Home > Strong, Silent Cowboy (Moving Violations #2)(33)

Strong, Silent Cowboy (Moving Violations #2)(33)
Author: Lora Leigh

How far had her stepfather betrayed her?

“He knew about the operation,” Jacob stated, his hands settling on the back of the chair, his expression stoic. “I don’t know if he was aware that we were the agents. But I contacted his aide last night. He’s supposed to call sometime later tonight.”

Sallie had no idea what Jacob was thinking, or feeling. Neither his tone nor his expression betrayed much emotion. But she could feel the tension radiating from him, feel his anger building.

God, what had happened to her life? How had she managed to endanger so many people?

“I didn’t tell anyone about you.” Sallie fought to keep her voice from shaking. Her entire life was out of control and she had no idea how to fix it. “This isn’t because of you, Jacob.”

“Maybe you should have.” Hard, cool, his tone caused her own anger to flare back to life.

“Perhaps you’re right,” she agreed, her smile tight and hard. “It would have been far better had everyone believed as I did, that I was no more than a weekend fling you had no trouble walking away from.”

She slapped her coffee cup to the counter rather than throwing it, and inhaled deeply, fighting to control the hurt building inside her chest. Pushing her fingers through her hair she tried to remind herself it wasn’t his fault; she should have known to leave the second she realized he was there.

“John never hinted he knew Jacob?” Justice asked, his voice lacking any mockery for a change.

He would have had to actually talk to her about anything first, she thought, realizing just how little she and her ex-husband had communicated.

“When he gave me the annulment papers, he said I better find someplace to hide, because someone had screwed both of us.” She turned back to Jacob once again and watched the muscle at the side of his face flex dangerously. “I don’t know who he was talking about and he didn’t stick around to explain it.”

“If John had needed me for information, all he had to do was contact Langley and I’d have been notified,” he said, frowning at the information. “Besides, he knew I didn’t foul that operation. The men I was at that warehouse to identify were warned at the last minute. They were just unlucky enough that the explosives went off before some of their leading members could get out. Who set the explosives or why, we had no way of knowing.”

Justice’s phone chose that moment to ring. Turning from them, he answered quickly, pacing to the other side of the room as he spoke in a low tone.

“You should let me leave, Jacob,” she tried again, though she doubted it would work now any more than it had the night before. “I think John managed to get himself in trouble after the two of you parted ways and his enemies believe I’d be leverage. This isn’t about you.”

How could it be, no one had known about him?

He stared at her for long seconds, his predatory gaze gleaming with anger.

“Stop wasting your breath, sweetheart,” he growled, his arms going across his powerful chest. “If I have to tie your ass to my bed to make sure you stay right here, then that’s exactly what I’ll do.”

And as exciting as that would be, Sallie thought, it wasn’t going to solve anything. Running might not save her life, but it could save him, his friends. His family.

“Pride’s coming up on the turnoff to the ranch.” Justice walked back to the table. “Said he has some clothes for Sallie if we want to walk out and collect them.” The look he gave Jacob was a warning. The fact that Justice wanted to talk to Pride without her presence was evident.

“If you’ll bring my stuff in, I’ll shower,” she told Jacob as she shot Justice a knowing look. “You boys can have your little visit alone.”

Far be it for her to intrude, she thought mockingly.

She was too damned sharp, Jacob thought, his gaze meeting Sallie’s squarely. She carried her anger well, but it was there, and it was building. And being cut out of the loop wasn’t helping that anger either.

Whatever Pride was bringing in other than Sallie’s clothes, Justice wasn’t certain about letting her know until he had a chance to discuss it. And though Jacob wasn’t certain how he felt about that, he knew Justice. Justice wouldn’t make that call if he didn’t feel it was needed.

“Get her things,” he ordered Justice then turned back to Sallie. “I won’t keep anything from you. I promise.”

Her lips quirked with subtle mockery.

“Sure you will.” Her disbelief wasn’t in the least subtle. “But at least try to stay away from explosions this time, hmm?” An arch of her brow and she turned back to the sink, singularly ignoring both of them.

The message was silent but all the more powerful for the fact that she said nothing more.

Damned pure, stubborn will, Jacob thought. Sallie had a surfeit of grace and a steel backbone that he was only now realizing existed within her. He hadn’t seen her cry, she hadn’t exploded or gone into hysterics.

No, she’d just turned her back on both him and Justice and picked up her cup of coffee.

When she turned back, cup in hand, a slender brow arched quizzically. “I think that’s Pride’s truck I hear coming up the drive.” She nodded toward to the door. “I’d really like that shower, if you don’t mind.”

Jacob couldn’t help the amused quirk of his lips. Damn, by the time he got his hands on her, he was going to be so hungry for her, he’d probably end up coming in his jeans before he ever got around to spanking that delectable little ass.

For now, he’d let her get her jibes in, he thought as he left the house. She was angry, and she had a right to be, just as she had a right to be hurt. And he had a right to protect her, ensure her safety, and hear those broken little screams of pleasure she made.

A right to once again be the man he’d been until he’d lost the memory of her. His subconscious hadn’t forgotten her, nor had that part of him allowed him to be the lover he’d been with Sallie, after her.

He was fine with that. She was back. And now, by God, she’d get all of him.



chapter twelve

Sallie had showered and dressed and was pacing the open living-dining area with her tablet in hand and the Bluetooth phone receiver at her ear as her assistant brought her up to date with the store. Dillerman’s was the leading farm supply station for three other counties and Sallie knew the place never ran smoothly.

If she didn’t make it back to her own home and back to work within a few days, she’d have a mess on her hands.

“Justice has a killer order in, so does Jacob and three other smaller ranches we picked up in the past weeks. We’re running low on feed of every variety and seriously, Sallie, you’re going to have to do something with your supply manager. Davison refuses to order supplies in enough quantity to cover the store if there are problems. If we’re completely out of feed and have to wait for supplies to come in when the Culpepper or Donovan orders come in, trust me, Grange and Keller are going to come down on our heads, not Davison’s.”

She’d talked to Davison several times about the feed and regular ranching supplies, but he still wasn’t listening.

She made a note to check the supply numbers and order herself if needed before Tara moved on to floor sales.

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