Home > Holding Onto You(443)

Holding Onto You(443)
Author: Kennedy Fox

Which of course, I adamantly declined.

Tyrone closes his eyes. “Too bad people's perceptions of killers is so black and white. I mean, yeah—he murdered someone...but he's not a bad person. And if everyone knew what actually happened, they would realize that. But even if they did; who knows if the jury or the rest of the world is going to really believe it. They'll probably think it's all some kind of act.”

I thumb the goblin on my necklace and think about this for a moment. “I know, I just wish everyone could see the real him.”

The idea hits me like a semi-truck.

I stand up and look at Tyrone. “I know how to do that. I think I figured out a way to help Jackson. It's a long shot but it's—” I start to say before everything fades to black.



I wake up to four sets of eyes staring at me: Momma's, Tyrone's, Shelby's, and a man wearing a white lab coat that I vaguely recall seeing once before.

Never mind that though, I have to finish telling them my plan.

I quickly sit up in bed. “We all know how the media affects people's perceptions of things, right?”

They all stare at me like I'm bonkers.

“I think she might have a neurological issue of some kind,” Tyrone says while looking up at the doctor.

Momma pats my head. “You do know you're in a hospital, right?”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, I know; I probably passed out again or something. Maybe I'm sick again. Whatever. This is more important—”

The doctor approaches me and cuts me off. “Young lady, I have important rounds to make. So, if you don't mind I'd like to speak with you.”

I hold out my hand. “Just fork over the prescription for my antibiotics and I'll be on my way, Doctor. I have important stuff to do.”

He sighs “I think we should probably speak in private, this time.”

“No. I'm fine,” I insist. “I really need to go back home so I can save my boyfriend who's currently in jail.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “In that case, I really must insist that we speak in private.”

He looks at Momma but she shrugs. “I ain't leaving if she doesn't want me to.”

I hold out my hand again. “Put it here, Doc.”

He pinches the bridge of his nose before he reaches inside his lab coat and hands me a large bottle of pills.

I stare at the bottle of prenatal vitamins and blink while Momma gasps with tears in her eyes. I try handing them back to him. “I think this is a mistake.”

He focuses his attention to his tablet. “No mistake. Your HCG levels are consistent with being around 4, maybe 5 weeks pregnant. You'll need to have an ultrasound to confirm this, of course.” He moves his glasses up his face and looks at me. “By the way, you're anemic so you really need to start eating more meat in addition to the iron pills I'll be prescribing you. I think that's why you fainted. Either that, or you stood up too quickly and your blood pressure plummeted.”

I jump up from the bed, horrified. “I'm not pregnant, Doctor. I'm telling you, there's been a mistake.” I lower my voice. “I'm on birth control.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that Tyrone appears to be in deep thought before he says, “Did you use a backup method while you were on those antibiotics?”

My hand flies up to my face and I sit back down on the bed.

Fuck a duck. That was an entire two week period of unsafe sex. How could I be so careless?

I look at Tyrone and he smiles. I've never wanted to strangle someone for being so goddamned smart and perceptive. Momma starts jumping around the room acting like she won the lottery. “I'm gonna have a grandbaby.”

I can't share in her glee, though. Shelby's eyes meet mine and she gives me a sympathetic look.

At least she understands.

Maybe it's the hormones, but the dark cloud is over my head with a vengeance and I bury my head in my hands and cry. I miss Jackson so much. He should be here with me right now.

“Everyone out. Now,” Tyrone shouts, causing everyone to startle.

Open mouthed, everyone, including the doctor, leave the room.

He rolls his wheelchair by my bed and reaches for my hand. “I'm not going to sit here and tell you to keep this baby or to get rid of it, Alyssa.”

I squeeze his hand. “Thank you. Because right now, I have no idea what to do.”

“What I'm going to tell you, is what Jackson would tell you.”

“What do you mean?”

“He'd tell you that he'd hold your hand the entire time. And he'd remind you that you're stronger than you think. He'd tell you that he'd respect whatever decision you end up making. He'd also tell you that he loves you.” He puts his hand over his heart. “And that's what I'm gonna do, Alyssa. Because no matter what happens...you're not alone and you have me. If you want to cry, if you want to shout, if you want to punch my face in so you feel better. Whether you want to keep this baby or not, I'll still be there.”

“Me too.”

I look up as Ricardo enters the room.

He looks at Tyrone then back at me. “Tyrone told me you were here. I know I haven't been around much in the last few weeks. I've had to take care of some business. But, I have good news.”

“I'd love some good news right about now.”

Ricardo smiles. “I've just hired the best lawyer on the East Coast to take Jackson's case.”

“How can you afford that?”

“You probably don't want to know. But, I'm going up to the jail this weekend to see Jackson and tell him. I wanted to see if you wanted to go with me but—” his voice drifts off and he looks uncomfortable.

I look down. “Should I tell him?”

Tyrone considers this for a moment before saying, “It's up to you. You don't have to make any decisions right this second. You still have time.”

“How good is this lawyer?”


“I hope so, because I want to put Jackson's video confession out into the world. I want the world to know who Jackson really is.”

Tyrone's eyes open wide. “You still have that?”

“Yeah. I never intended to use it against him. I just...the video made me fall more in love with him. When he talks about Lilly and how they grew up, how much he loved her and what happened when he found her, you just know that it was raw and honest. Every single word he uttered in that video showed Jackson's soul. He spoke straight from the heart.”

Tyrone's eyes are gleaming. “I never thought I'd say this, but we need to use that video. Influence the media, get people to hear what happened. It might not change their minds completely and there will still be people out there wanting him to serve time, but I think a majority will agree that he was justified.”

Ricardo snaps his fingers. “I agree. Upload that sucker on youtube right now.”



Chapter Forty






You would think I'd be upset to find myself back in jail again, but I'm not.

I've accepted it.

But it doesn't mean that my heart doesn't ache for Alyssa every second...or Momma, Tyrone, and Ricardo for that matter.

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