame to a full, phenomenal blaze.

Though if I were honest, the fire that burned inside me for this intriguing, infuriating, captivating woman…had a new ground zero. My hot interest for the sassy, sexy little imp beneath me had started months ago, where most heat does in my world—in my dick. But over the days, and through the harrowing experiences she’d endured, feelings sneaked their way up through my body and now simmered in the center of my chest. In my heart. And Rio fanned the emotion with every breath she took. I could openly admit now, those feelings had been building from the moment I met her. And ever since I’d been inside her scorching hot body? My feelings were careening toward alarming. The clanging five-bells-and-a-scream kind.

I never wanted the fire drill to end.

Especially now, as I flexed my fingers to add more pressure to her neck instead of her windpipe. At the same time, I thrust my hips forward.

“Put your hands on the pillow above your head, Blaze. Both of them. Now,” I growled. With a deeper groan, I watched her nostrils flare. I reveled in the feel of her pulse that thundered through her carotid, tripling in time beneath my commanding touch.

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